King's Business - 1945-09

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S




TOPICS By Rev. Coy Maret

any good works that he has done, but because of what God has done in and through Christ for his redemp­ tion (Eph. 2:8, 9; Tit. 3:5, 6). 2. By an Inward Look— The Christian should make this a time of real heart-searching as he re­ flects upon what he should be and do in the light of all God has done for him (1 John 1:9; Rom. 12:1, 2). 3. By a Forward Look— The Lord Jesus said: "For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come" (1 Cor. 11:26). What a bright future for, the believer! One of these days our Lord will come—perhaps it will be today! What a joy to the heart of the child of God to contemplate His return! III. THE LORD’S SUPPER—A FAMILY AFFAIR. 1. It is the Lord's table. It is not the table of any certain church or group. Hence, every member of the family of God, regardless of denom­ inational affiliation, is welcome to participate. 2. The blood of Christ is the bond between the believers, and it is eter­ nal. Brothers and sisters in Christ have a stronger tie than that which exists between brothers and sisters in the flesh. How we should love one another! OCTOBER 14, 1945 W H Y CHRISTIANS ARE BAPTIZED There are few truths over which there has been more misunderstand­ ing in the Church than that of bap­ tism. Because of this, every Christian should have clearly in mind what is meant by the word “baptism.” The Scriptures speak of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and of baptism with water. Yet in Eph. 4:5, we read that there is "one Lord, one faith, one bap­ tism." How can we harmonize the:' seeming contradictions? For Those Who Have Topics I. SPIRITUAL BAPTISM (1 Cor. 12:13; Rom. 6:1-5) 1. What it is—Spiritual baptism is

OCTOBER 7, 1945 W H Y CHRISTIANS PARTAKE OF THE LORD’S SUPPER A building is no stronger than its foundation. Faith in the durability of the structure is strengthened or weak­ ened in proportion to faith in the foundation. So it is in the spir­ itual realm. If the basic prin­ ciples are weak, then the whole is weak, but if the basic prin­ ciples are strong, then the, whole is strong. The entire structure of our Christian faith rests upon the sacri­ ficial work of Jesus Christ upon the Cross. If our Lord did not die vi­ cariously, and if His sacrifice was not acceptable to God as an atonement for sin. then our faith is vain and we are without hope. But God’s Word re­ veals the wonderful fact that He did die for our sins and God did áccept His substitutionary death. Therefore Christianity is built upon a sure foun­ dation. However, it is a recognized fact that man quickly and easily forgets his blessings. Therefore, God ordained that periodically we should commem­ orate Christ’s death in order that wé might not forget the price of our re­ demption. For Those Who Have Topics I. THE LORD’S SUP PER ITSELF (Luke 22:19, 20; 1 Cor. 11:23-34). The broken bread and the fruit of the vine are symbolic of the Lord’s crushed body and shed blood—of His life given for the world (John 10:iTL The occasion of the Lord’s Supper is to commemorate His death and to re­ mind believers that they "were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold . . . but with the pre­ cious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot” (1 Pet. 1:18, 19; Heb. 9:22.) II. PERSONAL B L E S S I NG FROM THE LORD’S SUPPER 1. By a Backward Look— This is the time when every Chris­ tian should re-consider that salvation is by grace alone. He should remem­ ber that he is saved, not because of

the work of the Holy Spirit by which He forms the Body of Christ of those who believe upon and receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. (John 1-12). By the Holy Spirit, the béliè.ver is identified with Christ in His death and resurrection, So it truly' can be stated: “If any man be in Christ,, hè is a new creature.” He has resurrec­ tion life. This is the “one baptism’!1 óf Eph. 4:5. 2. When it takes place—Thé mo­ ment a person accepts Jesus . his Saviour, the Holy Spirit baptize: him into the Body of Christ.. II. WATER BAPTISM (Matt. 28:19; Rom. 6:1-5) 1. What it is—Water baptism is an outward sign of an inward spiritual change. The Holy Spirit produces the change of position and disposition, and, by water baptism, the bêlièvé signifies its reality in his life. Testi­ mony thereby is given to the wonder­ ful fact that we have been identified with Christ in His death and resurrec­ tion. Baptism is the symbol of death to the things of the old Sin*tt| life and resurrection to newness o' life in our risen Lord. 2. When it should take piece—Òhe should submit to the ordinance of baptism as soon as possible after being saved. III. RELATION BETWEEN SPIRITUAL AND WATER BAPTISM ILLUS­ TRATED ; ,' Imagine that a table before you represents spiritual baptism. It is â real table made out of wood. Now I will write the word, “table,” on thè blackboard. If I were to ask you what (the word) is, you would say,-“tablé” —but is it a table? No, it is but the sign of the table. Without the real table, the word “table,” has no mean­ ing. So, without spiritual baptism, water baptism has no meaning. But as this real table and this word, “table,” are so closely related that they should never be separated, so spiritual baptism should always be followed by water baptism.

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