Areas of support
Programme area specifics
products, services, and processes, and to prepare for placing these innovations on the market. Investments in and applications of innovative technologies and solutions will also be supported. supported in participating in the green and blue economy, including through mentoring and capacity building. Improving private enterprises’ knowledge, skills, and capacity will also be a priority. This may include support to innovation ecosystems, including business cluster cooperation, incubator and accelerator services, stronger sustainability management and reporting for businesses, and other activities Start-ups and female entrepreneurs will be that can increase innovation and sustainable growth in the business sector. Feasibility studies, market analysis to prepare new investments, and upscaling are also included. It is also an aim to contribute to sustainable value chains.
• Development and placing on the market of green or blue technologies, products, processes, and services. • Investments in and application of green or blue technologies, products, processes, and services. • Promotion of start-ups and female entrepreneurs in the blue or green economy. • Improving business skills and fostering entrepreneurial mindsets.
• The programme area shall allocate at least 60% of funding to small and medium- sized enterprises. • Small and medium-sized enterprises (as defined by the EU), and large enterprises with less than 25% public ownership, shall be the main recipients of support under this programme area. • When necessary to fulfil the programme objectives, also non-commercial and not-for- profit organisations (including clusters and business associations) and public entities can apply for support for ‘soft measure’ activities. • Measures to promote digitalisation and gender equality shall be included in all programmes. • Projects with bilateral partnerships shall be given priority.
How the objective will be addressed
This programme area shall contribute to harnessing the growth potential that derives from the European Green Deal for land-based and maritime enterprises to promote a sustainable green and blue economy. The programme area will foster value creation through environmentally sustainable practices. It will contribute to mitigating and adapting to climate change and to ensuring a transition to a resource- efficient circular economy. To promote enabling and emerging technologies, private enterprises will be supported to develop innovative technology,
Key actors and beneficiaries
Private enterprises are the key actors and beneficiaries of this programme area.
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