King's Business - 1945-09

September, 1945


LESSON STORY: When God gave the commandments to Moses for the children of Israel, the greatest and mdst important one was: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with a ll1thy might” ' (Deut. 6:5). All of God’s people were to remember this great commandment and all the others which God gave to Moses, and to keep them always in their hearts. They were to teach them to their chil­ dren/ and to talk about them often in their homes and with their friends. These commandments were even to be written upon the people’s doorposts and upon their gates that they might be remembered. The greatest command­ ment. had to be obeyed before the others could be obeyed, but keeping the others was an important way of showing one’s love for God. God’s Word tells children to obey their parents. It also tells all of those who belong to the Lord Jesus to speak kindly to one another, to tell the truth, always to be courteous, not to steal, to live together peaceably, and to love one a n o t h e r just as the Saviour loves us. The Lord Jesus was obedient to His parents when He was a boy. He “ increased in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Some­ times, boys and girls who seem to be splendid Christians when they are in Sunday School or with their friends, are very unkind and selfish and dis­ obedient in their homes. God’s Word says, “Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus"'(Col. 3:17a). A C h r i s t i a n should live as though the Lord Jesus were living in his home. Only He can help boys and girls to speak and think and act at all times, in their homes as well as in public, in a way that will be pleasing to Him. LESSON FOR OCTOBER 21 Making The Home Christian LESSON MATERIAL: Luke 10:38-42; 1 Cor. 13:4-13. GOLDEN TEXT: “Charity suffereth long, and is kind“ (1 Cor. 13:4). Outline and Exposition I. T h e P r in c ip l e f o r t h e C h r is t ia n H o m e ( L u k e 10:38-42) The principle for the Christian home has two parts: work and worship, or, action and adoration. Martha’s dif­ ficulty was too much emphasis on action, too little on adoration. On the other hand, note that Mary did not neglect serving (.v. 40), but, having done all in that line that was really necessary, she turned to worship. This angered Martha, but in turn Martha’s attitude displeased the Lord. She was

rebuked, not for serving, but for so much service. Her work displaced her worship; Mary did not fall into this fault, but m a i n t a i n e d a proper balance. We have Jesus’ own com­ mendation of her: “She hath chosen the better part.” Note these distinc­ tions: one may be occupied with the Lord personally or with duty; one may be enjoying Him or distracted by His service; one may receive from Him or provide for Him. Delight follows adoration; distraction follows activity which omits worship. Hence, to make a home Christian, “one thing is needful,” that is, the Person of our Lord. For life, for growth, for service, for worship, for contentment, He is needed. As the necessary air for the bird, the sea for the fish, so is Christ the “native ele­ ment” of the soul. II. T h e P r a c t ic e o f t h e C h r is t ia n H o m e (1 C o r . 13:4-7) These verses present a picture of our Lord Jesus, the only Person who is able to measure up to these require­ ments. He alone is love and He alone is our example. Love suffers a long time and is kind; some suffer long but with it ex­ hibit no kindness. L ova does not envy; it rejoices in the triumphs and ex­ cellencies of others. Love does not boast of itself, but vaunts its Lord. Love is not puffed up by knowledge or attainments, but displays humility at all times. Love is courteous, not unseemly or out of place; it is self- e m p t y i n g not self-seeking; it is patient under irritations and is not provoked with persons or providences; keeps no ledger for wrongs done; re­ fuses to think evil. Love is happy over the truth, bears, believes, hopes, en­ dures all things. What a picture of the perfect man! Who but the Lord Jesus through His child could ever live these things! • III. T h e C o n t i n u a n c e o f t h e C h r is t ia n H o m e (1 C o r . 13:8-13) Love does not break down. The home in which love is a practice and a principle will be blessed within and without, and it will glory to the name of the Lord. “F a i 1e t h” is a pictorial word; it suggests the falling off of petals from a flower. No storms, no frost, no drought, can alter this love of which the Lord is Himself the personification. Prophecy will be fulfilled; variety of tongues will cease when all men speak the same language; knowledge will merge into perfect revelation. But love (for God is love) will go on and on, forever and forever.

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