How the objective will be addressed
addition, the fund will support civil society in defending civic space, ensuring an enabling environment for civil society and advocating for better legislation and practices for civic participation. Independent Fund Operators in each Beneficiary State will manage the programmes and ensure they remain accessible and respond to national needs. A transnational component will foster European-level learning and networking of civil society organisations.
European networks and think tanks may provide support for advocacy initiatives and knowledge exchange that strengthens civil society. In addition to supporting civil society organisations directly, the fund will benefit diverse target groups, including women, youth, minorities, groups that are marginalised, LGBTIQ+ people, migrants and refugees, and Roma people.
The objective of the fund will be achieved by supporting civil society organisations involved in advocacy, monitoring, strategic litigation, civic education, and citizen engagement, training and capacity building, as well as research and analysis to inform policy making. The supported activities will contribute to the areas of support and to connected themes such as a stronger rule of law culture, reduced disinformation and hate speech, healthier information spaces, access to information, media pluralism and stronger independent media, a more participatory local democracy, good governance, and an inclusive approach to policy development. The fund will place a strong focus on developing the capacities and resilience of civil society organisations and the sector. Civil society organisations and other civic actors will be equipped with new skills to engage volunteers, diversify funding, connect with target groups, enhance their transparency and accountability, and communicate in complex operating environments. In
Fund specifics
• All programmes shall include measures to reach out to under-served geographic areas and target groups that are marginalised. • The provision of social services can only be supported if these services are necessary for enhancing advocacy, community participation, and/or civic engagement. • At least 20% of the re- granting amount shall contribute to organisational development and an enabling environment for civil society.
Key actors and beneficiaries
Civil society organisations in the Beneficiary States, working at the grassroots, local, national, or regional levels, are the main actors in achieving the fund’s objective. Social movements, informal groups, local community leaders, and human rights defenders are some of the most important partners for civil society organisations and may facilitate the engagement of specific target groups. Public sector entities, private companies, and entities from the Donor States can also contribute to civil society activities through partnerships with civil society organisations.
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