overly concerned about ruling or reign ing with Christ. He will take care of this personally. No doubt most of us have had all the rule and authority we want down here on earth. There will not be any responsibility except as we choose to assume it. We will be enjoying the privileges of the heavens above, able to move around, not with the slow speed of light, but with the speed of mind which is instantaneous. God created the universe for our en joyment. It is going to be a wonder ful time because ours is the glorious liberty belonging to sons of God. We are joint heirs with the Lord Jesus Christ. Q. Washington — (Name of city omit ted due to the nature of the ques tion). “What is the Scriptural pro cedure regarding a deacon who re fuses to forgive his brother and in sists on sitting at the Lord’s table with unforgiveness knoicn to many in the church?” A. In Matthew 18:15 to 20 are six verses giving the definite answer of the Spirit of God on this problem as well as many other difficulties in the church. First, the matter should be discussed personally, on an individ ual basis. If that counselling is re jected, then it is to be broadened so Mr. Mery Fishback (left) executive administra tor of Biola's Arizona Bible College, goes over promotional plans with Mr. Al Sanders, Blola vice-president of Public Relations.
human plane of the undying, eternal character of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our Saviour abides as a Priest con tinually. Q. Glendale, California — “I heard a minister say that the chutch would not reign with Christ in the millen nium but that those who will be saved during the tribulation period will. He said that the church isn’t mentioned again until the New Jerusalem and that it will stay in heaven during the millennium. How can this be when the Bible says when we are raptured to meet the Lord in the air, we shall ever be with Him?” A, The church will reign with Christ in the millennium. Look at Revelation 5:10-11. Here we read the song of the redeemed. We will be made unto our God kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth. Look at Revelation 20:4 and especially underscore the final phrase, “And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” Yes, my dear friends, the Church, as well as the redeemed out of the tribu lation, will reign with Christ. We are all going to be reigning with Him. Now the Church, made up of all true born-again Christians of every age, will be caught up before the tribula tion period begins. As far as the men tion of the Church is concerned, in Revelation 19:11-12 John w r i t e s , “And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him urns called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.” This refers to the Lord Jesus Christ. Verse 14 tells us, “And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.” This tells us of the great host of the redeemed who will come with the Lord to earth. There will be the battle of Armaged don. When the Lord sets up His mil lennial reign, we will be with Him. It would be well to point out, how ever, that believers should not be
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