NVBSS April 2018


The start of spring brings everyone’s favorite seasonal chore — spring cleaning! As you dust, vacuum, organize, and declutter, don’t forget about the one room that often gets neglected. This year, give special attention to the utility closet. The utility closet houses your furnace, boiler, water heater, A/C junction, and other similar large appliances. Homeowners often forget about these appliances because they are out of sight and out of mind, and this can cost a lot in the long run. Like all the other rooms in your home, this space needs to be kept clean. Dust, for instance, can be hard on HVAC systems. Over time, it accumulates in the HVAC intake and clogs the air filter, reducing its effectiveness and efficiency. This results in a short lifespan for your system, higher power bills, and a poorly heated or cooled home.

• Family homes (three or more occupants) with no pets or allergies: 3–6 months.

• Family homes with at least one pet or minor allergies: 2–3 months.

• Family homes with multiple pets or allergies: 1–2 months.

In addition to changing the air filter, it’s important to schedule a routine inspection of your home’s HVAC system. This includes an inspection of the appliances themselves and any connecting ducts. Dust, dander, and mold can accumulate in the ducts and spread throughout the home, which can lead to health issues, including respiratory problems. A routine inspection will identify potential problems in your HVAC system. On top of that, you can get these systems professionally cleaned and maintained. These are simple steps that will keep your home’s air systems running smoothly for years to come. Plus, you’ll be ready for the summer months ahead!


• Homes with minimal foot traffic (single or double occupancy) and no pets or allergies: 6–12 months.


Acting the Foo c e oo

April Fools’ has long been a day for joking around with people. You might play a couple of harmless pranks on family members, co-workers, or friends the first of the month and maybe even throughout the week. One thing’s for sure though: whether it’s April Fools’ or not, no one wants to be a “fool.” Some people play the part though. A young man made a foolish decision that made him out to be worse than he actually is. The man was a bright and athletic sort, someone who had worked hard his whole, brief life. As a child, he played little league, and he continued to play baseball as he grew up. He continued to hit, pitch, and catch throughout the years and became quite skilled at the sport. In high school, he excelled even further. He was his team’s starting pitcher, and he felt he had a good chance of earning a college scholarship or being picked up by a professional team.

But, despite all that effort and success, the only offer that came to him was from a “lesser” college. They offered a scholarship, but it wasn’t the full ride he had hoped for. This young man, who had worked hard at something he loved all his life, was thoroughly upset and discouraged, as anyone would be. But, instead of accepting the situation, he began to search for someone to take the fall for why this had happened. The young man decided to hire a lawyer — or at least try to — in order to sue the doctor who had delivered him, the theory being that the doctor must have done something wrong when he was born. While it was understandable for him to be upset about not getting the scholarships he wanted, there was no need for such a frivolous lawsuit. If you ever find yourself in an upsetting position, whether it be April or not, avoid playing the fool and think before you file such a lawsuit.

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