King's Business - 1945-09

WHERE P R A Y E R PREVAILS Train for needed Christian service at this growing Bible School—“ built with prayer.” The good climate and mountain scenery of the famed Col­ umbia River are an added inspiration. Accredited courses. FREE tuition, strong faculty, devoted student body. Ask for catalog. Interesting Monthly Sent Free for a year to All Inquirers. MULTNOMAH H R School o f the l Y l B I B L E Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., Pres. B. B. Sutcliffe, n.n. John G. Mitchell. p.D. Chairman of Trustee. Board Vice-President 703 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland 12, Oregon

Send for your free copy o f this remarkable testi­ mony of hatred turned to love.s A JEW AND THE N A M E of J E S U S rn r r T t r e r : * r o rn r r w » * Hear, O Israel; Jehovah Our God, Jehovah is One!

illiteracy—the world’s greatest blight today—1 will be a first order of post-war business for every Government. And thanks to a new and ingenious method devised by a Christian mis­ sionary, millions will learn to read quickly. But what will they read? Political dogmas or religious doctrines of antagonistic ways of life? Or shoddy tales of human frailties? OR will their reading be the World’s Greatest Book -t h e Holy Bible? IT’S UP TO YOU! The American Bible Society is ready, able and eager to act for you in publishing and dis­ tributing, the Scriptures. Funds are urgently needed and the appeal is to YOU. For those desiring to give and receive at the same time, the Society offers an Annuity Agreement, which thousands have found pro­ vides a generous income while gratifying a spiritual longing to do for mankind through­ out.the world. Fill out the coupon below. ® SEND THE COUPON NOWI American Bible Society, Bible House, New York 22, N.Y. ■ Q Please send me, without obligation, your I - booklet K-61 entitled “A Gift That Lives!’ | □ I enclose $..___ for the world-wide distribu­ tion of the Scriptures wherever need exists. ;I N ---------—................ .......... -.. | Address..,..~ ...................-—------— ...........— | City ......................... ........... ... St'

Daniel Rose, Director

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a J e w i s h Department whose ministry deals with the preach­ ing of the Gospel to God’s ancient people, Israel. From this office go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jewish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of *stu­ dents hold regular street meetings in places where an audience can. be se­ cured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p.m. in the lower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meet­ ing is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish Department, and to support this ministry by your prayers and gifts, ‘

T R U E -T O -T H E -B IB L E SUNDAY SCHOOL MATERIAL by Standard Standard’s lessons teach the Bible, sub­ ordinate all else to the divinely revealed Word of God. They are evangelistic, inspiring, tested, suited to pupils of all ages. C losely Graded, Beginners to Young People. International Improved Uniform lessons for all ages. There’s still time to arrange for Standard’s ma­ terial with which to start your next quarter. Send for Prospectus of C losely Graded, or complete information on Uniform. State department in which interested. Address Desk BK -9.

HOME STUDY CO U RSE Doctrines of the Ch ristian Faith by the REV. P. B. FITZWATER# D. D.

Right in your own home you can gain a thorough knowledge of the Bible’* teach­ ings on the wonders and attributes of God# of Jesus Christ# of the Holy Spirit . • . and othor great foundation truths. Study undor one of the country’s load­ ing Bible expositors# Dr. P. B. Fitx- w ater. You can complete the course In one year* WRITE FOR INFORMATION . . . Dept. Gentlemen: Please send the circular describing Doctrines of the Christian Faith correspondence course. NAME. Dept> K857

PSA. 122:6 PHIL. 4:19

/ .


Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE, Director Jewish Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, California

Dcluxepublication, 112 big pages. Di­ vided into maga­ zine and Uniform lesson sections; for ministers, superin­ tendents, teachers.

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The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets# Cincinnati 3, Ohio


September, 1^45

Ö u s i H e a d e A l S p e a k

Youth Evangelism “ I have been reading your good magazine for quite some time and truthfully can say that .it has been appreciated. It is solid throughout. “ Personally, I disagree with the writer of ‘Today's Youth Evangelism—Is It Shallow? in the July issue with regard to 'making tracts attractive’ and using the ‘Indian ap­ proach’ but that is perhaps, because of a journalistic background and an abhorrence of anything not attractively set in type, along with the experience of skipping over all portions of Scripture, in tracts when 1 read them as an unsaved person. Mel Larson Chicago, III* “ I think the article on Youth Rallies was good and timely. I think some are bringing young people to the place where, if tne pastor can’t ‘ring the bell’ every week, he is no good. I like the Object Lessons un­ der a separate article, too.” Ta . Rev. Coy T. Maret Escondido, Calif. “ Please convey to the writer of the recent article on the Youth Movement in your pa­ per my hearty commendation. It is hign time that someone evaluated this movement for just what it is. There is no question but what there will be abundance of criti­ cism for this position, but eternity will re­ veal the value of the sentiment^ excPre“™ ey Taylor, Pa. “ I feel that I must compliment you on the timely article, ‘Today's Youth Evange­ lism—Is It Shallow?' Some of us have been watching the trends referred to with in­ creasing alarm, and I sincerely trust that pointing out of them may lead to a search­ ing of heart and ways by all interested in Youth or in Gospel testimony generally. Certainly some of the present practices are ' unhealthy, to say the least.” Evangelist F. W. Schwartz Detroit, Mich. *‘I have Just been reading your article in the July issue: ‘Today’s Youth Evangelism _Is it Shallow?’ and I hope the leaders of that work will ask themselves that ques- t 0n* Mrs. J. H. Husk San Francisco, Calif.

The ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES o f Sunday School lessons offers a brand new course for Nursery age (2- and 3-year-old) boys and girls. N OW you can give them Bible teaching at their age level. Authored by Mary E. LeBar, the course is for a full year, in 12 units, under such general themes as “ Loving Jesus W ho Loves Little Children,” “Thanking God for Good Gifts,” “ Loving the Baby Jesus,” “ Talking to God,” covering Bible characters and stories in both O ld and New Testaments. The teacher gets a well-bound manual, styled to make it a delightful aid. To capture attention she will also have 64 large pictures—9 by 12, done in four and five colors—to show as the story unfolds. Each Sunday nursery tots will have a 4 by 6 inch miniature o f one large picture to carry home, w ith ’the story on the reverse side—52 pictures for the whole year, also in four and five colors. The ALL BIBLE Nursery Course is unique, attractive, easy to use, Bible-sound—just what thousands o f Sunday Schools have needed to start a new department or improve an existing one. Prices are reasonable. . . Mail the coupon for your copy o f “ How to Have a Successful Nursery Department.”

Five other departments complete the ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES of Sunday School lessons—Begin­ ner, Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Senior. The WHOLE Bible becomes the actual study book. Graded lessons insure keenest pupil interest. Worship service for each department is correlated with the lesson. Pupils’ manuals dramatize the lesson. Mark the coupon for samples and information.

Too Small

rint of some hymns Is impossible to sit down the words: I feel that to be in your splendid be of some value.” TVlrs. Helen May

•‘The music you p so small that it is and play it and read if it is good enough magazine, it should Los Angeles, Calif.

1 I 1 m m m m w u \ 800 N. CLARK ST., CHICAGO 10, ILL. H ¿SC R I,PT U R S i P RE S S Please send me a copy of “ How to Have a Successful Nursery Department,” and information about other departments of the ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES of Sunday School lessons: □ Beginner □ P rim a ry □ J u n io r □In term ediate □ S e n io r I I H| Address ________________________ ‘________ City, Zone, State ___________________ —------- B I I am □ Pastor □ Supt. □ Teacher Q Dir. of Christian Ed, I 1 £, 3 * Church ■■—--- ----------- ---- ------------- Dpnrrm _______ j|Sg H dept ..:

“ We were much Interested in the arti­ cle, ‘Hold That Line.' How we need some­ thing for the boys and girls and most of the parents to awaken them to their need of a Saviour!” ". , Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Dunlap Oakville, Wash. Congratulations “ May I send my congratulations on the improvement . . . I like the new type for headings and the new articles such as ‘Bi­ ble in the News’ and ‘Greek Word Treas­ ures.’ I would like lo see a section devoted to Bible study such as Dr. Talbot once wrote on Genesis, Romans, etc. I would like to see articles written on history from the Christian’s viewpoint . . . Don't dis­ continue the book review section.” Sgt. Warren E. Belknap c/o P. M. New York, N. Y.

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S




Published Monthly by And Representing

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated

Voi. 36 Louis T. Talbot, D.D. Editor-in-Chief

No. 9


William W . Orr, D.D. Associate Editor

Ransom Marvin John Bazart Illustrators

Betty Bruechert, Managing Editor CONTENTS: Cover: Photograph Courtesy United Air Lines.

Our Readers Speak .,...................................................................................... 321 I Was a Prisoner of War, but God . , . , by Rodney W. Leonard....324 Editorially Speaking ....................................... ... l ............... .........................326 Youth Does It, by Hubert Mitchell ....................................p...................... 328 The Challenge of the Future for ‘‘Youth for Christ,” by Torrery M. Johnson ..... .......... ............................................................ .329 A Labor of Love, by J. Vernon McGee ....................................... ............. 331 Poem, by Martha Snell Nicholson ................. ................ x ........................ 333 Christ in Chungking, by Charles A. Roberts . ..........................................334 Frank Arthur Keller, A Tribute, by Henry Owen ................................. 335 Junior King’s Business, by Martha S. Hooker ...................... 338 Book Reviews ....................... ........"................................................................ 340 Devotional Readings .............................................................,....................... 341 Biola Family Circle.................................................. ..........................'........... 342 Dr. Talbot’ s Question B o x ..... ................................ .......... ........... .............344 The Bible in the News ........................................................ . ....................... 345 The Bible Institute on the A ir .....................................................................346 Greek Word Treasures, by Bernard Ramm .................. 347 Young People’s Topics .............................................................. 348 Sunday School Lessons ........ 350 Object Lessons for September, by Elmer L. Wilder ........................358 SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION —“ The King’s Business“ is published monthly; $1.50, one yr.; $2.00, two yrs.; 75 cents, six months;. 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. -Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCE —Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to “ The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING —For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, Calif., or our eastern representatives. Religious Press Asso- ,-ciation, 51 No. 52nd St., Philadelphia 39, Pa. MANUSCRIPTS —“ The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent in for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided, for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. .L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.

