Hoxworth Blood Center Manager Guide
I. Introduction (pg. 3-6)
Hoxworth Vison & Mission Customer Services History and Operations Guiding Principles
II. Polices (pg.7-19) Sick Vacation
Winter Season Days Conduct Dress Code Lunch Breaks
III. Success Factors (pg.20-28)
Guidelines for Success Factors Selecting a Candidate (SOP HR-06-SOP) Reasons for Not Selecting Phone Interview Interview Forms (Example) Reference Sheet Reasons for Not Selecting Manager Training for Success Factors
Mission Statement The mission of Hoxworth Blood Center is to enhance the well being of patients in our service area by assuring a reliable and economical supply of the safest possible blood, by providing innovative hemotherapy services, and by promoting research and education programs in transfusion medicine.
Vision Statement Hoxworth Blood Center will be recognized for saving and improving lives in our community with safe and reliable blood and innovative cell therapies.
Core Values Integrity
We believe that we must always be open and honest in each of our personal and corporate relationships. We will adhere to the policies, procedures, regulations and guidelines of all applicable federal, state and local agencies.
Personal Responsibility We believe that we are accountable for the quality of our own work and for the total quality of our center's performance.
Continuous Quality Improvement We believe that we must continually improve our systems and processes in order to maintain the safety of our products and increase the efficiency of our operations. Teamwork We believe that each person is important to the success of our center. We believe that cooperation, temperate behavior and open communication are the appropriate tools for conducting our business.
Fairness We believe that tolerance and a respect for individual differences are essential to a caring, sharing workplace.
Innovation We believe that the pursuit of new idea and new technologies is vital to our success. We encourage creativity and innovation. Growth We believe that as our center grows, we must provide opportunity for our people to grow personally and professionally. Diversity We believe that a capable, diverse work force reflects the community we serve and we participate in a variety of community activities and encourage community engagement.
Statement to our Donor Customers We acknowledge that we would not exist without your partnership and generosity in helping us provide the gift of life for thosein need in our community. We promise to use your gift to provide the highest quality products and services. In response to your GIFT, we pledge to: Greet you cheerfully and respectfully. Inform you of our needs and efforts to provide for our community. Focus on teamwork, professionalism and continuous improvement. Thank you for your continued support. Our Customer Service Standards for Hoxworth Blood Center Hoxworth Blood Center is dedicated to providing the highest quality in service and products. We pledge to provide the followingto all our customers, both external and internal: GREET We acknowledge that our customers, both external and internal, are the center of all we do. Without their support and partnership, we could not exist. We greet all customers with smiles and by name whenever possible. We make customers feel welcome and attend to them in a timely and courteous manner. We take ownership of our customers needs and do all that we can to meet those needs. I NFORM We keep our customers informed about who we are, what we do and any changes that affect our interactions. We provide education to our customers and the community as a whole about the need for blood donationand how they may help respond to that need. We educate ourselves so that we may effectively represent our organization in the community.We know, and are dedicated to, our mission, our vision and our core values.
We emphasize safety, training and good manufacturing practices to ensure quality and consistency. We embrace change, including innovations in research and new technologies FOCUS We remain focused on our purpose of providing the highest quality in services and products to thecommunity we serve. We accomplish this through teamwork, professionalism and good communication. We act at all times with consideration of the needs of others, valuing individual differences, and respectingthe dignity of all. We are appropriate in our speech, our appearance and our behavior. We seek out and actively participate in the advancement of transfusion medicine. THANK We show appreciation and provide positive recognition for the efforts of others. We actively gather feedback from our customers and thoughtfully implement improvements based upon it. We create a positive environment of growth, innovation and continuous improvement.
History of Hoxworth Blood Center
• December 10, 1938, the blood center opened as one of the nation’s first community blood centers under the direction of Dr. Paul I. Hoxworth.
• In 1944, UC President Raymond Walters agreed to sponsor the blood center. We became the University of Cincinnati Blood Transfusion Service.
• In 1973, we were rededicated as the Hoxworth Blood Center.
• The Blood Center has grown to be an internationally recognized leader in transfusion medicine.
• Today, Hoxworth has a staff of more than 260 full and part-time employees and a compliment of more than 300 volunteers committed to serving our community. • Hoxworth supplies all the blood and blood component needs to 31 hospitals in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana.
