King's Business - 1945-09


September, 1^45

Ö u s i H e a d e A l S p e a k

Youth Evangelism “ I have been reading your good magazine for quite some time and truthfully can say that .it has been appreciated. It is solid throughout. “ Personally, I disagree with the writer of ‘Today's Youth Evangelism—Is It Shallow? in the July issue with regard to 'making tracts attractive’ and using the ‘Indian ap­ proach’ but that is perhaps, because of a journalistic background and an abhorrence of anything not attractively set in type, along with the experience of skipping over all portions of Scripture, in tracts when 1 read them as an unsaved person. Mel Larson Chicago, III* “ I think the article on Youth Rallies was good and timely. I think some are bringing young people to the place where, if tne pastor can’t ‘ring the bell’ every week, he is no good. I like the Object Lessons un­ der a separate article, too.” Ta . Rev. Coy T. Maret Escondido, Calif. “ Please convey to the writer of the recent article on the Youth Movement in your pa­ per my hearty commendation. It is hign time that someone evaluated this movement for just what it is. There is no question but what there will be abundance of criti­ cism for this position, but eternity will re­ veal the value of the sentiment^ excPre“™ ey Taylor, Pa. “ I feel that I must compliment you on the timely article, ‘Today's Youth Evange­ lism—Is It Shallow?' Some of us have been watching the trends referred to with in­ creasing alarm, and I sincerely trust that pointing out of them may lead to a search­ ing of heart and ways by all interested in Youth or in Gospel testimony generally. Certainly some of the present practices are ' unhealthy, to say the least.” Evangelist F. W. Schwartz Detroit, Mich. *‘I have Just been reading your article in the July issue: ‘Today’s Youth Evangelism _Is it Shallow?’ and I hope the leaders of that work will ask themselves that ques- t 0n* Mrs. J. H. Husk San Francisco, Calif.

The ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES o f Sunday School lessons offers a brand new course for Nursery age (2- and 3-year-old) boys and girls. N OW you can give them Bible teaching at their age level. Authored by Mary E. LeBar, the course is for a full year, in 12 units, under such general themes as “ Loving Jesus W ho Loves Little Children,” “Thanking God for Good Gifts,” “ Loving the Baby Jesus,” “ Talking to God,” covering Bible characters and stories in both O ld and New Testaments. The teacher gets a well-bound manual, styled to make it a delightful aid. To capture attention she will also have 64 large pictures—9 by 12, done in four and five colors—to show as the story unfolds. Each Sunday nursery tots will have a 4 by 6 inch miniature o f one large picture to carry home, w ith ’the story on the reverse side—52 pictures for the whole year, also in four and five colors. The ALL BIBLE Nursery Course is unique, attractive, easy to use, Bible-sound—just what thousands o f Sunday Schools have needed to start a new department or improve an existing one. Prices are reasonable. . . Mail the coupon for your copy o f “ How to Have a Successful Nursery Department.”

Five other departments complete the ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES of Sunday School lessons—Begin­ ner, Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Senior. The WHOLE Bible becomes the actual study book. Graded lessons insure keenest pupil interest. Worship service for each department is correlated with the lesson. Pupils’ manuals dramatize the lesson. Mark the coupon for samples and information.

Too Small

rint of some hymns Is impossible to sit down the words: I feel that to be in your splendid be of some value.” TVlrs. Helen May

•‘The music you p so small that it is and play it and read if it is good enough magazine, it should Los Angeles, Calif.

1 I 1 m m m m w u \ 800 N. CLARK ST., CHICAGO 10, ILL. H ¿SC R I,PT U R S i P RE S S Please send me a copy of “ How to Have a Successful Nursery Department,” and information about other departments of the ALL BIBLE GRADED SERIES of Sunday School lessons: □ Beginner □ P rim a ry □ J u n io r □In term ediate □ S e n io r I I H| Address ________________________ ‘________ City, Zone, State ___________________ —------- B I I am □ Pastor □ Supt. □ Teacher Q Dir. of Christian Ed, I 1 £, 3 * Church ■■—--- ----------- ---- ------------- Dpnrrm _______ j|Sg H dept ..:

“ We were much Interested in the arti­ cle, ‘Hold That Line.' How we need some­ thing for the boys and girls and most of the parents to awaken them to their need of a Saviour!” ". , Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Dunlap Oakville, Wash. Congratulations “ May I send my congratulations on the improvement . . . I like the new type for headings and the new articles such as ‘Bi­ ble in the News’ and ‘Greek Word Treas­ ures.’ I would like lo see a section devoted to Bible study such as Dr. Talbot once wrote on Genesis, Romans, etc. I would like to see articles written on history from the Christian’s viewpoint . . . Don't dis­ continue the book review section.” Sgt. Warren E. Belknap c/o P. M. New York, N. Y.

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