September, 1945


P a r t m w s y iC T O R V


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t o u r n o w à m i i t o Young People's Bible Study Quarterly A fresh, original study for each Sun­ day in the quarter— topical, devotional, biographical, synthetic, missionary. Also planning ideas and suggestions how to make your meetings interesting. Send 15c for current issue ONLY 10c for complete samples of sound Sunday School papers and quar­ terlies. FREE: Catalog of Sunday School and Church supplies. Christian Publications, Inc. 1507 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. “What Became of Noah's Ark?" has been asked by many people. Read the book, ‘‘The Reported Discovery of Noah’s Ark,” by Professors A. J. Smith, Ph.D., D.D.. and G. F. Ftetchall, M.A., Ph.D. Amazingly interesting reports starting with Josephus’ testimony 100 A. D.t Marco Polo 1269, and other« originating in England, Russia and Persia. Price postpaid 6Qc... 2 for $1.00. College Book Room, Inter­ cession City, Fla.

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HOPE PUBLISHJ-NG COMPANY 5729-L5 West Lake Street, Chicaso 44, III.

Our church needs new hymnals . Please send FREE Sample of “ The Service Hymnal.”

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S '



I WASA PRISONER OFWAR, BUT ROD. . . ByPvf. RodneyW.Leonard, U. S. Infantry

Have you ever wondered what it must be like to be a captive in enemy territory? Read■this heart-moving ac­ count of a Christian mans experience.

œ HE year of 1944 began as auspiciously as any other of my thirty-two years of life. I was in perfect health, weighing two hundred and sixty pounds I had a lovely wife and two fine children. I lived in a nice house and drove a good car. Better still, I was a Christian —even a Sunday School superintendent—to whom my pastor and church meant much. There was not a cloud on my horizon; I was satisfied with my lot; the future looked as rosy as possible. But sometimes at night, I was uneasy; I was vaguely apprehensive that all of this was too good to last. I had a definite 'feeling that some­ thing was going to happen. It did! It came one day in the form of an innocent-looking, official envelope from the War Department of the United States of America. I was drafted March 20; basic and advanced training followed; then a Port of Embarkation, and on September 11, I was on my way overseas. It seemed no time at all until I found myself, with my comrades, in a deep, dark woods of southeastern Germany, fighting for my life. The soft existence amid the lovely orange groves of Southern California had faded like a beautiful dream. Hurtgen Forest We were an Infantry Replacement Unit of the Ninth Division of thé First Army. We were inside of the forty- mile deep Siegfried Line, and, although a part of the United States forces engaged in the mighty siege of Aachen, our immediate objective was Bonn, .and our general objective Cologne. g Our company had been stalemated for days in this sector. Within fifty yards of the enemy, we would advance a bit, then fall back under their fire, taking prisoners as we retreated. Again we would attack, only to be met with fierce resistance. Not only were the mortar and artillery bombardment's heavy, but at the same time the United States Air Forces were strafing the German lines in front of us. It was a scene of unutterable norror and din as we .engaged in mortal combat. No wonder our squad leader said to the new recruits: “If you last more than three days in here, you are a veteran!”

Hurtgen Forest was dense, the trees averaging twenty to thirty feet in height, at the base of which we found cover. The shells were flying so thick and fast that often we dared not lift our heads; some of the men put their helmets on sticks and straightway holes were shot through them. But on Friday, October 13, we felt we had done pretty well. We had made a fair advance and had taken about fifty prisoners. But suddenly the German infantry took on new life; they apeared to be closing in with their automatic rifles. One of our company got it in the leg—a compound fracture. We hastily retreated, and since night ,was beginning to fall when it was impossible for either side to find targets in the pitch blackness, we began digging slit trenches for ourselves. The Germans came on. We left them our nice new trenches and started others farther back. Still they advanced. We were digging our third trenches before we felt that we dared to halt. We posted guards at two-hour periods with orders to shoot without warning anything that moved in front of us, and attempted to secure some belated sleep. Capture All at once an order came that we were wanted at the command post in the rear; we were told to assemble all of our rifles and ammunition. So we started out in the dark, seven of us: our wounded comrade, one medical sergeant, and five riflemen including myself, carrying the injured man and all of our gear. We were to be met by litter bearers; we meant to follow “ the wire” (com­ munications lines) but were advised by our captain to take a short cut. The going was rough, over fallen trees. We made our way for three hundred yards, put down cur comrade in order to change hands; repeated the proce­ dure. Qur medical sergeant, who was in command, went ahe^d, trying to pick out a path for us. All at, once we froze in our tracks at his words: “Don’t look now but I think I see something!” It was merely a semicircle of more than a dozen German Arm* officers! We were .looking directly into the barrels of their submachine guns!

for my height of six feet two. Although not rich, I was in a prosperous orange-growing business with my father.


