King's Business - 1945-09

September, 1945


Greek Word Treasures For the Student Untaught in Greek By Bernard Ramra, A.B., B.D. The exact nature of the language of the Greek New Testament is most interesting. While the story of its dis­ covery has been told often, it is; well worth repeating. Of course, the exact origin of the Greek tongue is buried in antiquity. We do know it to be a sister or cousin to the Latin and that in some degree it sprang from the primitive Indo-European. As the Greek tongue came into use, it appeared in various dialects, the most famous of which is the Attic, known commonly as Classical or College Greek. To Greek scholars, the difference between Attic Greek and New Testament Greek is quite apparent. Scholars in times past have “in­ vented” two theories to account for this apparent discrepancy. New Testa­ ment Greek has not been dealt with very gently by Classical Greek schol­ ars. One teaching was that the New Testament G r e e k was a “Biblical Greek,” a special kind of Greek in­ spired by the Holy Spirit in which to record the New Testament. Certainly there are some Greek words used in the New Testament as no classical Greek scholar would employ them! The second solution was that the New Testament Greek was an Hebraic Greek, the kind of Greek a person would write, if his native tongue ere Aramaic, the common language of the Jews in Christ’s day. Scholars to­ day recognize at least fifty Hebraisms in the New Testament text. But in the last fifty years tons of papyri from the ancient world have been unearthed. By the pioneer work of Winer, the brilliant demonstrations by Deissmann, and the confirmation by Dr. A. T. Robertson, it was proven that the Greek of the papyri, and the Greek of the New Testament were of the same dialect. The ,Greek of the papyri was not classical Greek, but Greek of the GREAT COMMON DIA­ LECT. Through the efforts of Alexan­ der the Great, Greek had become the universal language of the Mediter­ ranean world, and that dialect of Greek was the KOINE, or “common.” Thus the New Testament was written, not in the language of the lite-'ti, but in the tongue of the common man! Written in KOINE GREEK were found housekeeper’s grocery lists, commercial contracts, letters and marriage certificates! How like the Lord to exalt even a language of "low degree” for the purpose of reach­ ing the hearts of the common people who were the only ones who heard Jesus “ gladly.”

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Benjamin N. Bogue, Dept. 4758 Circle Tower, Indianapolis, Ind.

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