King's Business - 1945-09

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S E A R I N G



hearts is the conviction that God has called them from serving under the Stars and Stripes to new service un­ der the banner of the Crucified One. Surely there is greater need than ever for the friends of the Bible Institute to pray “without ceasing” for this true-to-the-Bible school. ★ ★ Fifty Thousand New Missionaries With the entry of the United States into World War II, we were startled and almost incredulous as President Roosevelt announced the program of construction which would result in 50,- 000 warplanes annually rolling off the assembly lines. But from our pres­ ent point of vantage, we look back and note that not only was this goal reached, but it was surpassed, and the planes produced were the best the world has ever seen. Someone has suggested that the churches of Jesus Christ in America attempt to send out 50,000 new mis­ sionaries in the next ten years. There will be some of small faith who will declare that this cannot be done. But we say it can be done!" It should be done! It must be done! Of more value than all security charters and international agreements, the Gospel can bring peace and salvation to the world in its dire need. If every evan­ gelical church in the Country were to equip and support just one new mis­ sionary per year, this total would not only be reached, but doubled. Lands that have lain, in darkness for cen­ turies would be reached with the light of Jesus Christ. May God give us the vision and the power to bring this to pass! ★ ★ The Christian and the World A good spiritual exercise for God's children is to be found in the careful perusal of the upper room discourse recorded in John’s Gospel, chapters thirteen to seventeen. This rich portion of God’s Word is written for believers. It includes the last words spoken by the Lord Jesus on His last night on earth to a select group of •eleven men who were to be His official representa­ tives in a world that was to crucify Him on the morrow. Among other things' developed in this discourse, the relationship between

Praise to Our God , The entire staff of the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles and of THE KING’S BUSINESS lift their hearts in profound praise and thanksgiving to God for the glorious victory that has come to our nation and to its allies during the last few days. More than ever, we realize that victory belongs unto God and that He gives it to whomsoever He will. Let us not forget that victory over our enemies has not come through our superior weapons, better trained armies and more skillful leadership, but it has come because our God in His mercy has seen fit to spare us, for a plan and purpose of His own in the days that lie ahead. Our aim should be to fit ourselves into the cen­ ter of His will. While our land is in nowise free from sin, still it can be said that within its borders the Bible is still an open book, the church doors are open, and multitudes of its citizens may freely offer their petitions at the Throne of Grace. The feelings of our hearts are ex­ pressed in the last verse of the Psalms: “Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord." ★ ★ The Opening of School Again, in the providence of God, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles opens its doors for another term to train young people in the things of God. While our history has been studded with many fine accomplishments of superior classes and brilliant students, we believe that the term of 1945-1946 will exceed them all. . According to the latest reports, Dean Samuel H. Sutherland believes that we shall enroll no less than eight hundred students. More than two hundred must be turned away be­ cause of lack of housing space. This is a cause of great concern to the Board of Directors of the Bible Insti­ tute. We feel that God would have us provide adequate facilities both in the dormitories and classrooms for additional students. A goodly por­ tion of this year’s student body will be comprised of young men and wom­ en who have served some time in the armed forces of our land, who are coming to us under the provisibns of the “G. I. Bill of Rights.” In their

the Christian and the World is ex­ plained. Contrary to the opinion of some eminent men of today Who hold liberal theological views, the world will never take to its heart that per­ son who is a true believer in Christ and who does not fail to let his faith be known. Over and over in this dis­ course the fact that the Christian be­ longs to an entirely different sphere than the worldling is emphasized. The world is said to love its own. But for the Christian living a life pleasing to Christ, the world has nothing but hatred. It is valuable to remember this teaching of Jesus in a day when lead­ ers of the liberal wing of the Church are endeavoring to please the com­ mercial, social and political world, and when they are insisting that the fol­ lowers of Christ take the lead in all humanitarian movements. Bible stu­ dents are urged to go through the por­ tion above referred to and to underline the number of times the word “wnr]r” ’ is used. Then they should retrace their steps, noting carefully the line of demarcation which Christ draws be­ tween the life of His followers and the ways of this present evil world. ★ ★ The Charter With much fanfare and world-wide advertising, the product of the Council of United Nations in San Francisco was given to the public. Many of our newspapers published this charter in full, so that people the world over have had the opportunity to acquaint themselves with that which represents the best thinking of statesmen of the United Nations, including Christians, Jews, Catholics, Mohammedans and Confucianists. The preamble to the charter contains no mention of God nor any acknowl-

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