We serve about 1.9 million people
• We are the community’s only blood center
• Our collections include whole blood, platelets and red cells via automated collections called apheresis.
Hoxworth Blood Center Operations Blood Related Services
Cellular Therapies
Components Manufacturing
• Immunohematology Reference Laboratory
Transplantation Immunology
Therapeutic Apheresis Services
Guiding Principles
• Lead by Example- As leaders we have to demonstrate the qualities we need and desire in our people. • Collaboration- Hoxworth/ UC needs as an organization must be first over any one person, department orarea. • Think Broadly- Broad thinking leads to broad solutions. Others have navigated the challenges we facetoday successfully in other industries. • Timing is important- Once timelines are set, we should meet them. The discipline we get from hitting timelines carries over into everything else we will do and signals to our
customers we are on the ball. Thisis especially true when it comes to our CIC’s and
Audit responses.
• Recruiting is everyone’s job - Recruiting donors is just not DR/CR. We cannot serve our hospitals andcommunities without blood donors. We all have to be recruiters. • The way we work- I do not know or we have always done it that way is not an acceptable reason to runour business. If this is the answer then ask why until you
get the answer or change it so it makes sense today.
• Mistakes- they happen and are acceptable, own it, fix it and move on. Not learning from a mistake is notacceptable. • Decision Making- I expect you to make decisions and inform me when appropriate. You are accountablefor your department’s performance. • People- Our people are important and we cannot succeed without them. Treat them well, support themand show them you care and they will care about Hoxworth.
a) People work for money but will go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards.
• Challenge- challenge the process, the suggestion or the idea and not the person.
a) No is no today- not forever. If we have tried something before and it did not work or you heardno, do not be afraid to try or ask again.
• Failure is data- Fail fast, fail often, and do not be afraid to try. We do not fail; we get more data.
• How vs. What- What we do is rarely the issue; how we do our work is important and usually becomesthe issue if we go about it with the wrong intent. • Feedback- Your ideas on how to improve and be more efficient are needed and you are in the best positon to see where to improve.
Sick Leave (Time)
Effective Date:
Policy Owner:
Human Resources
02/14/2017 07/01/2015
Sr. VP for Administration
and Finance
Policy applicable for:
Responsible Office(s):
Classified and
Prior Effective Date:
Human Resources
Unclassified Employees
This policy applies to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or for whom the agreement contains no provision regarding this subject.
The University of Cincinnati provides paid sick leave (time) for its full-time and part-timeemployees. Sick leave (time) may be accrued and used under certain conditions.
1. Immediate family: grandparents, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son- in-law, father, mother, grandparent-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, spouse, domestic partner, child, grandchild, legal guardian or personwho stands in place of a parent (in loco parentis).
2. Regular unclassified full-time exempt employees accrue 1.25 days (10 hours) ofsick leave (time) per month for each month in active pay status.
3. Regular part-time exempt employees accrue sick leave (time) on a pro-rata basisbased on their full-time equivalent (FTE) level.
4. Regular classified or unclassified non-exempt employees accrue sick leave (time) atthe rate of 4.6 hours per 80 hours in active pay status.
5. Employees who transfer from employment with the state of Ohio or one of its political subdivisions will be credited with the unused balance of accumulated sick leave (time), upon verification from the issuing unit. Transferred sick leave (time) balances will be added, if appropriate, to employees’ automated balances through an adjustment made by the Human Resources Department and the documentationwill be attached to the master file. The employee is responsible for having the previous employer notify the Human Resources Department of the available balance. The notification must be made on the employer’s letterhead. 6. Previously accumulated sick leave (time) of employees who have separated from state of Ohio service will be credited to the employee upon re-employment, providedsuch re-employment takes place within 10 years of the most recent separation date.
7. Unused sick leave (time) may accrue without limitation.
Use of Accrued Sick Leave (Time)
8. Use of accrued sick leave (time) is subject to the approval of the employee’s supervisor/manager/director, unless the employee is using the sick leave (time) for a certified qualifying condition under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), in which case the sick leave (time) will be approved.
9. Accrued sick leave (time) may be used for the following reasons:
a) Illness, injury or pregnancy-related condition of the employee; b) Examination, including medical, psychological, dental or optical examinationof a member of the employee’s immediate family by a licensed health care professional where the employee’s presence is reasonably necessary; c) Examination of the employee, including medical, psychological, dental or optical examination, by a licensed health care professional; d) Illness, injury, or pregnancy-related condition of a member of the employee’s immediate family where the employee’s presence is reasonably necessary for the health and welfare of the employee or affected family member; and e) Exposure of an employee to a contagious disease which could be communicated to and jeopardize the health of others.
