Hoxworth Blood Center Dress Code August 2013
Public perception of Hoxworth Blood Center is influenced by the appearance and behavior of its
employees. In no other business are personal dress, cleanliness, conduct and appearance as
important as they are in healthcare services. This policy provides a desired standard of appearance for
all Hoxworthemployees.
Specific departments, (i.e.: Laboratories and Donor Services) may have dress codes that are more
restrictive due to health and safety issues. In these cases, departmental policies will compliment, but notsupersede the minimum requirements stated in this policy. 1
No dress code can cover all contingencies so employees must exert good judgment in their choice of
clothing to wear to work. Managers have the privilege and responsibility to evaluate that an
employee’s choice of attire meets the stated standards and enforce the policy within the work place.
The following has been developed by the Leadership Dress Code Subcommittee:
• Business Casual and Business Traditional attire are acceptable during the work week and
mustpositively reflect the image of the Blood Center and the University of Cincinnati.
• Business Traditional attire is expected to be worn when hosting or attending meetings
withUniversity upper management, our customers, formal public and/or community
• All attire must be clean, proper fitting and wrinkle-free. Underclothing must not be
visiblethrough outer clothing.
• Safety and appearance are the main considerations for footwear as employees may have to
enterareas in which the foot must be covered. Footwear should cover the toes of the foot, have
a modest heel and non-skid sole.
• Examples of acceptable attire are listed below: a) Business casual is defined as the following: Dockers or khaki pants, dressy capris,
dress pants; casual dress shirt (button down for men), sweaters or polo’s, casual
shoes. Casualshoes can be canvas but gym shoes should not be worn unless
permitted by your department or for medical reasons. The wearing of open toed dress
shoes should be discussed with the departmental supervisor. Leggings are permitted
to be worn with tunics (long top that hits mid-thigh) or dresses.
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