Biola Broadcaster - 1965-04

(With features from March


TheBibleIostitntcHour CALIFORNIA Arroyo Grande-San Luis Obispo


broadcaster Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 5 No. 4 SEEING HIS FACE .................... 3 WORSE THAN NOTHING ......... 5 DESIRING TO SEE H IM ...... 7 ROBBING GOD ....................... 9 LAM E TAKE PREY ...................13 BELIEVING THE WORD ............15 DEDICATED TO PRAYER .......... 17 DAYS FOR WORK .................... 19 M IRACLES OF CHRIST ............. 21 QUESTIONS A N D A N SW E R S ...... 23 TU ESDAY-TH URSDAY BIBLE STUDIES .................... 28 APRIL, 1965 CONTENTS Y O U R C H R I S T I A N W I L L Did you know that there is a wav lo invest in Biola for the training of students while saving costly estate taxes. Ultimately you may be able to leave more money lor your loved ones. As a Fellowship member you are under no obligations when you write for information or counsel. BIOLA STEWARDSHIP DEPARTMENT STAFF President ............ S. H. Sutherland Editor ............. Al Sanders Production ......... Virginia Schvrepker Printing ................ Church Press Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Cal. Controlled circulation postage paid at Los Angeles, California. COVER: California desert scene by Al Jamison.


1280 550 1050 1290 1130

4:00 9:30 9:00 A.M. MTWTF P.M. Sun A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. Sun. A.M. MTWTF P.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 8:00

Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY Chico-Marysville KHSL Fresno-Dinuba KRDU jCWSO


94.5 (FM)

Lodi-Stockton KCVR Los Angeles KBBI


107.5 (FM)

8:30 9:00


KTYM 1460 Los Angeles-Long Beach KGER 1390 KGER 1390 Oxnard-Ventura-Santa Barbara KAAR 104.7 (FM) 8:00 KOXR 910 8:00 Redding-Red Bluff KQMS 1400 8:00 San Bernardino-Riverside KFXM 590 7:30 11:00 10:30


Santa Cruz KSCO

1080 8:30 A.M. Sun.


99.1 (FM)

8:30 A.M. Sun.

San Diego

KBBW 102.9 (FM)

7:30 A.M. MTWTF 860 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 910 4:00 P.M. Sun.


San Francisco KFAX Santa Maria KCOY

1100 8:30 A.M. MTWTF

1440 7:00 A.M. Sun.


KHOM 93.1 (FM)

9:00 A.M; Sun.


Albany-Eugene KWIL Ashland-Medford KRVC Coquille-Coos Bay KWRO KWIL

790 790

8:00 A.M. MTWTF 3:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MWF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF



Portland KPDQ KPDQ


93.7 (FM)


Blaine-Vancouver, B.C. KARI 550 Seattle-Tacoma KGDN 630 Spokane KCFA 1330 Walla Walla KTEL 1490 Yakima KBBO 1390

11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 11:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MWF 10:00 A.M. MTWTF (Radio Log continued, on page 14)


Dr. Walter Wilson



I N THE LAST BOOK OF THE BIBLE there are some very inspiring and challenging five-word messages for our hearts. Seven things begin in Genesis and end in Revelation. That is a most interesting study in itself which we will have to save for an­ other time. Our text now is found in the fourth verse of the last chapter where we read the words, “They shall see His face.” My, how wonderful this thought which should be the very goal of all Christians. This is the con­ summation of our faith. In his first Epistle John says, “It doth not yet appear what we shall be; but we know when He shall appear we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” I remember visiting Buckingham Palace, hoping to see the Queen’s face. Her flag was flying so I knew she was there, however, I couldn’t catch even the slightest glimpse of her. But after all, I am not royalty, and I have no right to this exclusive privilege. Aren’t you thankful that we don’t have to be “somebody” to see the Lord? It doesn’t depend on our education, money, looks, ability, or anything other than simple faith in His atoning sacrifice for our sins. The Bible describes what happens to those who saw the Lord. John’s testimony of the resurrected Christ was, “I fell at His feet as though I were dead.” You remember Moses wasn’t aware that his face shone after being with the Lord. Such a glimpse of Him is more than mortal man can stand. When we come into His presence by faith, we can see Him for the first time in true perspective. Nothing else could make such a complete transformation of your entire being and character. The joy of the Lord in your soul won’t cause you to have a long face and a sour disposition. Be­ cause of the people’s sin, Jeremiah said that God turned His face away from them. These people were so

wicked they turned against their God and Creator. When you stop to think of it, it will take a miracle for the fulfillment of this promise, “They shall see His face.” Everything has to be removed which would hinder such a vision. Do you know any religious leader who could lift you up to dwell in the pres­ ence of God where you would really see His face? Do you know any set of moral codes which could make you fit to see the Lord, other than the pre­ cepts which the Saviour Himself has given us? That great p r e a c h e r , Charles Spurgeon, was just coming down from the platform after preach­ ing a wonderful message. One of the deacons said, “Sir, without question, that’s the best sermon you ever preached in your life.” The man of God replied, “My brother, you’re too late. The devil told me that five min­ utes ago.” See how quickly pride en­ ters into everything we do. This is Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (left), Biola president, chats with Dr. Stuart Briscoe of London, a re­ cent speaker during the Torrey Memorial Biblo Conference held throughout Southern California.


