there is a little salt in all of them, it made the contents of the ocean as it is today. I asked him pointedly, “My brother, is there any more salt in the ocean today than there was 200 years ago?” He thought a moment and then replied, “Well, I suppose not. The salt that has been there may go to the bot tom to compensate for what new comes in.” What a strange way to try to explain away God’s truth. He was quick to change the subject. Nobody has an answer for this that can sat isfy, other than, “In the beginning, God created.” HE DIED FOR HIS FAITH So he died for his faith. That is fine— More than most of us do. But, say, can you add to that line That he lived for it too? In his death he bore witness at least As a martyr to truth. Did his life do the same in the past From the days of his youth? It is easy to die. Men have died For a wish or a whim— From bravado, or passion, or pride— Was it harder for him? But to live— every day to live out All the truth that he preached; While his friends met his conduct with doubt, And the world with contempt. Was it thus that he plodded ahead, Never turning aside? Men will talk Of the life that he led— Never mind how he died. Think of the gold, silver, plati num, and other things in the earth. How did they get there? I t is one of God’s miracles most of us take for granted. God has put them all there for our use. He knew that we would need those things. They are for our good and blessing. He also has given men skills to know what to do with these things and how to handle them. The Lord likes to be trusted and be lieved. We may not be able to under stand why things happen as they do, but we can just take His word for it. Beloved, look around and you will see nothing but the miracles of God.
The lightning bug is a strange ques tion to scientists. What makes it shine? Along comes a caterpillar eat ing the same things and yet it doesn’t make any light; it turns into a beautiful butterfly. What makes it do that? Mother nature has hardly a sufficient answer. Don’t try to explain all of the things you see around you. Accept them as God’s miracles. The Lord wants you to be a believer in Him. That is why He has done all of these things for us. More than any thing else, He wants to give His eter nal life to you! “Behold, now is the day of salvation.” * * * There is no limit to the heights a man can attain as long as he remembers to keep "on the level." * * * "RESIST" In the 17th century there lived in a Southern French town a 14 -year-old girl named Marie Durant. She was attrac tive, intelligent and deeply spiritual. Life beckoned joyously to her. Because she was a member of the Calvinist group, known as the Huguenots, she was con sidered a heretic. The then established, and only recognized religious body, told her she would have to silence her testi mony, giving up her faith. But since she steadfastly refused to do it, imprison ment became her lot. Then for 38 years, while life with its joys passed her by, she carried forth her positive witness for Christ. As an encouragement for her fel low prisoners, she scratched on the wall one courageous watch word which be came the standard of the persecuted and martyrs. That one word of challenge was “RESIST." What a cost it was for her personally. There would be no happy marriage despite her attractiveness; no children, and no family blessings. She was denied all the common pleasures known to man. Soon prison palor stole her beauty and the long years of priva tion sapped her strength. Yet she deter mined to stand in the gap and do what she could, little though it might have been to hold back the tide of iniquity. Today tourists can still see that word, dimly visible on the squalid walls of Marie Durant’s dungeon, the standard, “RESIST.” Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle wrote, “Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.” So the poet’s words. 22
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