King's Business - 1945-09

September, issd



1. To an unclean heart (v. 24), be­ cause they changed the glory of God into idolatry (vs. 19-23). 2. To vile affections (v. 26), because they changed the truth of God into a lie (v. 25). 3. To an evil mind (v. 28), because they gave up the knowledge of God (vs. 29-32). OCTOBER 28, 1945 SPIRITUAL FOUNDATIONS FOR RIGHT LIVING The present moral crisis of our na­ tion, or any nation, is to he expected apart from Christianity. The Christian faith has given to the world the high­ est code of ethics, but it has done more than this. It has given the means whereby this code may be experienced in practical life. For Those Who Have Topics I. THE STARTING POINT It is necessary to begin Where God begins if we would have His blessing and His fellowship. When Jesus told Nicodemus, that spiritual leader of his day, “Ye must be born again” (John 3:7), He gave not only to Nicodemus, but to everyone, the correct starting point. If we would live right, we must be Christians, and we can only be Christians as we experience, individ­ ually, the new birth. Jesus declared to Nicodemus: "That which is born of the flesh is. flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6). No matter how much the flesh is edu­ cated, refined, or cultured, it is still flesh. Only as we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour are we born of- the Holy Spirit, and made children- of God. II. THE CONTINUING NECESSITY It is a sad, but true, fact that many people who have been born again are not living lives pleasing to God. Whv is this? 1. It is because they have not set their affections on things above, but still love the things of earth (Col. 3:2). 2. They have not presented their bodies a living sacrifice to God (Rom 12 : 1 , 2 ). 3. They have not studied to show themselves approved unto God (2 Tim. 2:15). 4. They have not desired the sincere milk of the Word (1 Pet. 2:2, 3). 5. They have not always been ready to give a reason of the hope that is in them (1 Pet. 3:15). 6. They,have not prayed effectually and fervently (James 5:16). (Note—This topic may well be han­ dled as a discussion. Have the group point out why some Christians fail and others are victorious.),

IT’S AN IDEA By Carlton C. Buck

.'■That there is a moral crisis in America today no one doubts. We are at the crossroads and must, make the decision as to which way we will go. This is true in the political life, the business life, the religious life, the home life; yes, even in the personal life of America. Since our country is made up of individuals, the choice of these individuals determines to a large extent the direction in which the nation will go. Our own personal choice has a definite bearing upon the condition of our nation. So, as we discuss the moral crisis in America today, let us face it, not only as a na­ tional problem, but also as a per­ sonal problem. For Those Who Have Topics I. WHAT CONTRIBUTES TO THIS CRISIS? - The things that contribute to this moral crisis are many and varied. We have distrust existing between na­ tions. Even when peace negotiations are in progress, there is an undertone of suspicion. Within our own nation, there is an apparent lack of faith in our leaders on the part of the people, and even among our leaders a doubt of themselves and each other. Among the young people of our land, there is a very pronounced rest­ lessness. The immediate future offers little and the distant future is very uncertain. Juvenile delinquency is ever increasing. • The abundant flow of alcohol, the immoral stimulation of m o d e r n amusements, the absence of discipline in the schools, the lack of real Chris­ tianity in the homes, and the luke­ warmness . of so many churches all add to the alarming situation in which we find ourselves today. (Note—The person with this topic would do well to have a discussion -of those things in the local commu­ nity contributing to the moral crisis.) II. THE REAL REASON FOR THIS MORAL CRISIS Many are the causes which brought about this low moral state, but the fundamental reason behind all the others is revealed to us in the Word of God. In Jeremiah 17:9, we have the statement that the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately Wicked. In Romans 1:18-32, God gives an X-Ray picture of the unregenerate human heart. In some, such sin is only in an embryonic state but in oth­ ers, it is full grown. In the moral realm, human development is downward, not upward. Three times itTL§ recorded in this chapter that “ God give them up” :

Idea 1. Invite your minis­ ter or one of the church elders to explain the significance of the Lord’s Supper and bap. tism in keeping with the top­ ics for October 7 and 14. Idea 2 . Have one of the members prepare a paper on "The Teachings of Jesus on Moral Issues and in Relation­ ship to Today’s Moral Crisis in American Life.” The find­ ings should be given at the October 21 meeting. Idea 3. The race issue is becoming a real one in Amer­ ica today. Why not arrange with some Y o u n g People’s group of another nationality to meet with y o u r group ? Then, on a future date, your group might visit one of their meetings. This will help to­ ward a better Christian un­ derstanding and be of interest to both groups. Idea 4. Have you tried the “Youth Council” idea? In this plan, the presidents of all the youth groups in the church, along with their sponsors, and the pastor, make up a plan­ ning council for youth activi­ ties. This coordinates the work of the Sunday School,, the Christian Endeavor, or other Sunday .evening organi- zation, and the missionary, circles. Thus there is but one . central youth program and no over-lapping of activities.

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