Suppose that your husband, whom you dearly love, is killed suddenly on his way home from work. What are you going to say about it? In my medical practice, I have seen so many people whom I thought loved God until He touched something in their lives. There was a woman in Kansas City whose husband passed away totally unexpected. He kissed her goodbye at the front door and be­ fore he ever reached his car he fell dead of a heart attack. I had thought that the woman was a friend of God. Yet, do you know what happened? She became God’s enemy. You should have heard her terrible remarks. She would have nothing to do with God. She said she never wanted to see His face. True faith brings joy and sweet trust in God even though there is a coffin in the parlor. To see His face is the combination of everything in the world. It means the trials of earth are gone, the rough road is passed, the sorrows and dreams are ended. We are presented to God without a spot or blemish. We are ushered into God’s wonderful pres­ ence as perfect creatures, trans­ formed by His matchless grace. Do you carry around a picture of a loved one? It is the face that makes that picture precious to us. So, in the case of our Saviour, whom having not seen, we love, our desire is to see His blessed countenance. As a child of God, you will see the Father’s face. When we visited Egypt we saw the mummy of the Pharaoh who was the supposed monarch who chased Moses. We looked at his face which had been unwrapped so that people could see him. I thought, “Moses saw that face and trembled. But perhaps he didn’t know God was going to deliver him. Who would want a face like this mummy’s?” The end of our life’s journeying will soon cease. For those who have placed faith and trust in Christ, this five-word message will be fulfilled in a blessed manner, “They shall see His face.” Will this be true in your life? Are you ready to meet the Lord? 4

something which God cannot endure. If you put a $20 bill in the offering plate, do you find satisfaction if some­ one takes notice of it? We give anony­ mously but hope someone finds out we did it. But say, when we see His face we will have all that terrible human pride taken away. Our God has promised, “Your sins and your iniqui­ ties will I remember no more.” Every sin is blotted out by the Lord Jesus Christ through His precious blood. We wouldn’t expect to go to see a king or queen and wear our old clothes, and not bother to bathe or IF I HAD KNOWN If I had known What troubles you were bearing What griefs were in the silence of your face, I would have been more gentle and more caring And tried to give you gladness for a space. I would have brought more warmth into the place— If I had but known. If I had but known What thoughts despairing drew you— Why do we never understand? I would have bent a little friendship to you, And slipped my hand within your lonely hand, And made your stay more pleasant in the land. If I had known. clean up. Since the Lord wants us to see His face He has provided us spe­ cial dress to wear in His robes of righteousness. This is just one of the 33 things the Lord gives us when we are saved. In addition, before we can see His face all enmity has to be removed. What king or queen of earth would want you around if you were their enemy? The Lord Jesus died for us to put away the enmity. Paul re­ minds the Ephesians, as well as us, of this fact. Suppose that just after you get the house paid for, it burns down and you don’t have any insurance.


by Dr. Walter Wilson

M ost people don ’ t like to hear the truth about themselves. The five-word message I want to consider with you this time is from Isaiah 41:24. The declaration of God’s Holy Spirit is, “Behold ye are of nothing.” F irst of all, whenever we find a “Behold” in the Bible we should know that it is God’s “stop and look and listen” sign. There is something very important to be considered wh6n this word is used. The marginal reading is very in­ teresting for this verse. It uses six words, but is certainly more em­ phatic: “Behold, ye are worse than nothing.” Could anything be worse than nothing? What kind of people were these to be described in such a manner? The entire context reveals that these people had forsaken the Lord. Secondly, they had built cisterns. The final cause was that they had rejected the wells of water which God had gra­ ciously provided for them. These peo­ ple were a liability and not an asset; they were a curse to the land and not a blessing. Because of their constant and willful disobedience they brought sorrow to God’s heart, as well as trouble and grief to their owh lives. Are you ever a liability to God? Are you worse than nothing? Would it be easier for the Lord if He didn’t have you on His hands? If you are a Christian, then when you were saved, you gave yourself to the Lord, body, soul and spirit. But what has hap­ pened since that day? Have you moved forward in the faith and grown in the Lord’s grace? The judgment of God was upon these people and enemies were used to bring them to destruction. When He sent Nebuchadnezzar, God declared, “I will shave you (Israel) with a razor that is hired.” Think of how complete such devastation would be. When I was in Palestine recently I was inter­

ested in seeing that the only trees to be found were those which had been planted since 1948 when they received their land back. God did just what He said He would. For a moment let us think about this next aspect of how they forsook the fountains of living water and dug out broken cisterns which could hold no water. Sometimes mirages come to our lives. We think of what might have happened if we had just bought up some certain property or invested in a particular stock. “If” is the story of our lives. There was a man I knew whose boy was kidnapped. He paid the ransom and somebody asked him, “Are you sorry you lost all that money?” With a burdened heart he truthfully re­ plied, “No, it was a liability to me. My money was what got me into trou­ ble. They wouldn’t have kidnapped the boy of one who wasn’t rich.” How true he was. The heavy sorrows were great when they found his murdered son. There was no rain for the Israel­ ites. The people dug the cisterns and tried to make something for their own joy, comfort and pleasure. Such a pur­ pose will never bring happiness. It Hr. Mery Fishback (left), executive director of Blola's Arizona Bible College, confers with Mr. Edwin Rogers, A.B.C. stewardship representative (center) and Hr. Pañi Schwepker, Biela Controller.


