King's Business - 1945-09


September, 1945

anee and satisfaction of the life re­ ceived through the Gospel. Paul knew that a “ dearly beloved son,” whose mother and grandmother were true believers, would be trained in Chris­ tian temperance. Paul gives thanks that “with pure conscience” he had served God; he had never been a hypocrite. But how­ ever “pure” his conscience, it had to be corrected by the truth. Paul is grateful, too, for being reminded to pray for his dear son in the faith; for being loved by him; and for being assured of his faith in God. He urges Timothy to stir up and make use of his natural gift and the spiritual gift which came by the laying on of hands (cf. 1 Tim. 4:14). A fire “stirred into flame” is a burning and searing heat. Alas, many a gift smolders and smokes without enough flame to burn away any error or destroy any sin. II. T h e P r o p e r P r o t e c t io n (2 T i m . 3:14, 15) Timothy had been familiar with the Scriptures from his childhood; he knew their source and their power. He is exhorted by Paul to “continue” in them for they alone were able to make him “wise unto salvation through faith.” Through attention to them, there would be steady growth in un­ derstanding, interpretation, and appli­ cation. The Scriptures also furnished Timothy protection for his service and enabled him to maintain self-con­ trol, or temperance. III. T h e P r o p e r T e a c h in g ( T i t . 2:1-4, 11, 12) Titus was exhorted to “sound teach­ ing” which would control all classes in the' Church. Beginning with the older men and women, his teaching covered the entire company found in the Body of Christ. If these things were heard from the pulpits today, and if they were followed by the congrega­ tion, there would be more spiritual power in the Church, and the matter of temperance would be taken care of. Such teaching- finds its source in the grace of God (vs. il, 12). Here is both negative and positive teaching. On the one hand, there must be a denial of the impiety and lusts of this world; on the other, soberness regarding self, righteousness toward others, and god­ liness as concerns our relationship to God. In the life and conduct of be­ lievers, the present world system must be counteracted by an order of life sent down from Heaven in the Person of Jesus Christ and displayed in His children.

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