Q. G<9 Harbor, Washington — "I’ve been confused, by some things that a friend has told me concerning the fact that Jesus actually became the Son of God at His baptism, and that He was designated Son of God by His resur rection. Is there any truth to this?” A. We would certainly repudiate such erroneous teaching as completely un- scriptural. Jesus Christ was always the Son of'God. He became incarnate in the flesh and was bom of the Virgin Mary. This was the human revelation of the eternal Son of God. No one knows when He had the consciousness of being the Son of God, however, there was always the divine and the human united together in His won derful person. Christ was revealed to be the Son of God at His baptism. He was revealed to be the Son of God on the Mount of Transfiguration. He was revealed to be the Son of God in His resurrection. He was always the Son of God. The Word of God clearly teaches these things and we accept them by faith. Q. Medford, Oregon — " / have a Bible which uses the term ‘young woman’ for Isaiah 7:11 while in Matthew 1:2S the word ‘virgin’ is used in quot ing the Isaiah prophecy. Which is correct?” A. Some liberal translators would like to translate the word' in Isaiah as “young woman,” however, there is no sound basis f o r t h i s assumption. Every place this word is used in the Old Testament (some seven times), it is without dispute referring to one who had not been married. It meant, in the strictest sense, a virgin. If Christ was bom in the ordinary course of nature, with a human father and a human mother, how could that kind of child be called the Mighty God (Isaiah 9 :6) ? Some two centuries and more before the Christian faith was known on earth, before Jesus of Naza reth ever came into the human race, there were translators of the Old Tes tament who prepared the Septuagint. They also translated Isaiah 7:14 and the other passages as referring to a
Biola graduates at recent Campus meeting, tram left to right. Hiss Thelma Drongesen C3t) Selma, Calif.; Hrs. Thelma Mattoi, Pomona; Mr. and Hrs. Jacob Eymann (‘23 and '22) Los Angeles; Chaplain and Mrs. George Baergen (’21) Hospital Chaplain's Ministry. Mr. Eymann has been a faithful member el the Biola Beard of Directors lor many years. virgin. This is from an independent, non-christian, Jewish source, which makes it all the more significant. We cannot have a divine Saviour unless there was a virgin birth. This was the method of the incarnation. Some of the modem translations take the pub lic unaware. New manuscripts and new evidence is claimed. But actually, it isn’t so much the new evidence as it is their liberal theological approach. These men seek to make Christ human like all of us, so that ultimately they could be saviour themselves. The great theologian at Princeton years ago, Benjamin Warfield said, “All theology turns on this point: either man saves himself, or God saves him. As, fa r as I understand the Bible, it is God who saves man because man is absolutely helpless and powerless to help him self.” It is tragic that in so many semi naries, once perhaps sentinels of the truth, they now are re-thinking this subject of theVirgin Birth along with many others. What we need is not to re-think the truth, but rather to re affirm it. Q. Newton, Kanin .— “I am told that prophecy, as set forth in the New Testament, is actually preaching. So is preaching today pr&phecy?” A. Yes, it can be termed as such. Prophecy not only means foretelling, but also telling forth. 27
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