INCREASE IN DRINKING The Methodist Board of Temper­ ance recently reported that here in the United States establishments which are licensed to sell beer, wine or liq­ uor exceed by more than 131,000 the total of all churches, synagogues, ca­ thedrals, mosques, temples and other p l ace s of religious worship. That means, roughly speaking, that there is a total of 137,000 purveyors of alco­ holic beverages while there are only 306,000 places of religious worship in our country. I t is a sad and betraying note of the times in which we are liv­ ing. This is why we desperately need dedicated young man and women who will be the missionaries and spiritual leaders of tomorrow. As an example, right here in our own land is a tre­ mendous mission field with some 37,- 000,000 boys and girls, many of whom have never heard the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, except as someone has used it in swearing. THE CHALLENGE OF PEOPLE A recent news report states that the population explosion is of such mag­ nitude that every second, 21 hours a day, three more babies are bom. Each year which closes adds to the human mass the equivalent of a country like Italy (more than 50,000,000 people). When one considers the staggering crime rate and the rapid increase of immorality on every hand, there is a continuing and urgent need for men and women to stand true and firm to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the very purpose of Biola’s training program. It is the reason why our graduates go out, not only to the foreign fields, but also to such impor­ tant home mission fields as our public schools. Here there are some 37,000,- 000 boys and girls. Many of them have never heard the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ except in swearing. Proverbs 28:18 tells us, "Where there is no vision, the people perish.” A translation of that word "perish” tells us that “Where there is no vision, the people cast off all moral restraint.” What a sad commentary as we realize how true this is in our own land today. 6

certainly didn't to r these people, and yet they still wouldn’t return to God. This is the way with so many of us. We think that if we had things dif­ ferent, another husband or another wife, then we would be better off. We are never satisfied with what we have. Why would God give you any more if you are not content with what you have? No wonder He had to say to this people, “Behold you are of noth­ ing.” The Lord gives the parable about the master who had to say, “Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness.” This person never did any­ thing of merit, and was constantly and wilfully disobeying his lord. Some people make it harder instead of easier for the Lord to work. There was a little boy who wanted to help his daddy as he worked in the garden doing planting. He went along right behind his father, pulling up each tomato plant which had been carefully placed in the ground. Was he really helping his father? When his daddy realized what had happened he put a quick stop to it. It was worse than doing nothing. There was a man whom I remem­ ber who had been a backslider. Al­ though he had been very active in the church, he had soon left the fellow­ ship. I told him, “Brother, you don’t treat me right. You make me spend time praying for you when I should be praying for the unsaved. You’re causing the Lord and His people a lot of heartache. You’re a liability in­ stead of an asset.” Thank the Lord, he saw the light and changed his ways. How many others there are, however, who go along in their un­ concerned ways. How about your heart, beloved? Are you an asset or a liability? Does He have to follow you around fixing up things that you damaged or did in­ correctly? Don’t be a troublemaker or a critic. Let your life be a blessing to others so that the Holy Spirit can work through your life. You can know then that God will be glad you came to Him for salvation.


by Dr. Walter L. Wilson

O NE o f t h e wonderful things about the Bible is the many five-word sentence sermons the Lord scatters abundantly through the Scripture. He knew we didn’t have great minds so He made certain that all could read and understand. The one I want to consider with you now is found in Luke 9:9, “They desired to see him.” What a thought with which to chal­ lenge our lives. Don’t you ever have a desire to see somebody who means a lot to you? The situation here is where Herod de­ clared, “John have I beheaded: but who is this, of whom I hear such things? And he desired to see him.” Strange as it may sound, Herod wanted to see Jesus. Of course, his motive was anything but pure. No doubt he had heard wonderful things about Jesus. In fact, he thought maybe it was John the Baptist who had come back from the dead. (At least it indi­ cates a human intuition toward the truth of the bodily resurrection.) The world expects to see some miracles in the lives of those who pro­ fess to know the Lord. You have been raised from the dead, in figure at least. People expect you to be different than before. But are you really? If you have been to Calvary to see the Saviour, then by faith you have been to eternity. You know the terrible suffering which will befall the lost. With such an understanding, how could you be the same person? When your life is in touch with the Lord, you have to be different. But. let us think for a moment about some other people mentioned in the Bible who wanted to see Jesus. There was Zacchaeus, a very rich per­ son and prominent leader in the area. When the news reached him that Jesus was coming, he ran down the road ahead of the crowd just to get a glimpse of Him. You wouldn’t see any politician of today doing that. You

know about how he climbed up into a tree so that he would be sure to see Him. He didn’t care what people thought. What a change was wrought in his life thereby. Then there was the rich young ruler who came to Jesus for help. Mark tells about it in the 10th chapter of his gospel account. He asked a very pertinent and vital question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” This was an admission that he didn’t have it. He had been a very religious person all of his life, but still he didn’t know real peace. Then there were wise men who came from the East, from around Babylon, stating, “Sir, we would see Jesus.” Here were learned, wealthy and influential leaders who had trav­ eled for miles just to see Him. Now, the question, “Have you seen Christ?” One look and you will never forget it. My heart is always thrilled to think of blind Bartimaeus who wanted to see Jesus. Born without any physical sight, he had never seen a human be­ ing, never seen a flower, never seen the sunshine. Yet, all he wanted was to see Jesus. He wanted Jesus to do something to and for him, and the Saviour did! There were ten lepers who wanted to see Jesus. They knew they were covered with the dread disease, but they wanted to see the Lord for they knew He could cure them of their leprosy. When you go into the office of a doc­ tor or a dentist, you wait your turn. Sometimes it takes much longer than you anticipated. But you wait, for you have a need that must be cared for. Why not come to the Lord in this same way? You don’t have to wait! There is no appointment schedule to keep for the door is always open. And say, you will never get a bill from Him! He always supplies freely and without charge. He gives you joy instead of 7

