King's Business - 1945-09


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 cents per word—minimum $1.00 BOOKS PURCHASED. LARGE OR SMALL libraries of religious books purchased for cash. Send list to Baker’s Bookstore, Grand Rapids 6, Mich. USED RELIGIOUS BOOKS. ASK FOR No. 25 catalog listing nearly 4,000 titles. Baker’s BpoksloNe, Grand Rapids 6, Mich. BE AN AUTHOR. FREE COURSE TO born again persons who want to write news stories, articles, etc., for the glory of God. Order 20-~lesson course today, without obli­ gation. It is free, but we would appreci­ ate 50 cents to help defray cost of adver­ tising, mailing, etc. Then after you have benefited from course, you may send us a small offering if you wish. We are Chris­ tians at this school and want every funda­ mental church to have a chance to train onexor more persons in journalism. Many pastors, church workers, etc., are among our students. Order your course today. Pa­ cific School of Journalism, P. O. Box 482, Bellflower, Calif. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and printed. New books. Poetic Metre—Explained, 25c Est. 1918. Raymond Ideri (KB) Mount Vernon, Ohio. B O O K S — OUT-OF-PRINT CHRISTIAN books found, and mailed postage paid. In­ quiries invited on old Hard-to-Find Books. Henry Rising. 1054 Ingraham St., Los An­ geles 14, Calif. THE WILSON INDEX SYSTEM OF FIL- ing and indexing. Designed for needs of clergymen and other Biblical students. Cir­ culars upon request. Wilson Index Com­ pany, East Haddam, Conn.

Book l e t s on YOUTH TRAINING Designed to unify efforts of home and church in training children and young people Attractively published in pastel colors. Y our C hildren in C hurch , by Joseph C. Macaulay. Believing that “ if we want tomor­ row’s pulpit filled with men of God, we had belter have today’s pews filled with chil­ dren,” this able writer, presents a convincing plea and workable suggestions for the in­ clusion of children in the adult church services. Y our C hildren in the H ome , by Mrs. Pcler Stani, Jr. Practical helps for Christian par­ ents in rearing tlieir children to be God­ honoring men and women. Three cents each in quantities of less than 25. W ho I s T raining Y our C hild ? by W. 11. Hockman. A timely thought-provoking mes­ sage to Christian parents. Y our C hild ’ s L ife in the M aking , by C. B. Eavcy. A frank discussion of the influences and their proper values in a child’s life. or two cents a copy in lots of 25 or more. B alanced C hristian T raining , by Margaret M. Payne. In dialogue form, the wrfiter pre­ sents workable suggestions for an inter-com­ pelling Sunday and mid-week program for the Juniors. These three, 5 cents per copy. WHEATON BIBLE COLLEGE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 113 East Union Ave. Wheaton, 111. Ilow to Go to S unday S chool , by Alvera Johnson. Contains helpful hints to the par­ ent and student on how to make his- Sunday School the best, and how to secure the great­ est benefit from its program for hiniself. T raining O ur Y oung P eople for C hristian S ervice , by L. A. Vnkefer. The writer herein names and discusses the position of the three institutions in which the young person is prepared for service: the home, the church, and the school.

BIBLES TO RUSSIA! Evangelist Grickman reports from Belgium: 21 Internment Camps visited

Thousands of Russian Scriptures distributed. 2000 Ukrainian hymn books printed and sent to Ukraine to meet request. Converts in camps hold services. Repatriated Russians carry Scriptures to their own land. Ask for free copy of “The Friend of Russians” with details. Pray and send gifts for this immeasurable ministry to: Dr. F. J. Miles, International Secretary THE RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Inc. 1844 W. Monroe St., Room 2, Chicago, 12, III.


----r^p they offered willingly to the Lord ( 1 )

-I Chron. 29:9

‘ The people rejoiced, for Our Goal for this Year i s . . . .

To send by yearly subscriptions, 15 or more doctrin- ally sound Christian youth weekly, monthly, and quarterly magazines to the young people in some 175 or more state operated reform and correctional schools within the United States. To send New Testaments to Death Row Prisoners. To send by yearly subscriptions 6 or more doctrin- ally sound Christian magazines to the prison librar­ ies of some 100 state operated penitentiaries.

( 2 ) (3)


. . . . Helpus Reach theGoal?

Address: Clyde William Carr, Director 1907 West 6th Street, Los Angeles 5, California Mr. Carr is a member of both the Los Angeles Gideons and Christian Business Men’s Committee

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