September, 1945

Our beds were blankets spread on the floor. Snow was on the ground and it was bitter cold. We were never warm unless we were working. We had water for all purposes for an hour a day. Our work detail was cleaning up the rubble resulting from the United States air at­ tacks. Sometimes our own bombers would strafe us. In the center of Limburg square was a large imitation bomb on which was the printed inscription: “This will never happen here!” It produced grim smiles from us. ^ Strangely enough, with outward conditions so dread­ ful, at Limburg prison there was a real seeking after God on the part of the men. Some fine Christian men were present. We held services in a tent. Each evening in the barracks we had prayers. Though in bad shape physically, the men were eager to study the Word of God. About twenty accepted Christ as Saviour. We had no regular chaplain but we helped each other with what little knowledge we had. I read my New Testament through twice; at home I was top “busy” to do it! Cer­ tainly man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. I saw that trouble .was the only thing that would bring some men to God. We were shut up to Him. We had nothing else. Some of us had a few possessions across the sea but now they were of no use to us; I was in a half-starving condition while oranges spoiled in my California groves. I learned that material things have only a relative value. God was close to me in that prison. Now I know from experience that “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Cross Country Trip Three weeks later, I was among seven hundred prisoners shipped across Germany to Hammerstein Prison, known as Stalag II-B. The trip is still a nightmare to me. Forty-seven men were assigned to one box car. Four days and four nights we were shut up without water and with­ out sanitation facilities. Daily we were given a quarter of a loaf of black bread and a piece of raw meat. All of us could not lie down at night without lying upon each other. Many became violently ill before we reached our destination. Hammerstein We were incarcerated at Hammerstein from November 20 to January 29. Thanks to the Red Cross, we had more food, better clothing. They kept us alive and going. The memory of the first good food I had—some raisins and prunes cooked together—still brings tears to my eyes as ( Continued on Page 330)

Our sergeant tried to get us through because we were bearing a wounded man but it did not work and he was obliged to give the order: “Throw down your rifles!” Had, we not hesitated because of our responsibility to our injured comrade, we might have broken in all di­ rections, and some might have escaped. But our rifles were over our shoulders and we were seven against over one hundred Germans. Nearby were three German pill­ boxes and nicely dug slit trenches from foxhole to foxhole. The Germans exhibited no malice. They fed us well and soon we were showing each other pictures of home and family. Some of them spoke broken English. They were very curious; their most common question was: “What would the Americans do to us if we were their prisoners?” We assured them that they would have the best food they ever ate! They countered by saying: “You are now the lucky ones. For you the war is over!” How does it feel to be a prisoner of war? Soldiers are not trained for capture. Nothing in my preparation had fitted me for this experience. I had considered wounds and death as every serviceman does, but on capture I had not reckoned. Naturally, the first reaction was of fear, especially so since we expected momentarily to be lined up and shot. Our legs were shaky; our hearts were beating pretty fast. At the same time there was a deep peace in my heart. I knew that since I had accepted the salvation which God had provided in His Son, my soul was secure, and I was ready to meet Him. But I thought of my wife and children and life was very sweet. The hours wore on and, to our surprise, we were still alive. At about three o’clock in the morning, the Germans began to assemble their gear. To us they said: “You are going with us but you will return!” To this day we do not know what they meant for we never did go back. We were forced to carry their heavy cases of machine gun ammunition in addition to our wounded man and our own supplies. A mile or so of travel, and we reached the farthest point our lines had made. We were most anxious about our troops. Later we learned that they came through all right. After five miles of laborious travel over trails covered by fallen trees, we were forced to leave our wounded comrade at a German aid station. After walking all day, we were picked up by a German command car and taken to Duren where we were placed in an old paper mill with a group of fifty other prisoners. Here we had black bread once a day and barley soup (with worms) twice a day. From this point we were transported to work on railroads which had been bombed by the American Air Forces. It was hard work and six men shared one loaf of black bread per day; there was no noon meal; at night there, was barley soup and occasionally a little “ersatz” coffee and some marmalade. Four days of this, and then we walked under guard to Bonn where we were shipped to our first long stop—Limburg prison, Stalag No. XII-A. Limburg My mind recoils at the memory of conditions at Lim­ burg. I think of the beet soup; it is incredible that man could concoct anything so vile-smelling and so vile-tast- ing. There were bits of potato in it which I strained out and ate. My brothers-in-arms said: “What are you going to eat? You will starve.” I would answer, “I’m not hungry enough yet to eat that; I may come to it.” But I never did. The sour bread was nearly as bad. We were pretty low when the Red Cross “captive parcels” finally reached us. Without the cans of Spam, milk, tuna and other sup­ plies they sent, we would have died of starvation. We feel greatly indebted to them. I went “down” to two hundred pounds, which may not seem a loss to some people but it was sixty pounds of me!

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S E A R I N G



hearts is the conviction that God has called them from serving under the Stars and Stripes to new service un­ der the banner of the Crucified One. Surely there is greater need than ever for the friends of the Bible Institute to pray “without ceasing” for this true-to-the-Bible school. ★ ★ Fifty Thousand New Missionaries With the entry of the United States into World War II, we were startled and almost incredulous as President Roosevelt announced the program of construction which would result in 50,- 000 warplanes annually rolling off the assembly lines. But from our pres­ ent point of vantage, we look back and note that not only was this goal reached, but it was surpassed, and the planes produced were the best the world has ever seen. Someone has suggested that the churches of Jesus Christ in America attempt to send out 50,000 new mis­ sionaries in the next ten years. There will be some of small faith who will declare that this cannot be done. But we say it can be done!" It should be done! It must be done! Of more value than all security charters and international agreements, the Gospel can bring peace and salvation to the world in its dire need. If every evan­ gelical church in the Country were to equip and support just one new mis­ sionary per year, this total would not only be reached, but doubled. Lands that have lain, in darkness for cen­ turies would be reached with the light of Jesus Christ. May God give us the vision and the power to bring this to pass! ★ ★ The Christian and the World A good spiritual exercise for God's children is to be found in the careful perusal of the upper room discourse recorded in John’s Gospel, chapters thirteen to seventeen. This rich portion of God’s Word is written for believers. It includes the last words spoken by the Lord Jesus on His last night on earth to a select group of •eleven men who were to be His official representa­ tives in a world that was to crucify Him on the morrow. Among other things' developed in this discourse, the relationship between