sorrow, and a garment of praise rather than a spirit of heaviness. No one else can do that! In Herod’s case here, while it doesn’t say specifically, no doubt his purpose was to see Jesus out of idle curiosity. There are a lot of people like that today. Are you one of them? Then, do you remember the woman about whom L uk e writes who brought an alabaster box to the Lord. She put it at Jesus’ feet breaking it as a symbol that she wanted forgive­ ness. No doubt she was a woman of the streets; one who sold her body. She came to the Lord just as she was. There was nothing she could do about her guiltiness without His help. She kissed His feet and washed them with the hairs of her head. How she longed for the opportunity to be with Him. Christ told her, “Your sins are forgiven; go in peace.” She received this without even asking, for she showed by her actions what her needs were. He knew she had repented of the type of life she had been living. I t is further interesting to realize that over in Bible times an alabaster box was the equivalent to our modern hope chest. The box revealed that she wanted a lover. She had found the One to whom she committed her whole life and soul. The breaking of the box was a symbol that her quest had ended. What a beautiful picture. She an­ swered the open invitation of the Lord, Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” That is what she wanted. How about you ? Do you have a box to break a t His feet? You may be a very sweet, honest, upright, and re­ ligious person, but does the Lord have your heart? Have you ever seen Him with the eye of faith? Pilate desired to see Jesus, but his purpose was evil. Herod’s interest was passing at best. It was his soldiers who prepared the crown of thorns for Christ. How will you look upon the Saviour of the world? Has He ever forgiven you of your sins? Have you given Him your whole life: body, soul and spirit? Let Him put His robes of righteous-

Biola School of Missionary Modlcino students working In dental laboratory. Loft to right are Jenny Loo, from Cambodia; Patricia Schuti from Los Angelos; and Carolyn Sanders from Atlanta, Georgia. WORK AND TAXES A leading national mdgazine recent­ ly came out with a brief note which should give us some idea of the tre­ mendous cost of aur nation’s day-to- day operation. 1The illustration is given for ehsy Comprehension that on May 7th, lff$5fat 1:12 in the after­ noon, if you are a wage earner, you will have completed the work neces­ sary to pay your share of federal, state and local government opera­ tions. The New York State Chamber of Commerce reports that the average man has to work nearly 90 days to earn the 37% of his income which goes for various taxes. Of course, the money has to be paid; ,we have no choice. But what about our Christian stewardship. There is no force exerted when it comes to furthering the Lord’s causes. It is interesting to realize that for every missionary we have sent into foreign lands, it has cost the church approximately $1,500. For every man in the armed forces we send, however, the costs are $30,000. Which has the more lasting effect. ness upon you as the free g ift of sal­ vation. Go to see Him today. Do not put it off a moment longer for “now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.” 8


Dr. Walter L Wilson


O UR NEWSPAPERS ARE FILLED with reports on lawlessness. The Bible, however, tells about one crime which will probably never appear in print or headlines. Our five-word sentence ser­ mon for this message is taken from Malaohi 3:8. This asks the interesting and certainly pertinent question, “Will a man rob God?” The Lord Himself is asking this. If you are saved by grace you be­ long to Him. In addition, everything you have belongs to Him. Is the Lord first with us? Do we recognize His sovereign Lordship over everything we possess? All the gold and silver belongs to Him for He made it. One of the many fallacies of evolu­ tion is that none of those who believe it can explain to us how all the more than one hundred chemical elements started and where they came from originally. The Bible tells us, “In the beginning God created all things.” With this realization, why should we be interested in robbing Him? But is it possible for us, on the other hand, to enrich Him in any way? Perhaps not. What He desires, however, is our love and relationship to Him. When the word “rob” is injected, we are not just to think of money. A man came to me once about a problem he was experiencing with his wife. He told me, “I can’t stand it any longer. Three angels couldn’t live with that woman. I’m going to get a di­ vorce.” Then, a few days later, she came to see me. She said, “I can’t live with that man! Three angels couldn’t stand him! He is just impossible. I have to leave him.” This seemed like something I could fix up, so I had them both come to my office on the following Saturday afternoon. I had each one tell the other his or her feel­ ings. I told them, “Don’t hold a thing back; just spit it out.” This is exactly what they did. The husband said, ’“Dr. Wilson, if she asks me for anything I

get it for her. It doesn’t matter what it is. If she expresses a little desire that’s what I get.” The wife agreed and injected, “Yes, you do give me everything I ask for except yourself. Don’t you see, it’s you I want, not your gifts and presents.” The tears were streaming down her cheeks! Her husband was stunned. He went around where she was sitting and put his arm around her. Then he told her how sorry he was. That was the sweetest “make-up” of a domestic feud I have ever seen. You see, the man had been robbing his wife of himself. In my own case I remember when I came home and immediately started going through my mail. My sweet­ heart came in and said, “Wlfen are you going to love me more than those letters?” I said, “Right now, sweet­ heart. Don’t you see, I’m paying your bills.” “I know,” she responded, “but I want you more than I want your financial support or gifts.” It didn’t take me long to rectify the problem. This is what this message from Malachi really means. God is not first interested in your pocketbook; He wants, you! This is the first and great commandment: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” Do we fulfill this exhortation ? He wants the love of our hearts. “My son, give me thine heart,” the Scrip­ ture states. He hasn’t said a thing about money or any other posses­ sions. When He has our hearts then everything else will come along: time, talents, money. He tells us to come to Him. We are not told to go to the church, to the altar, to any other place but to Him. Seven times that invitation is extended to us in love and grace. When a man loves his wife he doesn’t squeeze the dollars until the feathers come off the eagles. He can’t 9

