Programme areas and funds for the EEA and Norway Grants

How the objective will be addressed

Key actors and beneficiaries

Programme area specifics

A human rights-based approach to health is central to achieving the programme area objective and should guide all health programming. This approach provides a set of clear principles for designing and assessing policy and health service delivery. It targets discriminatory practices and unjust power relations at the core of unequal health outcomes. In this context, integrating a gender perspective into the design, implementation and evaluation of programmes is important to promote equality. As the principal agents of structural change, government agencies, public health institutions, hospitals, and local authorities are key to achieving the programme area objective.

Patients’ associations, civil society, academia, and organisations of healthcare professionals are important partners, with Donor partners providing specialised support in programme and project development and implementation. Coordination and cooperation with international organisations can add value to the activities supported. Health programmes will benefit diverse groups of people, placing special emphasis on disadvantaged areas and groups, including women and girls, children and youth, LGBTIQ+ persons, and Roma.

• All programmes shall include cooperation between Donor and Beneficiary States. • Investment in infrastructure and equipment (hard measures) shall only be supported alongside capacity building, training, or experience sharing (soft measures). • The maximum level of funding for investment in infrastructure and equipment

(hard measures) shall be set in the memorandum of understanding or, exceptionally, in the programme agreement.

• All programmes must include projects addressing women’s health.


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