Programme areas and funds for the EEA and Norway Grants

How the objective will be addressed

may include interventions at institutional as well as national levels. Cross-sectorial collaboration is encouraged. Rather than addressing the areas of support broadly, each programme will focus on specific challenges or gaps to make an impact on institutional capacity and learning communities in the Donor and Beneficiary States. An important aim is to strengthen the participation of the Donor and Beneficiary States in the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport and in the European Education Area, as well as to achieve synergies with European funding.

governmental organisations, are encouraged. The end beneficiaries are pupils, students, teachers, and other staff at all levels of education and training, as well as enterprises and employees. Specific attention will be given to persons in vulnerable situations.

The programme area aims to strengthen the knowledge, skills and attitudes learners need to participate in the green transition, promoting increased understanding of global societal challenges and their interconnectedness. Enhanced digital capacity will be supported, as well as the strengthening of transversal skills that enhance civic competences and democratic participation such as creativity, critical thinking, media, and digital literacy. Empowering learners to build a universal culture of human rights and equipping them with skills to combat disinformation will be emphasised. Emphasis will also be placed on increased cooperation with the labour market to enhance the relevance of education and training and support youth employability. The programme area will build the capacity of teachers, trainers, school leaders and administrative staff at all levels of education. Programmes may address both formal and non-formal education and training and

Programme area specifics

• Partnerships between Donor State entities and Beneficiary State entities are mandatory in all projects, unless otherwise stipulated in the programme agreement. • All programmes shall promote inclusion and diversity, including gender equality. • The practice of financing and management under the programme area will be aligned with the principles of the EU framework programme for education, training, youth and sport as far as possible. • Student and staff mobility and exchanges may be embedded in institutional cooperation projects. Individual mobility outside the context of institutional cooperation will not be supported.

Key actors and beneficiaries

Key actors are educational institutions, school providers and institutions involved in decision-making and public policy, at all levels, addressing both formal and non-formal education, training and youth employment. Partnerships with industry and organisations, both in the private and public sectors, including international organisations, civil society organisations, and non-


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