Programme areas and funds for the EEA and Norway Grants

How the objective will be addressed

Programme area specifics

for example by providing ‘one- stop-shop’ services. Gender-sensitive and victim- centred investigations and judicial proceedings to secure the prosecution of perpetrators will be supported. Policy coordination will contribute to a common understanding of the violence and its root causes and increase the likelihood of reaching common policy goals and measures. Mechanisms designated to coordinate, implement, monitor, and evaluate national policies, including data collection and research and international cooperation, are important tools for ensuring progress.

Comprehensive and coordinated policies across sectors are needed to effectively prevent and combat domestic and gender-based violence. Strengthening capacity, building knowledge and understanding, advocacy, and awareness raising are important means to this end. The safety, rights and needs of victims must be at the heart of all efforts. Victims from marginalised or socially excluded communities may need tailored measures to have equal access to protection, support and justice. This calls for an intersectional approach. stereotypes and engaging men and boys enhance prevention efforts. Offering services to perpetrators of violence or persons at risk of using violence is especially important. Protection and support of victims who have experienced violence is a critical area to address. Effective coordination and cooperation at local level Addressing root causes is key to stopping the use of violence. Challenging is particularly important to provide safety and to help victims of violence to recover,

• All programmes shall include cooperation between Donor and/or an International Partner Organisation and Beneficiary States. • All programmes shall include cooperation with civil society organisations. • Investment in infrastructure and equipment (hard measures) shall only be supported alongside capacity building, training, or experience sharing (soft measures). • The maximum level of funding for investment in infrastructure and equipment

(hard measures) shall be set in the memorandum of understanding or, exceptionally, in the programme agreement.

Key actors and beneficiaries

Public entities at national and local levels are the main stakeholders. International and civil society organisations are vital partners. The main beneficiaries will be women and children in vulnerable situations, including those who experience multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. Perpetrators of violence may also benefit.


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