Programme areas and funds for the EEA and Norway Grants

How the objective will be addressed

Programme area specifics

Focus is placed on holistic multi-sectoral methods supporting structural change, piloting novel approaches, enhancing existing initiatives and services, and improving access to, and use of, other sources of funding.

Integrated, territorial, socio- economic development premised on local democracy, gender equality and human rights is key to achieving the programme area objective. Good governance should prescribe the necessary political and institutional processes and support improvements in public administration governance arrangements and capacity for policy design, implementation, and evaluation practices. Capacity building of local authorities and stakeholders is highlighted, improving governance mechanisms, fostering multi-stakeholder partnerships, intermunicipal territorial cooperation, community-led local development, inclusion, integration, effective local democracy, and place-based approaches. The objective is for local and regional authorities to better exploit their potential, aligning local development with EU objectives, aligning national and local priorities, and ensuring that investments are used to respond to citizens’ needs.

• All programmes shall include cooperation between Donor and Beneficiary States. • Investment in infrastructure and equipment (hard measures) shall only be supported alongside capacity building, training, or experience sharing (soft measures). • The maximum level of funding for investment in infrastructure and equipment of understanding or, exceptionally, in the programme agreement. • All programmes shall include (hard measures) shall be set in the memorandum capacity building to support good governance at the local level. • A gender perspective shall be integrated into the design and implementation of all programmes.

Key actors and beneficiaries

Local and regional authorities are crucial to achieving the programme area objective. The principle of partnership is the cornerstone, building on multi-level governance and ensuring the involvement of other key actors such as local communities, national authorities, civil society, economic and social partners, and academia. Special emphasis is placed on disadvantaged areas and groups. Donor partners and international organisations can be valuable partners.


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