Policy Title:
Policy Number:
Effective Date:
Policy Owner:
Human Resources
Sr. VP for Administration and Finance Responsible Office(s):
Policy applicable for:
Prior Effective Date:
Human Resources
This policy applies to employees who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement or for whom the agreement contains no provision regarding this subject.
• All employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and workplace-appropriate manner that reflects positively on the university.
• For conduct and rule violations disciplinary action up to and including immediatetermination may occur.
• Violations may include, but are not limited to:
a) Violating University policies and encouraging or inciting others to do the same.
b) Inefficiency.
c) Insubordination: refusal of an employee to follow instructions or to perform designated work where such instructions or work normally and properly arerequired of an employee.
d) Dishonesty or theft, including, but not limited to Falsification of records orfalsification (theft) of time, or clocking-in for another employee or allowinganother employee to clock- in for you. e) Unauthorized use, abuse or destruction of University property (ID badge, telephones, computers, vehicles, etc). Permitting another individual the use of an employee’s identification card.
f) Use of University telephones for personal calls without authorization (except inthe case of an emergency). Charging personal long distance calls to the University.
g) Unauthorized or unsafe operation of University vehicles, or operation without a valid driver’s licenses.
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