Hoxworth Manager Guide 2021


Policy Title: Policy Number: Winter Season Days 21.23

Category: Human Resources

Effective Date: 12/01/2014

Policy Owner: Sr. VP for Administration and Finance Responsible Office(s): Human Resources

Policy applicable for: Classified and

Prior Effective Date: Not Applicable

Unclassified Employees


This policy applies to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or for whom the agreement contains no provision regarding this subject.


The university will designate non-holiday work days between Christmas and New Year’s Day as winter season days. During the winter season days, non-essential employees will not be required to work. Employees designated as essential will be required to report to work.


1. Essential employees for the purpose of winter season days are those employeesrequired to carry out programmatic needs and provide continuity of programs of adepartment or unit. 2. No later than November 1 st of each year, units shall designate which employeesshall be essential for purposes of working the winter season days. 3. The units shall notify the Labor & Employee Relations division of the essentialemployees no later than November 15 th . 4. Employees who are not essential will not be required to report to work, and willreceive their regular compensation for the days designated as winter season days. 5. Employees who are essential will be required to report to work, and will receive (a) their regular rate of pay for the hours worked and (b) seasonal time on anhour-for-hour basis for hours worked during the winter season. 6. Seasonal time may not be used until after the winter season day period hasended. 7. Seasonal time must be requested and used no later than June 30 th of the yearfollowing the winter season in which it was earned. 8. Requests for seasonal time will not be unreasonably denied. 9. Seasonal time not used by June 30 th of the year following the winter season inwhich it was earned will be forfeited. There is no cash value. 10. Unused seasonal time will not be paid out following separation or retirement.

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