10. Paid sick leave (time) will be concurrently designated as FMLA time if appropriateand applicable.
11. An employee who becomes ill or injured on duty must, if reasonably possible, obtainpermission from his or her administrative authority before leaving the workplace.
12. University contributions toward benefits will continue while an employee is receivingpaid sick leave (time) pursuant to this policy.
13. In the event an employee’s absence is 15 consecutive calendar days or more, he orshe will be placed on the appropriate leave of absence. Medical Leave of Absence With Pay (Employee) is addressed in Human Resources Policy 21-15; Leaves of Absence for Family Member Medical Care Reasons are addressed in Human Resources Policy 21-16; and Medical and Disability Leaves of Absence Without Payare addressed in Human Resources Policy 21-04. 14. If an employee uses accrued sick leave (time) for a period exceeding his or her accrued sick leave (time) balance, he or she may be placed on the appropriate leaveof absence without pay. To remain in pay status, the employee may elect to utilize any or all accrued vacation and/or compensatory time. Such election by the employee shall be irrevocable and is subject to the approval of the supervisor/manager/director. Allaccrued sick leave (time) must be exhausted prior to electing to utilize any or all accruedvacation and/or compensatory time.
Dually compensated College of Medicine employees enrolled in a UCP short term
disability plan are not required to exhaust UC vacation time prior to being eligible for a
Medical Leave of Absence without Pay. These employees may, after exhausting UC
sick time, gain access to UC vacation pay after the UCP short term disability benefit is
15. Employees unable to report to work must notify their administrative authority no laterthan ½ hour after the designated starting time for each day of absence; however, where the employees’ duties must be continuously performed (an operation which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year), the notification mustbe no later than two hours before the designated starting time for each day of absence. When hospitalization or institutionalization is required, employees must notify their administrative authority upon admission, when possible, and upon discharge. 16. In case of absences of five or more consecutive work days, employees must providea statement from a licensed health care professional indicating the necessity of the absence, dates of absence and estimated date of return to work. See Human Resources Policy 21-21. 17. Failure to notify the administrative authority within the time periods specified in this policy may result in an unauthorized absence without pay subjecting the employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
18. Employees failing to comply with the requirements of this policy will not be paid, and may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
19. Employees absent from work without notification and authorization for three or moreconsecutive work days may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Reporting Requirements
20. For non-exempt employees, sick leave (time) is accrued based on hours submittedvia the approved university timekeeping system for hourly-paid employees. For exempt employees, sick leave (time) is automatically accrued while in active pay status or when an employee is on leave with full or partial pay.
For employees re-appointed or re-instated to the university, the Human Resources
Department will adjust the sick leave (time) balances to reflect the previous unused
balance, if appropriate.
21. Employees must complete and submit the appropriate Time Off From Work Form or other form (electronic or otherwise) as designated by their organizational unit to their administrative authority for approval as soon as possible.
COM dually compensated employees eligible to receive a UCP Short Term Disability(STD) benefit are required to advise UC Benefits Department prior to the first day of paid absence (sick pay) in order to gain access to vacation pay following termination of STD benefit.
Policy Title:
Policy Number:
Vacation and Accrual Schedule
Category: Human Resources
Effective Date: 10/01/2016
Policy Owner: Sr. VP for Administration and Finance Responsible Office(s): Human Resources
Policy applicable for: Classified and Unclassified Employees
Prior Effective Date: 01/01/2016
This policy applies to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or for whom the agreement contains no provision regarding this subject.
1. An employee shall accrue vacation time in accordance with the tables contained inthis policy.
2. An employee may carry over vacation credit from year to year up to the maximumamount reflected in the table below. An employee cannot be paid for or accrue vacation in excess of the maximum vacation accrual rate.
3. Vacation time continues to accrue during paid vacation and paid sick leave. Vacationdoes not accrue during a leave of absence without pay.
4. A vacation request must be requested from administrative authority at least 30 daysin advance of the first date of vacation time.