Praise to Our God , The entire staff of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles and of THE KING’S BUSINESS lift their hearts in profound praise and thanksgiving to God for the glorious victory that has come to our nation and to its allies during the last few days. More than ever, we realize that victory belongs unto God and that He gives it to whomsoever He will. Let us not forget that victory over our enemies has not come through our superior weapons, better trained armies and more skillful leadership, but it has come because our God in His mercy has seen fit to spare us, for a plan and purpose of His own in the days that lie ahead. Our aim should be to fit ourselves into the cen­ ter of His will. While our land is in nowise free from sin, still it can be said that within its borders the Bible is still an open book, the church doors are open, and multitudes of its citizens may freely offer their petitions at the Throne of Grace. The feelings of our hearts are ex­ pressed in the last verse of the Psalms: “Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord." ★ ★ The Opening of School Again, in the providence of God, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles opens its doors for another term to train young people in the things of God. While our history has been studded with many fine accomplishments of superior classes and brilliant students, we believe that the term of 1945-1946 will exceed them all. . According to the latest reports, Dean Samuel H. Sutherland believes that we shall enroll no less than eight hundred students. More than two hundred must be turned away be­ cause of lack of housing space. This is a cause of great concern to the Board of Directors of the Bible Insti­ tute. We feel that God would have us provide adequate facilities both in the dormitories and classrooms for additional students. A goodly por­ tion of this year’s student body will be comprised of young men and wom­ en who have served some time in the armed forces of our land, who are coming to us under the provisibns of the “G. I. Bill of Rights.” In their

the Christian and the World is ex­ plained. Contrary to the opinion of some eminent men of today Who hold liberal theological views, the world will never take to its heart that per­ son who is a true believer in Christ and who does not fail to let his faith be known. Over and over in this dis­ course the fact that the Christian be­ longs to an entirely different sphere than the worldling is emphasized. The world is said to love its own. But for the Christian living a life pleasing to Christ, the world has nothing but hatred. It is valuable to remember this teaching of Jesus in a day when lead­ ers of the liberal wing of the Church are endeavoring to please the com­ mercial, social and political world, and when they are insisting that the fol­ lowers of Christ take the lead in all humanitarian movements. Bible stu­ dents are urged to go through the por­ tion above referred to and to underline the number of times the word “wnr]r” ’ is used. Then they should retrace their steps, noting carefully the line of demarcation which Christ draws be­ tween the life of His followers and the ways of this present evil world. ★ ★ The Charter With much fanfare and world-wide advertising, the product of the Council of United Nations in San Francisco was given to the public. Many of our newspapers published this charter in full, so that people the world over have had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with that which represents the best thinking of statesmen of the United Nations, including Christians, Jews, Catholics, Mohammedans and Confucianists. The preamble to the charter contains no mention of God nor any acknowl-


September, 1945

hand of the Father, the creator and sustainer of all things. Surely this brings peace and quiet to the troubled heart. Let us read again verses 28-30 of the 10th chapter of John, and be comforted in our hearts. ★ ★ Christian Dress For years it has been common knowledge that partially civilized races wear almost no clothing. Pictures have been brought back from heathen lands, showing the life of pagans and semi-barbarians, portraying them ut­ terly nude or wearing scantiest gar­ ments. For the past decade, the scenes on the American bathing beaches have shown a decided tendency toward emulation of the savages in this re­ gard, but this year, encouraged by tacit approval of our popular magazines and periodicals, the bathing suit has become even more conspicuous by its startling brevity. We register our pro­ test against this immodesty. Nor do we have any patience with the current custom of wholesale exhi­ bition of the hairy-chested male torso. This brevity of covering, rather than improving a man’s appearance, makes him offensive and ugly. Of course, the reason given by the sun devotees is that its beneficent rays should be allowed to reach every por­ tion of the human anatomy. This is not only false reasoning, but it is a dangerous practice as well, for, as any honest doctor will admit, the rays of the sun penetrate light clothing easily, and a skin directly exposed to the sun for a long period is in danger of skin cancer. However, the root of this matter is deeper than many people think. In the early chapters of the world’s history, after sin had made its entrance, the first thing that God did was to pro­ vide a covering' for our first parents. The covering of our bodies is an ac­ knowledgment of sin’s presence and our need of a Redeemer. Those who openly flaunt unclothed bodies are saying in effect that they do not be­ lieve God’s Word and that they will have nothing to do with His Son. Surely Christians will be careful about this matter. ★ ★ Bible Distribution The postwar plan of the British and Foreign Bible Society is the printing and transportation of 7,000,000 Bibles to Europe and the Far East. At last we are awakened to the obvious fact that Europe is a foreign mission field. Let all Christian people pray that this campaign for distribution of the Word of God may exceed all expectations.