do enough for her. He goes out of his way just to make her happy and sat­ isfied. This is exactly what our Lord wants. Too many of us breeze through a brief “thank you” so that we can hurry over to the “gimmes.” This isn’t love, affection, admiration, or adora­ tion. In John 4:24 we read, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Have you robbed Him of your love? We think nothing of going into a restaurant with a friend as our guest. We tell him to eat anything he wishes. The prices are not to be considered. The only thing that matters is that the friend is completely satisfied. The bill may be five or ten dollars, but we are not greatly concerned. But how dif­ ferent it is when we go to church. We try to find some coin or that which will not cause us to be hampered in our own personal desires. We go to a football or basketball game and may have to pay two or three dollars for a seat. It doesn’t bother us. But how different w hen the offering p la te comes by us at church. The word “rob” means that what belongs to another person is stolen to use for oneself. The unsaved farmer may take God’s sun­ shine and soil provisions to get gain for himself. He sells his thousand bushels of wheat for a good profit, but God is never taken into considera­ tion. Then what about our time? This is certainly worth something. There are seven days in the week with about 16 to 18 hours each day that most of us are up. How much time does God get? Just remember that God is debtor to no man. You can never outgive the Lord. One Sunday morning as I arrived at church I saw a woman waiting out­ side. She had a husband and three children who were all sick in bed. She was weeping for the family had no food. In explanation she declared, “Minister, I don’t belong to this church, but I thought maybe you could help me.” When she told her story my heart was touched. All I had was a $5.00 bill which I gave to her. As I

went in the church, I just told the Lord, “You said, ‘He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord.’ Now, I loaned you $5.00 so won’t You pay it back, pretty soon? You know, that’s all I had.” After 'the service was over, folks came by to tell me how they en­ joyed the service. One woman left a $10 bill in my hand. Later I told the Lord, “I only loaned you $5.00. You made a mistake here.” But He didn’t. He always likes to do much more than we could ever hope or desire. Have you been robbing God of any- WHEN I HAVE GRIEF When I have grief that seems too hard to bear, When I am almost overcome with care. This is the hope which, shining bright and fair, Makes every shadow flee. My eyes will never, never, weep again, My heart will never feel the ache of pain. And every mystery will be made plain When Jesus comes for me! O greatest comfort to this heart of mine! O, blessed promise! — covenant divine! It cannot fail!— the Word, O Lord, is Thine: Glorious certainty! Then, to this future, let me look away And borrow courage for my task today, Content to watch and wait, to work and pray, Leaving the time with Thee. — Robert Crumly thing? Let us make certain that first of all He has our complete hearts and love. Someday we will see Him face to face. Will you have to blush when that glad hour comes? Do what you can now, for there is an hour coming when all our opportunities will be over. So live that you may be assured of the glad words of our Saviour when He says, “Well done thou good and faith­ ful servant. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!” 10

A MOTHER S TRUST Beneath the blood-stained lintel I with my children stand; A messenger of evil is passing through the land. There is no other refuge from the destroyer's face; Beneath the blood-stained lintel shall be our hiding place. The Lamb of God has suffered, our sins and griefs He bore; By faith the blood is sprinkled above our dwelling's door. The foe who seeks to enter doth fear that sacred sign; Tonight the blood-stained lintel shall shelter me and mine. M y Saviour, for my dear ones I claim Thy promise true; The Lamb is "for the household"— the children's Saviour too. On earth the little children once felt Thy touch divine; Beneath the blood-stained lintel Thy blessing give to mine. 0 Thou who gave them guard them— those wayward little feet, The wilderness before them, the ills of life to meet. M y mother-love is helpless, I trust them to Thy care! Beneath the blood-stained lintel, oh, keep me ever there! The faith I rest upon Thee Thou wilt not disappoint; With wisdom, Lord, to train them my shrinking heart anoint. Without my children, Father I can­ not see Thy face; I plead the blood-stained lintel, Thy covenant of grace. O wonderful Redeemer, who suffered for our sake; When o'er the guilty nations the judgment storm shall break, With joy from that safe shelter may we then meet Thine eye, Beneath the blood-stained lintel, my children, Lord, and I. THIS I KNOW 1 know not where tomorrow's road May point my pilgrim way,

I may not taste its joy or care, Nor see beyond today; But this I know-—my Father plans The path I cannot see; He knows each turn, each hill, each dale, And He will walk with me. I know not if my way be bright, Or dark with storm and rain; I know not what it holds for -me Of pleasure or of pain; But this I know— my Saviour's love Prepares my path each day. And held within His mighty hand I need not fear the way. I know not what the future hojds, Nor what life's evening brings, But with the glad salute of faith I hail its opening wings: For this I know— in God the Lord Shall all my needs be met; I'll trust tomorrow to His love Who has not failed me yet. ARE ALL THE CHILDREN IN? I think oft times as the night draws nigh Of an old house on the hill; Of a yard all wide and blossom-starred Where the children played at will. And when the night at last came down, Hushing the merry din, Mother would look around and ask, "Are all the children in?" 'Tis many and many a year since then; And the old house on the hill No longer echoes to childish feet, And the yard is still, so still. But I see it all, as the shadows creep, And though many the years have been Since then, I can hear mother ask, "Are all the children in?" I wonder if when the shadows fall On the last short, earthly day, When we say goodbye to the world outside, All tired with our childish play, When we step out into that Other Land Where mother so long has bteen, Will we hear her ask, just as of old, "Are all the children in ?"

