Catalog 254 Series HE701 - HE901

Amphenol • HE7/HE9


254 / HE701

Single-sided connectors for PCB

The 254 series is a single sided, 2,54 [.100] pitch, range of connectors for printed circuit boards. Both direct or indirect connections could be made: - For direct connection, the female receptacle mates with a 1,6 ± 0,2 [.063 ± .008] printed circuit board - For indirect connection, the female receptacle mates with the male plugs

A well-proven technology The 254 series uses a 2,54[.100] pitch, single sided The arrangements available are from 11 contacts to 47 contacts for 254 series and 6 contacts to 24 contacts for 508 series

A simple choice of solutions, adaptable to all type of configurations 2 receptacle versions are available: Type A: Type B: - Floating contacts

- Removable contacts

- Terminations in two rows, 2,54[.100] pitch

- Terminations in two rows, 5,08[.200] pitch

For motherboard: female receptacle with straight PC tails (Y) For mounting on cables: female receptacle with solder cup contacts (Z)

For extender boards

Female extender with right angle PC tails (YC) Type B only Removable contacts

Terminations in two rows, 5,08[.200] pitch

In case of direct connection: the female receptacle mates directly with a 1,6 ± 0,2 [.063 ± .008] printed circuit board

In case of indirect connection, the male plug with right angle PC tails is used. 3 versions are available A: standard types as per norm B: open ended mounting ears

C: without mounting ears

Various polarization system are available (for both direct or indirect connection) The 508 series is a derivate version of the standardized range, with only odd-numbered contacts mounted The 254 series complies with here below standards:

NFC/UTE 93-421 HE701

Number of contacts



Signal contacts

Polarization system

Female receptacle Type A Type B

Sraight PC tails Y Solder cup Z Right angle PC tails (YC, for extender)

For direct connection For indirect connection


From 6 to 47

Male plug Type A Type B Type C

Right angle PC tails

Pages 18 & 27 Pages 23 to 25

Pages 20 & 21

Pages 23 to 25

Page 26

All dimensions are given for information only and are in mm [inch], except as otherwise specified

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