5. The needs of the university shall be the basic consideration for scheduling vacationtime.
6. Vacation must be approved by the administrative authority prior to the employeetaking the time off work.
7. Once a vacation leave has started, illness or incapacitation that happens during vacation may not be transferred to sick leave (time), unless the employee is hospitalized. A certification of health care provider form must be provided to supportthe leave transfer.
8. Vacation time may be used once an employee has exhausted sick leave (time)accruals.
9. Vacation balances must be exhausted before beginning a Personal or Educationalleave of absence without pay.
10. An employee who transfers within the university shall transfer the accrued vacation
balance to the new position. If the position to which the employee transfers causes the employee to be ineligible for vacation accrual, the accrued balance shall be paidto the employee.
11. Upon separation from the university, an employee shall be paid for any accrued butunused vacation up to the maximum accrual amount.
12. If a university holiday falls within an employee’s scheduled vacation, the employee shall not be charged accrued vacation for the day on which the holiday is observed.
1. Follow organizational unit time off work reporting processes.
Classified employees hired before 7/1/1977 and permanent full-time or permanentpart-time 50% or greater FTE and have 25 or more years of service:
Length of Service (Years)
Accrual Per Pay Period
Accrual Per Year
Maximum Accrual
Days 23
Hours 188
Hours 7.23
Days 75
Hours 600
25 or More
Classified employees hired on or after 7/1/1977, permanent full-time:
Length of Service (Years)
Accrual Per Pay Period
Accrual Per Year
Maximum Accrual
Immediate but less than 8
8 but less than 15 15 but less than 25
15 20 25
120 160 200
4.62 6.16 7.70
45 60 75
360 480
25 or more 600 *when the employee completes 8, 15 or 25 years of service, 40.04 hours will be added to the accrued vacation balance.
Unrepresented, unclassified employees
Effective 10/01/2016 unclassifed, non-exempt, full and permanent part-time (part-timeemployees accrue vacation on a pro-rata basis according to the FTE) hired before 01/01/2015:
Length of Service (Years)
Accrual Per Pay Period
Accrual Per Year
Maximum Accrual
Effective 10/01/2016 unclassifed, non-exempt, full and permanent part-time (part-timeemployees accrue vacation on a pro-rata basis according to the FTE) hired on or after01/01/2015:
Length of Service (Years)
Accrual Per Pay Period
Accrual Per Year
Maximum Accrual
Prior to October 1, 2016, unclassified, non-exempt employees with 15 or more years ofservice were able to accrue in excess of 528 hours of vacation. Effective October 1, 2016, vacation accrued in excess of 528 hours, if any, for these employees will be frozen. These employees will not accrue additional hours until such time as their accrual rate falls below 528 hours. Effective October 1, 2016, the maximum accrual rate will be 528 hours for all unclassified, non-exempt employees hired before 1/1/2015.
Unclassified, exempt employees hired before 1/1/2015* , full-time and part-time (part-time employees accrue vacation on a pro-rata basis according to the FTE):
Length of Service (Years)
Accrual Per Pay Period
Accrual Per Year
Maximum Accrual
Days 1.67
Unclassified, exempt employees hired on or after 1/1/2015* , full-time and part-time (part-time employees accrue vacation on a pro-rata basis according to the FTE):
Length of Service (Years)
Accrual Per Pay Period
Accrual Per Year
Maximum Accrual
Days 1.67
Coaches and Assistant Coaches:
Length of Service (Years)
Accrual Per Pay Period
Accrual Per Year
Maximum Accrual
Days 1.67
*College of Medicine
Effective January 1, 2016: Individuals in the Department of Emergency Medicine whoare clinical providers (Full-time and Part-time Clinical GEO faculty, Nurse Practioners,Physicians and Physician Assistants) as identified by the College of Medicine are not eligible for vacation accrual.
Policy Title: Policy Number: Winter Season Days 21.23
Category: Human Resources
Effective Date: 12/01/2014
Policy Owner: Sr. VP for Administration and Finance Responsible Office(s): Human Resources
Policy applicable for: Classified and
Prior Effective Date: Not Applicable
Unclassified Employees
This policy applies to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or for whom the agreement contains no provision regarding this subject.
The university will designate non-holiday work days between Christmas and New Year’s Day as winter season days. During the winter season days, non-essential employees will not be required to work. Employees designated as essential will be required to report to work.
