King's Business - 1945-09

358 T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S OBJECT LESSONS FOR SEPTEMBER By Elmer L. Wilder Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

The third word is “SUBMISSION." In Ephesians 5:22, we read, “Wives, submit yourselves unto your own hus­ bands, as unto the Lord.” The last word is “LOVE.” We read in Ephesians 5:25, these words, “Hus­ bands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave him­ self for it.” Those who want to have a happy home should look carefully and thoughtfully at these words which if obeyed, will greatly help in making a home happy. Third Week W in d o w s W i t h W o rd s >9 2 j

God’s will today that our love toward God and man should grow, and mani­ fest itself in ministering to those in need. Of course, this will only happen to those who know Christ as Saviour. Second Week

First Week G r o w in g a n d S h o w in g

H in t s F o r H a p p y H o m e s

Object: A piece of paper 8%xll inches. (Fold the paper four times, making the following sizes: 8%x5%, 5%x414v 4%x2%, 2%x2 Ve inches. With the single fold to the left and the double fold at the top, print a tiny “L” with blue crayon. Swing the top double fold around to the left and unfold toward you. With the single fold to the left and the double one at the top, print a blue “L’' larger than the first. Turn and unfold, as before, and print a blue “L” twice more, when the paper will have returned to its original size, 8% xll inches. Fold the paper before the lesson, and hold in the palm of the left hand at the be­ ginning of the lesson.) Lesson: Who can see what is in my hand? “It’s too small, and we are too far away to see,” I hear someone say. “Well, John, you may come closer and tell the others what you see." “It is a blue ‘L’ on a piece of white paper.” This "L” is blue, and reminds us of love. It brings to our minds the words in Luke 10:27: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with,all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself." The man with whom Christ was talking on this occasion was a lawyer, and doubtless, very selfish. Referring to loving God and man, Jesus said, “This do, and thou shalt live.” Notice what happens to this letter, and you will see what Jesus wanted the lawyer to do. The letter is get­ ting larger every time I unfold the paper. In order that the man might know more about loving God and his neigh­ bor, Christ told the story of the good Samaritan. When He came to the end of the story, He said to the lawyer, “ Go and do thou likewise.” It is

Object: A piece of paper 8%xll inches. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of % inch. In this space print the word “HOME.” On the folded flaps paste pictures of happy people, including a father, mother, and children. Open the flaps, and using the letters in the word “HOME,” complete the follow­ ing words, “TEACHINGS,' OBEDI­ ENCE, SUBMISSION, and LOVE.”) Lesson: Down the middle of this paper you see the word “HOME” printed. If you look carefully at the faces of the people on this paper, you will be able to tell what kind of a home it is. “ I would say that it is a happy home.” You are correct, Paul. Most people would like to have a happy home, but very few seem to know how they may have one. Perhaps if we open the doors of this home, we will see what makes it happy. The first word we notice in the happy home is the word, “TEACH­ INGS.” After God had given Moses certain commandments, He said, “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children” (Deut. 6:7). The teach­ ing of God’s Word helps to make a happy home. The next word is “OBEDIENCE.” Of Jesus we read, “And he went down with them, [Joseph and Mary] and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them” (Luke 2:51). The word “subject,” means to be obedient. Cer­ tainly the word “OBEDIENCE” is an important word in planning for a happy home.

Object: A piece of paper on which are sketched 4 windows. (With. a darker colored crayon, print one of the letters in the word “H-O-M-E” on each of the windows. Paste another piece of paper -the same color on the back of this paper. Cut down one side and across the top and bottom of the “H” and “M” windows. This will allow them to swing open. Open them and put crossbars on the sheet which had been glued on the back. On the first print the letter “L” and on the third the letter “V.” When these windows are opened, the word “LOVE” is spelled.) Lesson: You have never seen the windows of a home with letters such as these, I am sure. We will let these windows remind us of the home of Mary and Martha, where Jesus liked to go, when tired and in need of rest and fellowship. The home of Mary and Martha must have been a very wonderful place. It must have been a happy home, for Jesus spent much time there, we think. Did you know that the windows of a home often tell whether or not the home is a happy one? If you should pass a home in which you saw the whole family drinking whisky you would know that it was not a nappy home. If you should notice a family

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