King's Business - 1945-09

WHERE P R A Y E R PREVAILS Train for needed Christian service at this growing Bible School—“ built with prayer.” The good climate and mountain scenery of the famed Col­ umbia River are an added inspiration. Accredited courses. FREE tuition, strong faculty, devoted student body. Ask for catalog. Interesting Monthly Sent Free for a year to All Inquirers. MULTNOMAH H R School o f the l Y l B I B L E Willard M. Aldrich, Th.D., Pres. B. B. Sutcliffe, n.n. John G. Mitchell. p.D. Chairman of Trustee. Board Vice-President 703 N.E. Multnomah St., Portland 12, Oregon

Send for your free copy o f this remarkable testi­ mony of hatred turned to love.s A JEW AND THE N A M E of J E S U S rn r r T t r e r : * r o rn r r w » * Hear, O Israel; Jehovah Our God, Jehovah is One!

illiteracy—the world’s greatest blight today—1 will be a first order of post-war business for every Government. And thanks to a new and ingenious method devised by a Christian mis­ sionary, millions will learn to read quickly. But what will they read? Political dogmas or religious doctrines of antagonistic ways of life? Or shoddy tales of human frailties? OR will their reading be the World’s Greatest Book -t h e Holy Bible? IT’S UP TO YOU! The American Bible Society is ready, able and eager to act for you in publishing and dis­ tributing, the Scriptures. Funds are urgently needed and the appeal is to YOU. For those desiring to give and receive at the same time, the Society offers an Annuity Agreement, which thousands have found pro­ vides a generous income while gratifying a spiritual longing to do for mankind through­ out.the world. Fill out the coupon below. ® SEND THE COUPON NOWI American Bible Society, Bible House, New York 22, N.Y. ■ Q Please send me, without obligation, your I - booklet K-61 entitled “A Gift That Lives!’ | □ I enclose $..___ for the world-wide distribu­ tion of the Scriptures wherever need exists. ;I N ---------—................ .......... -.. | Address..,..~ ...................-—------— ...........— | City ......................... ........... ... St'

Daniel Rose, Director

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a J e w i s h Department whose ministry deals with the preach­ ing of the Gospel to God’s ancient people, Israel. From this office go out thousands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jewish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of *stu­ dents hold regular street meetings in places where an audience can. be se­ cured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p.m. in the lower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meet­ ing is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish Department, and to support this ministry by your prayers and gifts, ‘

T R U E -T O -T H E -B IB L E SUNDAY SCHOOL MATERIAL by Standard Standard’s lessons teach the Bible, sub­ ordinate all else to the divinely revealed Word of God. They are evangelistic, inspiring, tested, suited to pupils of all ages. C losely Graded, Beginners to Young People. International Improved Uniform lessons for all ages. There’s still time to arrange for Standard’s ma­ terial with which to start your next quarter. Send for Prospectus of C losely Graded, or complete information on Uniform. State department in which interested. Address Desk BK -9.

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PSA. 122:6 PHIL. 4:19

/ .


Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE, Director Jewish Department Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, California

Dcluxepublication, 112 big pages. Di­ vided into maga­ zine and Uniform lesson sections; for ministers, superin­ tendents, teachers.

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The Standard Publishing Co. 8th and Cutter Streets# Cincinnati 3, Ohio

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