many. His help was declared to be un­ necessary. The Book of God was de­ clared to be unworthy of the attention of the Aryan mind—a mere opiate for weaker nations. God’s ancient chosen people werb declared to be the scourge of the earth and their extirpation was agreed upon. In the ignominious fall of Germany, there is a thrilling demonstration of the fact that God is not unaware of these blatant boasters who insolently order Him out of His world. While it may be true that not all of Germany is responsible for the' blasphemies of the past dacade, the curse of God must fall upon this country as a whole as it always does. What a lesson to other nations, our own nation included! What an example of swiftness of God’s hand o f .judg­ ment! If there is one thing above all others illustrated by the plight of pres­ ent day Germany, it is the absolute certainty of God’s wrath upon the na­ tions which fail to acknowledge that He is the Lord of lords, the King of kings, and the Prince of the judges of the earth. ★ ★ New Bomb With the thrill of achievement that went through the ,hearts of American people upon the announcement of the completion and first demonstration of the atomic bomb, there was also an unconscious shudder at the possibility of what might happen should this terrific weapon of destruction be em­ ployed by our enemies. Much is being written regarding the almost incon­ ceivable power of this mysterious energy. No one seems to understand just what is its underlying principle. One writer defines it as “matter turned into energy,” one gram of which would be like burning three thousand tons of coal in l/100th of a second. Other writers used the yard­ stick of our present destructive opera­ tions, comparing this one bomb to five train-loads o f TNT, or to the destructive cargo which could be car­ ried in 6,600 Flying Fortresses. Cer­ tainly this is taking the science of destruction on to new heights of terror. On the day that the news of the atomic bomb was received, the writer, along with many others, was meditat­ ing upon the havoc which could be caused in our own land were this new destructive power to fall into the hands of our enemies. At that very moment, the Spirit of God seemed to whisper concerning the safety of the position of the children of God. First, we are in the hand of God’s Son to whom is given all power both in Heaven and earth. Then we have the added protection of being in the

edgment of His hand in the affairs of nations. The desires and aspirations expressed are high, but somehow seem hopeless because they, lack that indi­ cation of dependence upon God to per­ form that which man has never been able to accomplish, and for which the world longs so earnestly. We do not propose a discussion of the charter, but merely desire to point out that the centuries are strewn with both rtations and combinations of na­ tions which have refused to recognize God and His hand in government. While this is unquestionably the most noble effort that has ever been made by the world’s statesmen, we know with absolute certainty that it cannot be a success when God’s help is not sought. Some will question that any conference comprising such varied re­ ligious views could call upon God. Our answer is that we have seen very few atheists in our time. While the United Nations as a whole may not hold to the various tenets oj Protestant faith, still there is among them a universal belief in an Almighty God. It is our profound conviction that there could have been worked out a basis upon which the representatives of all the nations might have been allowed at least to acknowledge their dependence upon God in their own way. We must continue to pray for the working out of this charter, although there is within our hearts the certain knowledge of its failure. However, above and beyond the horizon, we look forward to another United Nations Charter—this one to be presented by none other than the Son of God Him­ self. He will bring absolute peace and lasting security . . . “Even so come, Lord Jesus.” ★ ★ Potsdam Conference The long heralded meeting of the new Big Three has taken place, this time at Potsdam in Germany, and again questions involving momentous issues have been considered and de­ cided by the victorious allies. One of the matters which claimed their atten­ tion was what to do with conquered Germany. This was dealt with by plans to partition Germany, divesting it of its influencing character, and insuring, for a certain time at least, the impos­ sibility of revival of Germany’s mili­ tary power. Just a few months ago, the Nazi leaders proudly proclaimed that the Third German Reich would last for a thousand years. They loudly shouted that the Germans were a divinely or­ dained master race whose proper place was to sit in the seat of author­ ity, ruling the less fortunate peoples of the world. Officially, the name of God was ruled out of greater Ger­


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

YOU TH DOES IT ByHüben m m

Scenes from Saturday Night Youth Jubilee in the Church of the Open Door. Photographs courtesy of The Los Angeles Examiner.

Y OUTH for Christ" started at Times Square, New York City. The spark was kindled by a young in­ surance salesman with a first Saturday night youth gathering. The group met in the Gospel Taber­ nacle located a short distance from the Stage Door Can­ teen and Times Square. The building was packed to capacity every Saturday night, and at present the meet­ ings are being held in Carnegie Hall. Last year Madison Square Garden was filled on two occasions. The long arm of radio pulled in the youth from the metropolitan area. Soon young people’s leaders in St. Louis, Wash­ ington, Chicago, Minneapolis and other cities caught the fire. Last Memorial Day, over 65,000 young people gath­ ered in the great Soldier Field Stadium in Chicago and, under the leadership of Torrey Johnson, sang the praises of God and listened to the preaching of His Word. The Work Begins in Los Angeles In Los Angeles, California, a group of young fellows had been praying for some time for a mighty work of Christ in the hearts of youth. Upon my return from New York in the fall of 1944, I presented the challenge to our local men. God united us in prayer and purpose, and we launched the Saturday Night Jubilee in the Church of the Open Door auditorium on the night of January 6. For six months, the youth of Los Angeles has been attend­ ing this meeting. The crowd averages about three thou­ sand young people each Saturday. We are convinced that the old time Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most potent weapon we can wield against juvenile delinquency. When young people lose their respect for God and Christ, they lose their respect for mankind. The Saturday Night Jubilee programs are geared to meet the emotional and spiritual needs of youth. Young folk who really believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour are given an opportunity to express their beliefs and con­ victions. In this way, they ar>^ strengthened and en­ couraged to keep their banners flying high. The singing