the debt did not affect its legality. Con­ sider the situation facing every individ­ ual person. Multitudes have committed sins without making restitution with God or man. They will find themselves at a complete loss before the throne of God. Only Christ’s blood can cover the sinful­ ness of man. What about the believer, however, who goes on in willful and un­ confessed sin? Paul, under the inspira­ tion of the Holy Spirit, wrote, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that everyone may re­ ceive the things done in his body, ac­ cording to that he hath done, whether it be good orbad.” * * * Do good with what you have, or else what you havewilldo you no good. * • * CHRISTIANS AND CEDARS In the Word of God, the Cedars of Lebanon are compared to the righteous man. I t is a very interesting symbolism for several reasons. For instance, the wood of the cedar is of a reddish color. This reminds us of the blood of Christ applied to our hearts which alone can give eternal life. Again, the cedar wood is highly aromatic with a fragrance all its own. This speaks to us of the Chris­ tian’s testimony and conduct. Our wit­ ness for the Saviour must always send forth the odor of Christ’s heavenly gar­ ments. In II Corinthians we are told as believers that we are to be a sweet savor of Christ both in them that are saved as well as in them that perish. Then, too, these cedars are known for the way in which they repel insects and other ver­ min. In this comparison the one who knows the Saviour will want to repel evil deeds, as well as all of the false teachings of cults and religious systems so rampant in the world today. As be­ lievers, our relationship to the Lord makes us “pilgrims and strangers.” We must realize that we are the objects of the world’s hatred. These stately trees of Lebanon, green and attractive the year around, speak of eternal life and the wonderful heavenly joys which will be the righteous man’s heritage. Finally, these majestic trees have many more distinctive and practical uses than most. Cedar is built and carved into all sorts of valuable \possessions. Even so, the be­ liever is created in Christ Jesus not only to be looked upon, but also “unto all good works.” So in the book of Proverbs we read the wise words, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life!” 12

Eventually you can remove ajiy mountain by just carrying away one stone at a time. * * / * DESIGN FOR A HOME PREPARATION: Invite/God to lay the cornerstone. Excavate f i r the foundation hy removing doubt, fep/r and selfishness. C O N S T R U C T I O N : Erect a strong framework by faithYsupported by sturdy beams of deep\d!evotion; lay a solid flooring of sympathetic understanding; lath with generosity, insulate with en­ thusiasm and plaster with a sense of humor. Shingle the roof with protective kind­ ness and apply siding composed of high hope and great expectation. Chink all cracks and crevices with pleasant mem­ ories and little family jokes. Build in permanent fixtures of honesty and integ­ rity. Provide doorways unde enough for the heavy-hearted, as well as the merry- hearted, to enter. Plan plenty of win­ dows to admit sunshine for the joy of living. Carefully weather-strip all open­ ings with appreciation. Equip with plumbing adequate for daily cleansing of the Spirit; install heating apparatus guaranteed to main­ tain a steady glow of friendly warmth; illuminate with the shining radiance of smiles and tears, and ventilate with an unlimited supply of patience. Adorn the walls with cheerful courtesy and pave the hearth with hospitality. Cement the walk with humility and surround the yard with a fence of loyalty entered through the gate of grati­ tude. Furnish throughout with love. Insure against disaster by fervent prayer for daily guidance. Walk right in . . . the place is yours! * * * There'll be more fire in the pulpit if there is more prayer in the pew! * * * UNPAID DEBTS Recently in the Chancery Division of the British High Court of Justice, it was decided that gambling debts which had been incurred back in 1913 by a new deceased bankrupt individual were actu­ ally a part of his legal debts; a part of his estate problems. The referee in the receivership was ordered to pay some 15,COO from what little remained, to the man who held proof of the outstanding obligation. The fact that 52 years had passed had nothing to do with the legal­ ity of the debt. Similarly, the nature of

O F THE FIVE-WORD SENTENCES found in the Bible there is one which is both strange and surprising. I have reference to Isaiah 33:23 which de­ clares, “The lame take the prey.” When I first read that I wondered just what it meant. Praying over the verse the Lord seemed to reveal some blessed thoughts to me. Whenever I see people on crutches or those who are lame I quote this verse. The Lord’s thoughts and the Lord’s plans some­ times seem to be quite contrary to ours. In hunting, it is the swift, the strong and the able-bodied who cap­ ture the prey. This is the way man does it. But God says just the oppo­ site. Those who seem to be the least able for a battle are the ones who win and bring home the “dainties.” This is what the Lord meant when He said, “My strength is made perfect in weak­ ness.” Those who can’t get out can stay at home and do some wonderful things. Somebody has to pray and re­ main faithful. This was David’s motto who said, “I give myself unto prayer.” Can you say this, too? A famed evangelist explained to friends that the secret of his minis­ try and the reason souls were being saved was due to a man who was praying all the time in a room adjoin­ ing the tabernacle. I knew a sweet girl who was tied down to boards in her bed. She was only sixteen years old, but because she had c r i p p l i n g arthritis she couldn’t do a thing. Her father tied her down to boards so that she would not curl up and go all out of shape. This was how serious her case was. But, in spite of it all, she was very radiant and as happy as she could be. She told me, “Dr. Wilson, all I have to do is lie here loving my Lord and letting Him love me.” Isn’t that pre­ cious? She told me she always prayed for me. I tell you, that is a wonderful knowledge. There are not many people