1. Essential employees for the purpose of winter season days are those employeesrequired to carry out programmatic needs and provide continuity of programs of adepartment or unit. 2. No later than November 1 st of each year, units shall designate which employeesshall be essential for purposes of working the winter season days. 3. The units shall notify the Labor & Employee Relations division of the essentialemployees no later than November 15 th . 4. Employees who are not essential will not be required to report to work, and willreceive their regular compensation for the days designated as winter season days. 5. Employees who are essential will be required to report to work, and will receive (a) their regular rate of pay for the hours worked and (b) seasonal time on anhour-for-hour basis for hours worked during the winter season. 6. Seasonal time may not be used until after the winter season day period hasended. 7. Seasonal time must be requested and used no later than June 30 th of the yearfollowing the winter season in which it was earned. 8. Requests for seasonal time will not be unreasonably denied. 9. Seasonal time not used by June 30 th of the year following the winter season inwhich it was earned will be forfeited. There is no cash value. 10. Unused seasonal time will not be paid out following separation or retirement.
Policy Title:
Policy Number:
Effective Date:
Policy Owner:
Human Resources
Sr. VP for Administration and Finance Responsible Office(s):
Policy applicable for:
Prior Effective Date:
Human Resources
This policy applies to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or for whom the agreement contains no provision regarding this subject.
• All employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and workplace-appropriate manner that reflects positively on the university.
• For conduct and rule violations disciplinary action up to and including immediatetermination may occur.
• Violations may include, but are not limited to:
a) Violating University policies and encouraging or inciting others to do the same.
b) Inefficiency.
c) Insubordination: refusal of an employee to follow instructions or to perform designated work where such instructions or work normally and properly arerequired of an employee.
d) Dishonesty or theft, including, but not limited to Falsification of records orfalsification (theft) of time, or clocking-in for another employee or allowinganother employee to clock- in for you. e) Unauthorized use, abuse or destruction of University property (ID badge, telephones, computers, vehicles, etc). Permitting another individual the use of an employee’s identification card.
f) Use of University telephones for personal calls without authorization (except inthe case of an emergency). Charging personal long distance calls to the University.
g) Unauthorized or unsafe operation of University vehicles, or operation without a valid driver’s licenses.
h) Neglect of duty, including, but not limited to excessive use of personal mobilephones or electronic equipment while on duty.
i) Abuse of leave, including, but not limited to failure to comply with sick orvacation leave notification policies; repeated tardiness; absence without authorized leave; absence for three consecutive days without notice andwithout satisfactory reason.
j) Failure of employees to report to their work place at the beginning of their workperiod.
k) Failing to inform the supervisor when leaving a workstation or work area.
l) Sleeping on the job.
m) Loafing or carelessness.
n) Having unauthorized visitors during work hours.
o) Smoking in unauthorized areas.
p) Violating safety rules or common safety practices.
q) Failure to report an accident involving an on-the-job injury or damage toUniversity property.
r) Refusal to obey security officials or other proper authorities in the performanceof their normal duties or in times of emergency.
s) Discourteous treatment (including physical or verbal abuse) toward students,patients, visitors and other employees.
t) Threats of violence, violent acts or other violence towards students, patients,visitors or other employees.
u) Fighting, throwing objects
v) Possession of intoxicants (alcohol or drugs) while on University duty, or beingunder the influence of intoxicants (alcohol or drugs) while on the job.
w) Unauthorized possession of firearms, explosives or other lethal materialswhile on University property.
x) Gambling or the possession of gambling devices on University property.
y) Illegal or immoral conduct.
z) Soliciting, collecting money, or circulating petitions on University propertywithout the written permission of the Vice President having administrativeauthority over the department for which the employee works.
aa. Failure of employees to maintain a clean and neat appearance. Failure toadhere to appropriate departmental standards of dress.
bb. Failure of employees to keep their work area neat and clean.
cc. Unauthorized discussion of information pertaining to students, patients or other employees with friends, relatives, the general public or the news media.
dd. Failure to observe University parking and traffic Unauthorized overtime. ff. Any other deviation from standard and acceptable behavior.
gg. Viewing sexually explicit material on University time or property.hh. Failure to comply with HIPAA laws and regulations.
1. All new employees are advised at orientation that the Work Rules of the Universityare posted on the Human Resources website in the on-line Policies & Procedures manual.
The administrative authority/supervisor is responsible for monitoring employeecompliance with the work rules.