of Christian hymns and Gospel songs unite their hearts in a common cause. Quizzes salt and pepper the program and keep it savory. The speakers talk for fifteen or twenty minutes and the youngsters like it. Boys and girls from out of town come in Saturday to do their shopping and sight­ seeing. Not wishing to go home after the stores close, they go with their buddies to the Jubilee for a whole­ some Saturday night “round-up.” The World-Wide Challenge We have endeavored to keep the program Christ- centered. The challenge to world-wide evangelism has been kept continuously before the young people. The Los Angeles rally was born in prayer, and there is a great longing in the hearts of the leaders that from the in­ fluence of these meetings, thousands of young people may be led to prepare themselves for missionary service. The armed forces of the government have taken our best men. Some of them will never come back. Many of them will return, and, when they do, they are going to ask a lot of questions. One of them will be this: “What is the great goal of the Church?” If the goal of the Church is world evangelization, then these men will desire to in­ vest their lives and talents for this great objective. Older men can shepherd our churches in America and keep the people together. The strong and aggressive younger men should devote themselves to the maximum task. Youth will perish without a vision. The missionary vision is what they need today. Our purpose is not to create a new agency, but to help and encourage every other existing agency in pro­ moting a Gospel program for our youth. If we do not reach our youth now with the all-sufficient message of Christ, the elements of violence and sin will bring a blight on civilization in the next generation. We do not emphasize any particular church, creed or denomination. We have a firm faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son ( Continued on Page 333)


September, 1945

*7he Ghcdlencje. ^Ue fyutute tyo*, "you th fyosi GhsU6irt

Soldier Field Rally, Chicago, May 30, 1945

of Jesus Christ is the only thing worth living for and dying by. It is THEIR JOB and it is OUR JOB to pray workers into ALL of these communities until ALL of the thirty-six million and more young people in the United States, together with our brothers and sisters across the border in Canada, in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and other English speaking countries, shall have heard the Good News that the Lord Jesus Christ is able to save from sin. The Cause That Unites Our second great job is to promote and encourage great city-wide revival meetings. 1 believe that God has raised up “ YOUTH FOR CHRIST”—a most unique min­ istry of the Holy Spirit—to unite churches and people who otherwise could not get together. Here we are— Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Congregationalists, Lutherans, Free Church people, members of independent churches, and folk who gather in assemblies of one kind or another—and we love each other! We feel that there are no differences between us that bar fellowship and cooperation. Young people, we must not fail God. We must do all we can in every way we can to achieve, under God, a revival in the cities of America. I am trusting God, and I know you are praying that one year from now, in the providence of Almighty God, we will move into the great Chicago Stadium seating 30,000 people, and that He will give us a revival, the like of which this city has not known for decades. You have it within your power, under God, to bring about in this city a movement of God by the Holy Spirit that will shake our city and will move beyond our city to other areas of this land until that for which our fathers ( Continued on Page 333)

A FTER the great Soldier Field Rally on Memorial Day, / \ when more than 65,000 young people and their JL friends gathered together in that great testimony to the saving grace of Jesus Christ, friends in Canada and across America began to ask—“What’s next? What’s on the program?” I want to answer these questions; and in this con­ nection, I have chosen two verses of Scripture. First, the last words of Jesus before He left this world and went to Heaven. Turning to twelve young men whose hearts had been touched to receive Him as Saviour, and who had caught the vision, He said: “ Go ye unto all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). The second passage indicates their obedience: “They that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). What of the Future? What about this thing called, “YOUTH FOR CHRIST” ? What is its future? What are the plans? What is the job for which we must roll up our sleeves and to which we look forward, and upon bended knee ask God, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to enable us to press on until victory has come? Young people, we have a four-fold task. The first big job is to reach into every city, every town, every village, and every rural community on the North American con­ tinent and in the English speaking world with the Good News that Jesus saves! Young people are ready; young people are hungry; young people are responsive. They are sick and tired of all this “ boogie-woogie” and “jitterbugging”—they long for something that is REAL! They want the thing that challenges the heroic in their make-up. They desire -that which demands sacrifice. They yearn for the highest and the holiest. They have found, with us, that the Gospel


