King's Business - 1945-09

September, 1945



^H!!llfllll!{|]IIIIIfljni!llllllllll|lilllllllIll!lllfil!llinilli)UllltiiillillUIIHIfll!linflllllMI[lllinil@ | ARE TROUBLES BLESSINGS? 1 The steel that has suffered most Is g the best steel. It has been in the' ¡¡§ furnace aaain and again: it has been g| n the anvil; it has been tight in the ¡¡= nws nf the vise; it has felt the teeth §| A the rasD: it has been ground by = ornery; It has been heated, and ham- g| nered, and filed until it does not = know itself, and it comes out a splen- £ did knife. And If men only knew it, ¡s what are called their “ misfortunes" §§ are God’s best blessings, for they Sre g : - the molding influences which give || g them shapeliness, and edge, and dur- m |f§ ability, and power, —Henry Ward Beecher. fi ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiS APPROACH: Timothy was one of the dearest friends of the great mission­ ary, Paul. He was a splendid young preacher to whom Paul wrote two let­ ters, First and Second Timothy, which are in our New Testament. Timothy had a Christian home and that fact was one of the reasons for his being such a fine Christian, whom God could greatly use in His service. LESSON STORY: The letters which we receive, or which we send to our friends, are usually destroyed soon after they are read. So important were the two letters which Paul wrote to Timothy, that God had them placed in the Bible that we might read them and learn God’s will from them. Paul called Timothy his dearly beloved son, not because Timothy was truly Paul’s son, but because Paul had led him to the Lord Jesus and loved him as a father loves his son. Paul told Tim­ othy that he, Paul, remembered him in his prayefs day and night and greatly desired to see him. Paul must have known Timothy’s family, for he mentioned his grandmother, Lois, and his mother, Eunice, who were also splendid Christians. Timothy’s life showed the same faith that was seen in the lives of these two women. From a child he had been taught the Holy Scriptures. One of the letters to Tim­ othy told him to continue in the things which he had learned. Some­ times, boys and girls complain about having to obey their parents, attend church and Sunday School regularly, learn verses from God’s Word, etc. Rather than to complain, they should thank God for Christian parents who teach them things that will increase their happiness all through their lives. llllllinilllllllll il Uf!ii!linillllllHlllillllllllllllliinilll!H!l!IIRI!l)!lll!lllim!Ulf!li!in!Nl F R E E sample copy of the • CHRISTIAN MAGAZINE • CATALOG of Bibles and Religious Literature— send to CHRISTIAN SERVICE PRESS P. O. Box 174 K MOLINE, ILLINOIS UIIHIIIinilllillll llill ttHii!lllll!IIUIlKinilf!IIIUHIIllilllll iiHIIIHIiilrtllllUil)iillilHIII|HIII

As early as 1920, the student bodyof Wheaton College began to outgrow the college dormitories. That growth has gone on consist­ ently, with an increase of more than 100%in the past fifteenyears. Today, two-thirds of our stu­ dents must be provided for in private homes. The need for dor­ mitories is one of Wheaton’s most critical problems. Plans to remedy this condition have been worked out with great care.The completionof NorthHall Dormitory for young women is underway. Additionaldormitories, dining halls, and music, science and library buildings are projects of the not too distant future. You are invited to have a part in this vital Christian ministry. We will gladly sendyou full infor­ mation concerning “ the Wheaton of today and tomorrow.”

An attractive annuity plan is available to those having funds to invest. For information write to Business Manager , Box KP-95.

★ W heaton Co llege W h e a t o n , I l l i n o i s

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Please pray daily for THE KING ’S BUSINESS.

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