Hoxworth Blood Center Dress Code August 2013
Public perception of Hoxworth Blood Center is influenced by the appearance and behavior of its
employees. In no other business are personal dress, cleanliness, conduct and appearance as
important as they are in healthcare services. This policy provides a desired standard of appearance for
all Hoxworthemployees.
Specific departments, (i.e.: Laboratories and Donor Services) may have dress codes that are more
restrictive due to health and safety issues. In these cases, departmental policies will compliment, but notsupersede the minimum requirements stated in this policy. 1
No dress code can cover all contingencies so employees must exert good judgment in their choice of
clothing to wear to work. Managers have the privilege and responsibility to evaluate that an
employee’s choice of attire meets the stated standards and enforce the policy within the work place.
The following has been developed by the Leadership Dress Code Subcommittee:
• Business Casual and Business Traditional attire are acceptable during the work week and
mustpositively reflect the image of the Blood Center and the University of Cincinnati.
• Business Traditional attire is expected to be worn when hosting or attending meetings
withUniversity upper management, our customers, formal public and/or community
• All attire must be clean, proper fitting and wrinkle-free. Underclothing must not be
visiblethrough outer clothing.
• Safety and appearance are the main considerations for footwear as employees may have to
enterareas in which the foot must be covered. Footwear should cover the toes of the foot, have
a modest heel and non-skid sole.
• Examples of acceptable attire are listed below: a) Business casual is defined as the following: Dockers or khaki pants, dressy capris,
dress pants; casual dress shirt (button down for men), sweaters or polo’s, casual
shoes. Casualshoes can be canvas but gym shoes should not be worn unless
permitted by your department or for medical reasons. The wearing of open toed dress
shoes should be discussed with the departmental supervisor. Leggings are permitted
to be worn with tunics (long top that hits mid-thigh) or dresses.
Business traditional attire is defined as the following : Suits, dresses, dress shirt & tie orbutton down blouse, belt and dress shoes (for men), closed toe, heeled shoes not in excess of three inches for safety reasons. • Inappropriate attire is defined as the following: a) Halter tops, tube tops, see-through tops without tanks or camisoles, b) Shorts, torn clothing, blue jeans 2 , sweat pants, beach cover-ups, or yoga pants. c) T-shirts with logos other than Hoxworth or UC, d) Attire that has political, religious or vulgar statements is not permitted. e) Hats or head coverings in general are not appropriate. Exceptions include hats or head
coverings worn for religious purposes, cultural tradition, or cosmetic purposes due to
anexisting medical condition.
f) Flip-flops, tennis shoes (may be allowed in some departments).
• All employees are to prominently display identification badges. If one is lost, it is the employee’s
responsibility to secure a replacement immediately.
• All employees are expected to demonstrate good personal grooming. Hair is to be clean andneat. The use of deodorant is expected. Nail length will vary, but the general rule is that
nailsshould be clean and kept to a length that allows the employee to perform their job.
• Hoxworth Blood Center has employees with documented sensitivity to scented products (hair, skin, bath, cologne or perfume). We must adhere to our ADA compliance requirements
and askthat employees refrain from using or wearing heavily scented products in the
• Jewelry: the general rule is to maintain a professional appearance.
• Visible tattoos, facial and body piercings are not part of the overall professional appearance
that Hoxworth wants to project. Individuals with visible tattoos should use discretion and cover
up asmuch as possible in the work place. If our customers lodge an official complaint, those
individuals identified may be asked to cover the implicated tattoos.
• Visible dermal (body, tongue, facial) piercings or gauges should be removed prior to the start
of the work shift. Where this cannot happen, the employee will be required to cover them as
muchas possible, unless such covering creates a safety or infection control issue.
1 PPE is covered in SFT-006-SOP for Laboratory and Donor Services staff, & OSHA Laboratory
Standards. CFR29 1910.1450 Appendixes A 2 Except on Fridays or with departmental permission.
All Hoxworth Employees From:
Senior Management Team
Lunch, Breaks, and Vehicle Smoking - Reminders
The purpose of this memo is to clarify the lunch period and break times for all Hoxworth biweekly paid, non-exempt employees. The lunch/dinner break is 30minutes.
Individual department directors, managers, or supervisors establish break times.The decision to allow or disallow breaks and the times when breaks can occur, IF PERMITTED , are based on staffing levels, workloads, and the needs of the department. If you work in an area that can allow breaks, your supervisor will determine the amount of time you can be away from the work area.
