King's Business - 1927-05



M a y • 1927


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$1.25 a y e a r in U . S $1.50 fo reig n

D r . F rank A. K eller HUNAN BIBLE INSTITUTE C hangsha . C hina

ICanTeachYoutoSing lik e This! —Eugene Feuchtinger I do not mean I can make a Caruso out of every man—or a Mary Garden out of every woman,—but

I can teach you in a few short months a basic secret o f voice development which Caruso dis­ covered only after years o f persistent effort.

The Hyo-Glossus in your throat can be strengthened just as surely as you can strengthen the muscles of your arm—by exercise. ProfessorEugeneFeuchtinger, noted vocal scientist, famous in Europe before coming to America, was the first man to isolate and teach a method of developing the Hyo-Glossus. If you are ambitious to sing or speak, or merely improve your voice for social or business purposes, here is your opportunity. If you suffer from stammering, stuttering or other vocal defect, here is a sound, scientific method of relief. Under the guidance of Prof. Feuchtinger himself, you can practice these wonderful silent exercises in the privacy of your own home. For Physical Voice Culture is ideally adapted to instruction by corresoondence. 100%Improvement Guaranteed Thousands of men and women have already received the benefits of Physical Voice Culture. If you will practice faithfully, your entire satisfaction is guaranteed. In fact, if your voice is not doubled in power and beauty, your money will be refunded. You alone are to be the judge. ture”. It will open your eyes to the possibilities of your own voice. It will indeed be a revelation to you. Get it without fail. Mail the coupon now. Perfect Voice Institute Free Book Send today for the wonderful new book, “Physical Voice Cul­

LTERE IS THE SECRET! This is a picture of the human throat, showing the all important Hyo-Glossus

muscle. Biographers of the great Caruso tell us of his wonderful tongue control. Caruso himself speaks of it in his own writings, as the basic secret of vocal power and beauty. But tongue con tro l depends en­ tirely on the develop­ m en t of you r Hyo- Glossus muscle.



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Perfect Voice In stitu te , 1922 SunnysldeAve., Studio, 53-15 Chicago Please send me FREE, your new book, “Physical Voice Culture“. 1 have put X opposite the subject that interests me most. I assume no obligations whatever, □ S inging □ Speaking □ stam m ering □W eak Voice

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Follows the telescopic method, giving one a bird’s- eye view .of each book 6 f the Bible.. Examina­ tions of a simple character are given upon groups of about five hooks at a time. Price $3.00 (Foreign 18s., including all postage.) COURSE No. 6 BIBLE BEGINNERS’ COURSE Rev. Keith L. Brooks A series' of (^ital ¿Itudies especially fqiii young Christians, taking up soipe.-of-the., rudimentary truths of the Christian faith. Arranged so as to develop originality in the student and create a deeper interest in Bible study. Price $2,00 ( .(Foreign 14s., including all postage.) COURSE No. 7 THROUGH THE NEW TESTAMENT - BY BOOKS AND CHAPTERS Rev. John H. Hunter • ' Same as Course Nor 3, but in the New-Testament.’ Can be completed in one year. Price$3.00 Chapter Summary Sheets necessary: for this course; . 30c per 50 sheets extra. (Foreign 1£, including Chapter Summary sheets and all postage.) COURSE No. 8 ■( s p e c ia l SUPPLEMENTAL c o u r s e

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T o A Y


Includes a brief doctrinal course and- gives prac­ tical and Scriptural methods of dealing ,with the • unsaved of all classes, as well as followers of the various cults. Price $3.50 (Foreign 1 i, including all postage.) N o te : Loose-leaf binder for lessons 75 cents extra. Uniform examination paper 25 cents per package. This unique course, prepared' by Mrs. Keith L. Brooks for those of Junior and Intermediate age, will be found most refreshing even to mature believers. Price $1.00 (Foreign 6 s,, including all postage.) Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 536 South Hope St„ Los Angeles, Calif. T)ear Sirs * Enclosed please find $........... for which kindly enroll me as a correspondence student in Course No. I will fill out the regular enrollment blank upon receipt of same with first lessons. Binder— Name........................................ ......................... Examination Paper— Chapter Summary Sheets— Address.................................................................... P lace X opposite above item s if desired in addition to course. APPLICATION BLANK

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Motto: “I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day. Isaiah 27:3

PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I nnis , Editor-in-Chief , C harles . E. H urlburt , Associate Editor- K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor W m . A. F isher , Circulation Manager Volume XVIII May, 1927 Number 5


BOARD OF DIRECTORS BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J. M. I rvine , President H oward F rost , Vice-President A. A ddison M axwell , Treasurer

Table o f Contents

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H . H unter , Secretary of Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ike , Secretary Evening School R ev . K eith L. B rooks , Secretary Cor. School R ev . A lbert E. K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . G harles E. H urlburt C hristian M. B ooks P rof . A lfred A. B utler M iss M arie C arter Miss F lorence C haffee R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H . W. K ellogg M rs . B esse D. M c A nlis P rof . H. G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L .W oodbridge H. W. B oyd , M D.

