Use of Accrued Sick Leave (Time)
8. Use of accrued sick leave (time) is subject to the approval of the employee’s supervisor/manager/director, unless the employee is using the sick leave (time) for a certified qualifying condition under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), in which case the sick leave (time) will be approved.
9. Accrued sick leave (time) may be used for the following reasons:
a) Illness, injury or pregnancy-related condition of the employee; b) Examination, including medical, psychological, dental or optical examinationof a member of the employee’s immediate family by a licensed health care professional where the employee’s presence is reasonably necessary; c) Examination of the employee, including medical, psychological, dental or optical examination, by a licensed health care professional; d) Illness, injury, or pregnancy-related condition of a member of the employee’s immediate family where the employee’s presence is reasonably necessary for the health and welfare of the employee or affected family member; and e) Exposure of an employee to a contagious disease which could be communicated to and jeopardize the health of others.
10. Paid sick leave (time) will be concurrently designated as FMLA time if appropriateand applicable.
11. An employee who becomes ill or injured on duty must, if reasonably possible, obtainpermission from his or her administrative authority before leaving the workplace.
12. University contributions toward benefits will continue while an employee is receivingpaid sick leave (time) pursuant to this policy.
13. In the event an employee’s absence is 15 consecutive calendar days or more, he orshe will be placed on the appropriate leave of absence. Medical Leave of Absence With Pay (Employee) is addressed in Human Resources Policy 21-15; Leaves of Absence for Family Member Medical Care Reasons are addressed in Human Resources Policy 21-16; and Medical and Disability Leaves of Absence Without Payare addressed in Human Resources Policy 21-04. 14. If an employee uses accrued sick leave (time) for a period exceeding his or her accrued sick leave (time) balance, he or she may be placed on the appropriate leaveof absence without pay. To remain in pay status, the employee may elect to utilize any or all accrued vacation and/or compensatory time. Such election by the employee shall be irrevocable and is subject to the approval of the supervisor/manager/director. Allaccrued sick leave (time) must be exhausted prior to electing to utilize any or all accruedvacation and/or compensatory time.
Dually compensated College of Medicine employees enrolled in a UCP short term
disability plan are not required to exhaust UC vacation time prior to being eligible for a
Medical Leave of Absence without Pay. These employees may, after exhausting UC
sick time, gain access to UC vacation pay after the UCP short term disability benefit is
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