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

I Was a Prisoner of War ( Continued from Page 325)

much for men who were walking twenty miles a day. Eleven hundred started with us; only i90 remained when we were freed. Many fell by the wayside; some were taken to hospitals. The rest of us went on, not knowing what was happening at. home or how our forces were doing in the war. We longed for our loved ones and we prayed for God to deliver us. And He did! Release Our liberty came just as unexpectedly as had our capture. One day we were hopeless prisoners, the next day free men. It seemed too good to be true. When the Russian soldier came and told us that Germany had surrendered, we embraced him! The guards . were taken away. The Russians were kind to the com­ mon German soldiers, often just taking away their weap­ ons and sending them home, but if they bore any re­ semblance to a storm trooper, it was a different story. How did we react to freedom? Of course, we were wild with joy! Some of us did thank God from our hearts. Others began to plan on taking up their worldly pleasures where they left off. But I had resolved in my heart that if ever God delivered me, I would be and do more for Him than ever before. I had always been the kind that needed to be “coaxed” to engage in active Christian service. But I was through with that grudging service. I wanted to serve Him more worthily than in the past. I had seen Him in the prisons and on the highways and in the barns. We tried to clean up and we did fill up! The Russians said, “Help yourselves to anything on these farms!” We needed no second invitation. The Germans offered no resistance. With a resigned shrug of the shoulder, and the typical “ist kaput!” they watched us devour whatever we could find. Some of the boys jumped into the chicken pens, and as f a s t as they could catch and kill the chickens, we prepared them for the fire, fueled with the fine German wood-piles. Soon the air was full of the indescribable fragrance of roasting hen. Ducks, turkeys and young pigs met the same fate. We did practically nothing but eat for four or five days. We were just about to begin on the young beeves when transportation was secured and we were on our way to the coast, and home. From the day I sailed, September 11, to the day I landed and called her from Boston, June 26, I had not received a single word from my wife. She had been notified that I was missing in action but she did not believe that I was dead., With my dear parents, she prayed without ceasing for me. Later on, through a short-wave broadcast, she learned that I was a prisoner. She was going through other fires, too. My little son was so desperately ill of osteomyelitis that ninety-five shots of penicillin were required before he began to mend. God was merciful to me in keeping this knowledge from me. I cannot say enough in praise of my faithful wife and parents, my pastor and my church, for to their prayers, under God, I owe my life. Mine is not a spectacular story. It is true that all prisoners of Germany were ordered killed by Hitler, but the German army refused to carry out his orders. I did hot receive a single wound—not even a scratch from a C ration can! But nevertheless I feel that the experience was a miracle of His grace. I know that He permitted it to draw me closer to Him and to make a better man and Christian out of me. Now I know what He can do for a fellow in an emergency; I know He can give wisdom when one is at his wits’ end. I know that He can keep one from fear in the face of death. Never again shall I be afraid to commit my loved ones to Him. He saw them through and He saw me through. L was a prisoner of war, but God... to His Name be all. glory!

it did then. My heart is full of thanksgiving to God for looking after us. We had meat---it was nearly always raw; fox meat isn’t so bad! There was sauerkraut; hot soup; boiled potatoes; soluble coffee from the Red Cross. It was all luxury food to us! There were 8000 prisoners in this area, 1600 in the camp itself and others out on work detail. Under the Geneva convention, all privates must work. We made it hard for our captors by running from barracks to bar­ racks, bribing the guards, and generally disappearing when the officers came for us. We found hiding under the mattresses worked pretty well, until they developed the unpleasant habit of poking through them with their bayonets! Our hearts were not in the work of repairing railroads which our own Army had destroyed. I had a time with my clothing. When we first arrived, we were issued a combination of German, Serbian and Russian garments. I was a big fellow even after my en­ forced reducing diet and for days I went about in a suit of underwear over which was becomingly draped an old G.I. blanket. Later I obtained a pair of wood fiber trousers but they are poor protection against cold. The Red Cross finally got to us with uniforms and blankets. We had much for which to thank God. But again I noted that when we prospered outwardly, there was no desperate longing for God. An indifference toward prayer developed. Although this Was a privates’ camp, and chaplains, who are commissioned officers, were not assigned to it, we had some fine men with some knowledge and experience of spiritual matters to serve us and we had regular religious services. But there were not the results we had observed in Limburg. We Take to the Highways On January 29 we were moved from Hammerstein in a blinding blizzard. We issued ourselves a month’s Red Cross rations each and started off across the fields under guard. After we had walked eighteen miles, we had not much food left. Weariness forced us to let go of many precious items. Some dropped their food and carried their cigarettes. I thanked God many a time that by His grace I had not acquired the habit of smoking. For one thing, I fared better than many of my comrades .because I traded ciga-' rettes for food and was better sustained. It was a de­ grading sight even for men who had smoked for years to see to what lengths men would go to secure something to smoke, using even refuse when tobacco could not be obtained! Many a man resolved to quit a habit that brought one into such a shameful bondage. The German Hay Barns Now began the episode of the hay barns. For three months we were wanderers from farm to farm, always sleeping in hay barns at night. Always hungry, never clean, weary and broken, we tramped over the fields with our captors. They carried their supplies on wagons and sometimes we too were able to rig up an old wheel­ barrow, or a sled, if the snow was deep. My haberdashery at this period was interesting. For two months I wore day and night a suit of summer under- wear, two suits of long woolens, two pairs of O.D. trousers, a sleeveless sweater and a sweater with sleeves, an O.D. blouse and a French overcoat. I was never alone, either; the little creatures that resided in these clothes with me were extremely friendly. The Red Cross could not keep up with us. Whenever a prison lav between our barns, we stopped there and got Red Cross supplies. We “borrowed” potatoes from our farmer hosts; occasionally one of their chickens met a mysterious death. But all that we could collect was not

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