O F THE FIVE-WORD SENTENCES found in the Bible there is one which is both strange and surprising. I have reference to Isaiah 33:23 which de clares, “The lame take the prey.” When I first read that I wondered just what it meant. Praying over the verse the Lord seemed to reveal some blessed thoughts to me. Whenever I see people on crutches or those who are lame I quote this verse. The Lord’s thoughts and the Lord’s plans some times seem to be quite contrary to ours. In hunting, it is the swift, the strong and the able-bodied who cap ture the prey. This is the way man does it. But God says just the oppo site. Those who seem to be the least able for a battle are the ones who win and bring home the “dainties.” This is what the Lord meant when He said, “My strength is made perfect in weak ness.” Those who can’t get out can stay at home and do some wonderful things. Somebody has to pray and re main faithful. This was David’s motto who said, “I give myself unto prayer.” Can you say this, too? A famed evangelist explained to friends that the secret of his minis try and the reason souls were being saved was due to a man who was praying all the time in a room adjoin ing the tabernacle. I knew a sweet girl who was tied down to boards in her bed. She was only sixteen years old, but because she had c r i p p l i n g arthritis she couldn’t do a thing. Her father tied her down to boards so that she would not curl up and go all out of shape. This was how serious her case was. But, in spite of it all, she was very radiant and as happy as she could be. She told me, “Dr. Wilson, all I have to do is lie here loving my Lord and letting Him love me.” Isn’t that pre cious? She told me she always prayed for me. I tell you, that is a wonderful knowledge. There are not many people
like this. If there are spiritual vic tories it is because of dedicated peo ple like this. You see, those who seem to be the least able are sometimes the most valuable. Paul reminds us that in the Body of Christ there are some important and yet feeble members. Think about yourself a moment. Think about your little finger. Get a splinter in it and you will find out just how much you actually do use it and how important it really is. As fa r as the “household of faith” you may seem to be the most obscure person. Yet if you are a praying saint, studying your Bible daily, giving out the Word to those whom you meet, God will give you the “spoils.” There was a man in Kansas City who had no eyes and no hands. He lost these in a dynamite explosion. A preacher went to see him and was so stirred by the poor man’s faith that he told Ripley about him. The afflicted man was written up in the newspa pers. This fellow was unable to do anything for himself. People came from miles around just to find re freshment for their souls and spirits as they visited with him. He lived to be 91 and how I loved him. What an abundant entrance into glory he must have received. He gave thanks to the Lord for the seeming tragedy he had sustained in the earlier years. Others might say, “How cruel God was to let him suffer so much.” But actually, it was an even greater blessing. He truly took “the prey,” as this verse promises. If you want to experience blessing, then realize that in your weakness you are to wholly trust in the power of God. How frequently I have gone to church and felt completely empty and helpless. I have gone away thinking that I was a complete failure. Yet, in such times I discover that the Lord has been working although I have 13
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