like this. If there are spiritual vic­ tories it is because of dedicated peo­ ple like this. You see, those who seem to be the least able are sometimes the most valuable. Paul reminds us that in the Body of Christ there are some important and yet feeble members. Think about yourself a moment. Think about your little finger. Get a splinter in it and you will find out just how much you actually do use it and how important it really is. As fa r as the “household of faith” you may seem to be the most obscure person. Yet if you are a praying saint, studying your Bible daily, giving out the Word to those whom you meet, God will give you the “spoils.” There was a man in Kansas City who had no eyes and no hands. He lost these in a dynamite explosion. A preacher went to see him and was so stirred by the poor man’s faith that he told Ripley about him. The afflicted man was written up in the newspa­ pers. This fellow was unable to do anything for himself. People came from miles around just to find re­ freshment for their souls and spirits as they visited with him. He lived to be 91 and how I loved him. What an abundant entrance into glory he must have received. He gave thanks to the Lord for the seeming tragedy he had sustained in the earlier years. Others might say, “How cruel God was to let him suffer so much.” But actually, it was an even greater blessing. He truly took “the prey,” as this verse promises. If you want to experience blessing, then realize that in your weakness you are to wholly trust in the power of God. How frequently I have gone to church and felt completely empty and helpless. I have gone away thinking that I was a complete failure. Yet, in such times I discover that the Lord has been working although I have 13

felt helpless. I have seen God work re­ peatedly in such a way as this bring­ ing spiritual victories. Our five words are: “The lame take the prey.” It is when we feel we are a “big shot”* that nothing is accomplished. Yet, when we feel our utter dependence IF TWO OF YOU Please pray for me, my friend! I need your prayers, For there are burdens pressing hard, And many cares; Pray, too, that Christ will make of me The Christian that I ought to be. Do pray for me, my friend, At morning hour, That I may not be overborne By Satan's pow'r; That mid the whirl and maze of "things" M y soul may drink of hidden springs. And pray for me, my friend, When night comes on; God's stars look down upon us both, Apart— alone; Will you, dear friend, before you sleep, Pray Him my soul with yours, to keep? Cease not to pray for me, Tho' sundered far; Come, meet me at the mercy seat From where you are; Nor time nor distance can divide Our hearts that in His love abide. Thus, praying each for each, That will come true Of which your Lord and Master spoke— " If two of you." No purer joy may friendship share Than in the fellowship of prayer. — Gladys Gorton upon our lovely Lord, He shows Him­ self strong to us. The Scripture says about one woman, “She hath done what she could.” Will you be that kind of a person? You will get the prize and your heart will be singing if this is your goal. May this be your earnest desire. * * * The child of God is secure in danger, but endangered by security.

' CAREFUL WORDS In these days of double meanings and misinterpretations, we need to be very ca/reful hoy) we speak. The Bible says that we shall be accountable for every word we speak. One of our ambassadors was recently travelling to a beleaguered area of Greece. While there, he was asked to make a speech a t a special na­ tional celebration. Since it was a crowd­ ed program, his time didn’t come until past midnight. Wisely he decided to make his remarks brief. In the main he said, “It is indeed a pleasure to be here tonight with you good citizens of Greece. Actually, you Greeks and we Americans have a great deal in common. We like to eat; we like to drink; we like to sit around and talk." The words may have been appropriate to the occasion, how­ ever, the next day the local communist press blazed the assertion that the Unit­ ed States Ambassador had insulted the Greeks in declaring, “You people are just like us Americans: gluttons, drunk­ ards and gossipers.” Our speech is ex­ tremely important. Let us always ask the Holy Spirit to guide us so that what we say may only bring honor and glory to the Lord. BIOLA HOUR RADIO LOG (Continued from inside front cover) OTHER STATES Albuquerque, New Mexico KARA 1310 7: KARA 99.5 (FM) 7: Billings, Montana KURL 730 8 Caldwell-Boise KBFM 94.1 (FM) 8: KBFM 94.1 (FM) 7: KBGN 910 8 KBGN 910 7: Denver, Colorado KLIR 990 12 Kansas City, Missouri KCCV 1510 11 Lapeer, Michigan WMPC 1230 3: Miamisburg, Ohio WFCJ 93.7 (FM) 11 Newton, Kansas KJRG 950 9: KJRG 92.3 (FM) 9: Phoenix, Arizona KHEP 1280 9 KHEP 101.5 (FM) 9: Providence, Rhode Island WRIB 1220 9: Pueblo-Colorado Springs KFEL 970 8 Springfield, Ohio WEEC 100.7 (FM) 11 Tuscon, Arizona KAIR 1490 8 KAIR 1490 12: Windermere, Florida W XIV 1480 10 Inchon, Korea HLKX 1060 1 00 A.M. MTWTF 00 A.M. MTWTF 00 A.M. MTWTF 30 A.M. MTWTF 30 P.M. MTWTF 30 A.M. MTWTF 30 P.M. MTWTF :00 Noon MTWTF 00 A.M. MTWTF 30 P.M. Tues. :00 P.M. MTWTF 00 A.M. MTWTF 00 A.M. MTWTF :00 A.M. MTWTF 00 A.M. MTWTF :30 A.M. MTWTF :30 A.M.MWF :30 P.M. MTWTF :00 A.M. MTWTF 30 P.M. Sun. 00 A.M. Sat. :30 P.M. Sun.



