Programme areas and funds for the EEA and Norway Grants

The description of each programme area and fund includes: • Programme area/fund objective: the objective to which the projects funded must contribute. • Rationale for the support: the background and relevance of the support. • Areas of support: the thematic sub-components eligible for funding. Not all areas of support need to be included in each programme. Programme Operators and Fund Operators are encouraged to focus their programmes and choose areas of support accordingly. • How the objectives will be addressed: methods and type of activities to be supported to reach the objective. • Key actors and beneficiaries: the key actors, beneficiaries, and target groups/areas. • Programme area/fund specifics: binding conditions for each programme or fund. A draft of the Blue Book was subject to public consultation from 13 September to 18 October 2024. Around 1200 responses were received from across all the Donor and Beneficiary States, third countries and international organisations, and these have contributed to this final version

of the Blue Book 2021-2028. A summary of the results of the consultation is available here on Partners in the EEA and Norway Grants 2021- 2028 • The National Focal Point (NFP) is the main partner in each Beneficiary State. It has the overall responsibility Understanding (MoU) and for ensuring that all programmes contribute to the objectives of the Grants. • A Programme Operator (PO) is responsible for preparing and implementing the individual programme and for selecting and contracting projects funded. • A Donor Programme programme. Its contribution is agreed upon between Donor and Beneficiary States. • An International Partner Organisation (IPO) is an international organisation or an institution designated by the EEA Financial Mechanism Committee (FMC)/Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) and involved in the implementation of the EEA for the implementation of the Memoranda of Partner (DPP) is a public entity from a Donor State advising and participating in the preparation and/ or implementation of a

and Norway Grants 2021- 2028. • The Donor States have delegated decision-making powers to the FMC with respect to the EEA Grants, and the NMFA for the Norway Grants. The Financial Mechanism Office (FMO) serves as the secretariat for both the EEA and Norway Grants. Programme development and implementation • Based on the Blue Book, the Donor States enter into negotiations on MoUs with each Beneficiary State. The MoUs are drawn up for the EEA Grants and for the Norway Grants separately, identifying the programme areas and programmes to be funded. The aim is to tailor the support to each country based on its needs, aims, and capacity, as well as the bilateral interests shared by the Donors and the Beneficiary State. • The MoU describes the management

arrangements, including that of the Programme Operators, and the cooperation with the Donor Partners and IPOs. Programme development in each Beneficiary State formally starts once the


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