King's Business - 1945-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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a boy or girl should be in the home. In verse 49 of this chapter we have the first recorded words of Jesus, Ut­ tered in the temple when He was twelve years of age, they were: “Wist ye not that I m u s t be about my ' Father’s business?” All through His life upon earth, Jesus was completely occupied with the things of His Father, Evidently the Father’s will for Him, when a boy, was to be in glad sub­ jection to His mother and legal step­ father. God has not changed His plan from that day to this. His will for children is for them to be submissive to their parents, and His will for par­ ents is that they be worthy of their responsibility. 3. “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it" (Eph. 5:25)j Wives should find no difficulty in promising to obey husbands (v. 22) who are willing in turn to comply i with the command of this verse. The word here used for “ love” is the same word as that found in John 3:16; It is a very strong word, descriptive of love that is divine and utterly un­ selfish. It is the kind of love that, prompted Christ to give Himself for the Church. 4. “Not with eyeservice, as men- pleasers" (6:6). Christian slaves of Paul’s day were exhorted to serve their earthly masters, though aware that first of all, they were bondservants of J e s u s C h r i s t . This principle should operate in all the affairs oi Christians. No matter how menial the task, it should be considered a serv­ ice for Christ. If such an attitude is taken, every day will shine with the glory of God. All tasks will become sacred and living itself a holy thing. L e a r n in g t o L iv e T o g e t h e r i n O u r H o m e s D e u t . 6:4-9; L u k e 2:51, 52 MEMORY VERSE: “Learn to do well” (Isa. 1:17). AIM: To create a desire for a home life that is truly Christ-like under all circumstances. APPROACH: A boy who recently gave his life for our country told a friend that when he thought of his home, he thought of perfect love and peace. He had never heard his parents speak sharply to one another or to any of their five children. The chil­ dren loved one another so much that they never quarreled or argued. This was a home in which all of the mem­ bers of the family loved the Lord Jesus Christ and showed that love by living for Him in their home at all times. For The Children

II. T h e E x h ib it io n o f t h e I d e a l s ( L u k e 2:51, 52) Jesus Himself furnishes a threefold picture of the working out of the ideals, issuing in a manner of life, well-pleasing to God. There was in the earthly life of our Lord obedience to parents, that grace which opens the door for receiving blessing from God; patience, so un­ common and so greatly needed, mani­ fested in eighteen years of patient waiting for God’s time; and trust in the Father which makes all things possible. These three graces had their source in His knowledge that His Father was over all and controlling all, so that all His providences were right; in His absolute faith that His Father had not forgotten Him and the purpose for which He was on earth; and in His confidence that God would work out. His will at the appointed time. Thus Jesus Himself fulfilled Deuteronomy 6:4-9. III. T h e , P r a c t ic e o f t h e I d e a l s ( E p h . 5:22, 25; 6:1-4) Here are instructions to wives to be in submission to their husbands as the Church is to Christ; to husbands to love their wives as Christ loves the Church; to children to be obedient to parents as Christ obeyed His Father; and for parents to exercise forbear­ ance and wisdom with their children as God does for each of His own. The whole range of family, indus­ trial, and social life is. embraced in these instructions, which, if followed, would bring t h e ideals into every home. Points and Problems 1. “The Lord our God is one Lord" (Deut. 6:4). In this verse, God’s unity is asserted. In verse 5, His supremacy is presented and in verses 6 through 9, His Word is stressed. Some have found difficulty with the doctrine .of the Trinity in view of the assertion of the unity of God in verse 4. In reality, there is no difficulty, only a beautiful harmony. The word for “one” is the Hebrew word expressing the concep­ tion of unity in plurality. For instance, an army is one, consisting of many individuals. A bunch of grapes is one, containing a multitude of separate units. Thus the truth of the Trinity is resident in the idea of the oneness of God. He is one God who exists in three persons, dwelling and working together in perfect accord. 2. "And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was sub­ ject unto them"; (Luke 2:51). Here is presented the perfect example of what

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