T T is STRANGE that with all of the ample proof of the veracity of the Scriptures, some people still refuse to believe. Another five-word sentence sermon to share is from Psalm 106:24. “They believed not his word.” The Lord in heaven notices what we believe and what we do not believe. He looks toward the attitude of our minds and hearts. Everybody believes something. There are some who believe what the atheists say. Others listen to what the modernists say. Some believe what the sports writers say. There are rela­ tively few, however, who believe what the preachers say. God takes note of this, you can be sure. In my medical practice, I have found it very essential that the pa­ tient believes what I tell him. One man came to my office and said, “Doc­ tor Wilson, I want you to tell me what’s the matter with me. Don’t tell me I have cancer, however, because I wouldn’t be interested. I told him that I would have to tell the truth. When he heard that, he walked out. He wanted to hear everything but the truth. God knows when trouble comes to us. He knows when we become in­ volved with sin of any kind. Every­ thing God says to us is constructive. He tells us how bad we are so we can let Him cure us. He is merely giving us the truth. He wants us to know how guilty we are so that we can find the remedy. Balaam, the prophet, said, “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his.” (He didn’t get it, however, be­ cause of his sinfulness.) He had no in­ terest in the sacrifices of Israel, but was only seeking personal satisfaction. He was killed on the battlefield fight­ ing against God’s people. I have heard some people, who do not believe in God and eternity, de­ clare, “When a person dies, he does

so like a dumb animal. There is noth­ ing more.” God says, “After this the judgment.” The statement of our Lord is, “They believed not his word.” This is inscribed upon the eternal pages of Scripture. It can never be erased or effaced. Yet, man never seems to learn. Think of what God did for Israel. The Lord sent all those plagues to Egypt but none of them touched His chosen people. As an example, when it was darkness in Egypt, Israel had plenty of light. When they came to the Red Sea, God parted it for Israel. When in the wilderness they ran out of food. But God sent His provision down from heaven. When it came to water, God worked a miracle and brought abundance out of a rock. Their clothes and shoes didn’t wear out the entire time. As fa r as the people were concerned, they still wouldn’t believe anything God ««¡d How tragic this is. It is sad that the Lord, after having done thèse won­ derful things finds it necessary to say of them, “They believed not his word.” In the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, He frequently told people to believe Him. We are so ready to be­ lieve what other people tell us, things that don’t affect us at all. But when it comes to the Lord, this really does something to us. There is a strange thing you may never have thought of. Because of the Lord, all of civilization can enjoy the many wonderful things of life. This is not true with the heathen nations. When people want education, they go to countries where the Bible is loved. This doesn’t mean that everybody is saved. They are not. I refer to the influence of the Gospel message. The finest civilization is found where there is no persecution in religious affairs. The heathen have no homes for the aged, or for crippled children. They don’t seem to know anything

about such humanitarianism. Those who believe in the Saviour, of course, receive eternal life. This is what we mean about being “born again.” God has spoken wisely. Every message of His is for our blessing and profit. One time when I was preaching over the radio, the vice-president of one of our great railroad systems tuned it at his home. He got on his knees and turned to the Saviour right there. When I met him later, he told me, “I went to work for this railroad when I was 20. Now I am 70. I haven’t been INTROSPECTION I am satisfied with Jesus But is He satisfied with me? Is my daily walk before Him Pure and clean as it should be? Is my life so filled with beauty Shining from the depths within That the folks who daily see me Give the glory all to Him? As I meet with saint and sinner Do I greet them all in love? Is my conversation pleasing To the blessed One above? As I walk this pilgrim journey Let me stand in Him alone, For the course of this world's folly Is not the road that leads me home. So Lord, as I walk this journey Let me follow only Thee, So as I'm satisfied with Jesus He'll be satisfied with me. to church for these 50 years. None of this time have I opened the Bible. When I heard you speak I realized that the Lord loved me anyway. I had to turn to Him and ask for His for­ giveness. He saved me, and I be­ lieved His Word really for the first time.” How is it with your life, my friend? When you meet Him face to face in eternity, will you be able to say, “I believed what You told me, Lord. I accepted You as my Redeem­ er.” May the sad epitath never be written of you, “He believed not His Word.” — Ellen Korthuis

A blunt word will often have a sharp edge. * * * THE PRIVATE CONFERENCE One day the president of a large cor­ poration was visiting one of his branch production headquarters. Without an­ nouncing his trip to anyone, he decided to visit one of his southern assembly plants trying to determine why it was so far ahead of all of his others. On arrival, he rushed into the outer office of the manager, and was just as promptly stop­ ped by the secretary who didn’t realize who the stranger was. She politely told him, “I’m sorry, he cannot be disturbed; he’s in an important conference! He has it every day at this sarnie time and. has given strict instructions that no one, re­ gardless who it might be, interrupt him.” The corporation executive was flustered, as his face reddened. Pounding his fist on- the desk he angrily declared, “Young lady, you just tell him the President wants to see him.” Though shaken, the girl drew herself up and true to her boss asserted, “Sir, I have strict orders not to disturb him while he is in conference. It doesn’t matter if you are the Presi­ dent of this company." The man had enough. He brushed her aside and flung open the door to his branch manager’s private office. He started to blurt out something when all of a sudden he was quickly silenced. Taking another quick look, he actually backed out, gently and gingerly closing the door behind him. Now, in a new tone of voice, he returned to the secretary’s desk and asked, “Is this a daily occurrence?” The young woman replied eagerly, “Yes sir, every day he spends at least 15 minutes in such a conference.” After a moment the busy executive thoughtfully remarked, “Now I know why this branch is more successful and productive than all of the others. My man here is in direct com­ munication with God!” (You see, he had found his employee down on his knees, with an open Bible held in his hands. What a secret; what a conference!) How about our lives? Are we practic­ ing these habits of spiritual growth, or do we only sing and talk about them? Begin the day with God Kneel down to Him in prayer, Lift up thy heart to His abode, And find thy comfort there. * * * Adversity causes some men to break, while it causes others to break records. 16

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