Things to consider: Weed competitions can be significant with autumn reseeds, watch out for slugs and frit flies. There is a narrow window of establishment, consideration other crops in the rotations. Where conditions allow, establish the ley as soon as possible to allow strong vigorous plants to establish before winter. This will also avoid frosts on seedlings when they emerge. * Timing is important! Wait until the soil is warm enough for grass growth – at 5 degrees (8 for clover). Avoid overseeding at times of peak growth for existing grass. * Make sure soil conditions are good before proceeding. * Choose varieties suited to the chosen option – use species that will establish rapidly and will not be out competed by the existing ley if overseeding, i.e. IRG, Hybrid or Tetraploid PRG. Species such as Timothy will be slower to establish and less competitive but are beneficial late on in the season when other species growth slows, making them more suitable for a reseed. Autumn seeding Advantages Minimum impact to yield loss Seedbed has time to settle over winter allowing good struc- ture to form Less impact on grazing stock Good weed control if early enough Higher soil temperatures, with little risk of drought Provides early spring growth Usually the choice for short term leys
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