We would like to remind all employees that there is ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING ALLOWED IN ANY HOXWORTH VEHICLE AT ANY TIME.
Thank you for your cooperation in adhering to these policies. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your supervisor.
Checklist for Managers - Success Factors Recruitment (Viewing and Moving Candidates)
Viewing Candidates:
Log into Success Factors.
o Enter your UC Username and Password (same as UCFlex) o The Home screen will appear. o On the Home screen, click Home and select Recruiting tab. o The Job Requisitions page will appear and will provide an overview of all of positon. This will show the number of candidates, etc. o The Candidates column on the Requisitions page provides access to candidates: - The number in blue represents the total number of Candidates who have applied for the positon. - The number in parentheses and ( orange) displays the number of New Candidates. o Hoxworth HR will move Candidates to Application review. o To view the Candidates: 1. Click the candidates’ name to open his/her application. 2. View the resume by clicking the Resume button at the top right of the application. 3. Manager will have immediate access to review candidates (Unless it is a classified position). If classified positon, UCHR recruiter will conduct the initial screenings then they will move Candidates to “Application Review”. Moving Candidates along the Pipeline o Submit to Hoxworth HR the name of the candidates you would like moved in Success Factor pipeline (phone screen, interview, finalist) o Notify Hoxworth HR of candidates that do not meet the minimum requirements. o Submit reason codes for each applicant not interviewed. (No show for interview, etc.) o Selecting a final candidate. Receiving approval notification from Hoxworth HR, make a verbal offer of employment to selected candidate contingent upon a successful background check. o Submit all information to Hoxworth HR.
Additional Information
o If there is a yellow box next to the name indicates an External Candidate o If there is a blue box next to the name it indicates an Internal Candidate. o Jobs must be posted a minimum of 5 business days.
Document #:
Effective Date:
Aug 12, 2020
Written By:
Deborah L Owsley
Christopher Nare
Approved By:
Foster Parnell
T i t l e : How to Select a Candidate for Hire
This SOP will describe the process a given departmental Manager or
designee will use to select a candidate for hire. The process is based on the
job classification of the position. For classified positions, UCHR will establish
the list of applicants in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) and
University Rules. For classified and represented positions, UCHR will establish
the list of applicants in accordance with Civil Service rules or the bargaining unit
agreements. For unclassified and student positions, all applicants are made
available to the hiring manager. Only applicants who meet the minimum
qualifications for the position can be considered for selection.
SuccessFactors is the current applicant tracking system. All applicants
who are hired by the University must apply through SuccessFactors at
Interview Sheet
Reasons for Not Selecting an Applicant List
Sample Reference Questions
1. When any position is approved to be posted, the Human Resources Director or
designee will alert the hiring manager.
2. The Human Resources Director or designee will send the unclassified position
information to the Community Relations Manager or designee, to be posted on
the Hoxworth website.
3. After the application deadline for a classified or represented position, UCHR will
release the list of applicants, their applications, resume and cover letter. The
Human Resources Director or designee will notify the position manager or
designee and email the Interview Sheet (HR-502-FORM) and the Reasons for
Not Selecting an Applicant List (HR-507-REF).
4. With unclassified positions, the Human Resources Director or designee will move
applicants through the process when the position manager or designee indicates
when an applicant will be interviewed and when a selection is made.
5. The Director of Human Resources or designee will enter the selection
information into SuccessFactors and submit the candidate for approval.
6. The Director of Human Resources or designee will communicate with the
position manager, and review where the candidate is throughout the hiring
1. The departmental manager will access SuccessFactors to review the list of
applicants, their applications, resumes, etc. They will determine who will be
interviewed for the position.
2. The manager or designee will contact the applicant directly to schedule the
3. The manager or designee should develop a list of core interview questions based
only on position-related criteria. The same questions should be asked of all
candidates to allow comparative judgments while ensuring position-related
information is obtained.
4. During the interview an applicant may volunteer non-job-related information with
regard to religion, sex, marital status, national origin, or age that could potentially
be used to discriminate against the candidate (for example, the applicant may
talk about their children or child care). Should this happen, the manager or
designee should handle the situation in the following manner:
a. Do not write down the information volunteered.
b. Do not ask follow-up questions or make statements to continue the
discussion on this topic
c. Return the discussion to position-related issues.
d. Do not consider the revealed information in evaluating the applicant’s
5. For every applicant that is interviewed, the manager will complete the Interview
6. The manager or designee will contact at least one professional reference for
candidates being considered as finalists. The one selected candidate or finalist
will be determined based on their qualifications, interviews, references, etc.
