Biola Broadcaster - 1965-04


T T is STRANGE that with all of the ample proof of the veracity of the Scriptures, some people still refuse to believe. Another five-word sentence sermon to share is from Psalm 106:24. “They believed not his word.” The Lord in heaven notices what we believe and what we do not believe. He looks toward the attitude of our minds and hearts. Everybody believes something. There are some who believe what the atheists say. Others listen to what the modernists say. Some believe what the sports writers say. There are rela­ tively few, however, who believe what the preachers say. God takes note of this, you can be sure. In my medical practice, I have found it very essential that the pa­ tient believes what I tell him. One man came to my office and said, “Doc­ tor Wilson, I want you to tell me what’s the matter with me. Don’t tell me I have cancer, however, because I wouldn’t be interested. I told him that I would have to tell the truth. When he heard that, he walked out. He wanted to hear everything but the truth. God knows when trouble comes to us. He knows when we become in­ volved with sin of any kind. Every­ thing God says to us is constructive. He tells us how bad we are so we can let Him cure us. He is merely giving us the truth. He wants us to know how guilty we are so that we can find the remedy. Balaam, the prophet, said, “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his.” (He didn’t get it, however, be­ cause of his sinfulness.) He had no in­ terest in the sacrifices of Israel, but was only seeking personal satisfaction. He was killed on the battlefield fight­ ing against God’s people. I have heard some people, who do not believe in God and eternity, de­ clare, “When a person dies, he does

so like a dumb animal. There is noth­ ing more.” God says, “After this the judgment.” The statement of our Lord is, “They believed not his word.” This is inscribed upon the eternal pages of Scripture. It can never be erased or effaced. Yet, man never seems to learn. Think of what God did for Israel. The Lord sent all those plagues to Egypt but none of them touched His chosen people. As an example, when it was darkness in Egypt, Israel had plenty of light. When they came to the Red Sea, God parted it for Israel. When in the wilderness they ran out of food. But God sent His provision down from heaven. When it came to water, God worked a miracle and brought abundance out of a rock. Their clothes and shoes didn’t wear out the entire time. As fa r as the people were concerned, they still wouldn’t believe anything God ««¡d How tragic this is. It is sad that the Lord, after having done thèse won­ derful things finds it necessary to say of them, “They believed not his word.” In the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, He frequently told people to believe Him. We are so ready to be­ lieve what other people tell us, things that don’t affect us at all. But when it comes to the Lord, this really does something to us. There is a strange thing you may never have thought of. Because of the Lord, all of civilization can enjoy the many wonderful things of life. This is not true with the heathen nations. When people want education, they go to countries where the Bible is loved. This doesn’t mean that everybody is saved. They are not. I refer to the influence of the Gospel message. The finest civilization is found where there is no persecution in religious affairs. The heathen have no homes for the aged, or for crippled children. They don’t seem to know anything

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