Examples of questions to ask when conducting references are listed in
attachment HR-503-FORM.
7. The manager or designee will collect proof of education/degree for all
unclassified finalists. Examples of proof include transcripts that indicate the
degree earned or a letter from the college stating the degree earned.
8. The manager or designee will notify the Director of Human Resources or
designee when they have made a selection.
9. For every applicant that is not interviewed, the manager or designee will review
the Reasons for Not Selecting an Applicant List (HR-507-FORM) and determine
which comment best describes why the applicant was not selected.
procedures.html - UC HR Policies and Procedures 16-04 and 16-05
SMARTtools for Leaders™
Screening Interview for the role: DCA
Cornett Date:
Proceed/Reject Rating and Comments (A, B, C):
1. What are your career goals?
2. What are you really good at professionally?
3. What are you not good at or not interested in doing professionally?
4. Who were your last five bosses, and how will they each rate your performance on a 1-10 scale when we talk to them?
Candidates Name:
Search Committee Member’s Names:
Response Score 10=Excellent 5=Good 2=Poor
Total Score By Question
In your current or past positions, who are your “customers”? Are they satisfied with your service? How do you know if you are meeting their needs? What have you done to actively seek their input?
Tell us about a time when you had to deal with an upset customer or client. Where you able to resolve their issue and retain their business?
What was the most difficult task you had to learn on a job? How did you go about learning it?
Describe a project, situation, or assignment that challenged your technical skills. Why was it challenging? What was the outcome?
Tell me about a situation where you had to abruptly change what you were doing. What did you do? How did it affect you?
Describe the things you do to control errors in your work. What did you do? When was the last time those methods helped you?
Tell me about a project you generated on your own
Sample Reference Questions
Candidate Name:
Reference Name:
Company Name:
In what context did you work with the person?
What were the person’s biggest strengths?
3. What were the person’s biggest areas for improvement back then?
4. How would you rate his/her overall performance in that job on a 1-10 scale? What about his or her performance causes you to give that rating?
5. The person mentioned that he/she struggled with _____ in that job. Can you tell me more about that?
Reasons for Not Selecting an Applicant
1. Does not meet minimum qualifications
2. Qualified but less relevant skills
3. Qualified but less relevant experience
4. Qualified but less relevant education
5. Qualified but less relevant research
6. Qualified but less favorable references
7. Ineligible cannot work in US
8. Unable to contact for interview
9. Candidate declined interview not interested
10. Candidate withdrew salary too low
11. Declined offer accepted another position
12. Candidate withdrew not willing to relocate for position
13. Candidate withdrew position not what expected
14. Unable to verify related work experience – no work history dates
15. Position cancelled
NEW EMPLOYEE CHECKLIST – FIRST DAY to 2 WEEKS T o ensure all new hires receive important information within their first two weeks:
o Discuss the agenda for the first week
o Explain how to use ID Cards to clock in/out and access the building
o Introduce the new hire to the entire department
o Review department’s mission and strategic plan; general purpose and functions of the department emphasizing the importance of team work and providing superior customer service
o Explain the interrelationship of your department to other departments/divisions; the HBC organizational chart would be helpful
o Review job functions, competencies and expectations
o Directory of staff phone numbers and email
o Discuss department’s policies and procedures:
o Attendance • Lunch • Travel Punctuality • Mail • Timesheets
o E- mail regulations • Vacation and Sick Time Off • ESS
o Communications • Internet access • Dress Code • Overtime • Work Schedule
o Lateness • Inclement Weather Policy, Hoxworth is ALWAYS Open
Emergencies, Fire Drills
o Review significant University Policies (e.g., Anti-Harassment Policy, Affirmative Action, Smoke Free Workplace, etc.)
o Review Security and Safety procedures
o Conduct tour of floor, building, other appropriate facilities, etc.
o Consider assigning a mentor o r “buddy” for the new hire
o Set up brief meeting with department head and other administrators and staff members, if appropriate o Remind new hire to go to review the information received for "New Employees” and to review other information on resources and services available at the University of Cincinnati. o Prepare to complete the QA Global Training requirements (QAE-001-SOP and QAE-505- REF).
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