EDITORIALS The Invisible Christ,............ .............. Honoring Our Grand Army Men...... Fish S to ries............. :........................... Hell Not Altogether Abolished..,,— .. A Prodigious Failing i...........—..... ~~. The Mind of the Master...................... The Flood of Filth...... ....................... Suicide, the Footprint of Civilization. Editorial Flashlights .’..... ................... * * * *

.269 .269 .271 .271 .271 .272 .272 .273 274

C. E. F uller , : Secretary • C. A. Lux,

Asst. Secretary

H. B. E vans N athan N ewby J. M. R ust M rs . L yman S tewart

ARTICLES China and the. Nations—George W. McPherson-..277 Serious Conditions in Changsha —Frank W. Keller................... ................- ...... 280 Christian Philosophy—J. M. M........... ................ 281 Four Classes of the-Unsaved' H ^—Dr. J.-Stuart Holden......................................,.283 Depression—Exposed and Conquered —Walter G. StalleyL-L—. : .... .....................28*5 The Body of Humiliation—Harold F, G. Cole...,286 Professing Cream; Practicing Skimmed Milk S jl-K . L. B............................. .......... ................—.288 ................... 289 The Cultured Pig—Henry Moorehouse............... 300 The Hope of Sweet Reunion—Rev. Bob Shuler..314 * * * * d e p a r t m e n t s Defenders Column .... ...,............. ....................... 292 Passages That Perplex—K. L. B.........!............... 293 Finest of the Wheat...... :............... 294 Striking Stories of God’s Workings.......... ...........297 Children’s Garden—Mrs. Sophie Meader............301 International Lessons ................. 303 Prophetic Study—David L. Cooper......................313 Biola Table Chat—Albert E. Kelly................... 315 Literature Table ...... .......... : .............—— .. .318 Notes on Archaeology ... .................................. .....321 Daily Meditations—Wilfred M. Hopkins........... 324 Walks and Talks in Holy Places BB—Herbert H. Tay..... ..........

D r . J ohn M. M ac I nnis ,-Dean C harles E. H urlburt , Superintendent

J. P. W elles , W. R. H ale , W m . A. F isher , Assts. to Supt.

R ev . G eorgé E. R aitt M rs . A. L. D ennis > M rs . A lma K. M oss '.- P rof . R aymond C onner D. W. M ac M illan , M.D. B. G. P inkerton , M.D. F. J ean H olt , M.D. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D.

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Advertising: For information with reference to advertising in The King’s Business, address the Religious Press Assn., 800- 803 Witherspoon Bldg., Phila­ delphia, Pa., or North Amer­ ican Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter November 17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918.

POLICY AS D E F IN E D O F T H E B IB L E IN S T IT U T E O F LOS ANG E LE S (a ) T o s ta n d fo r th e In fa llib le W o rd of God a n d its g r e a t fu n d a m e n ta l tr u th s , (b ) T o s tr e n g th e n th e f a ith of a ll .b eliev ers, (c) To s tir y o u n g m e n 'a n d w om en to fit th e m se lv e s fo r a n d e n g a g e in d efin ite C h ris tia n w o rk , (d ) T o m a k e th e B ib le I n s titu te of L os A n g eles k n ow n , (e) T o m a g n ify God o u r F a th e r a n d th e p erso n , w o rk a n d com in g ' of o u r L o rd J e s u s C h rist: a n d to te a c h th e tra n s fo rm in g p o w er of th e H o ly S p irit in o u r p re s e n t p r a c tic a l life, (f) T o em p h asize in s tro n g , c o n s tru c tiv e m e ssa g e s th e g r e a t BY T H E BOARD OF D IRECTOR S

fo u n d a tio n s of C h ristia n fa ith . 536-558 S. Hope Street

Los Angeles, California


JVj^oliters drafre •«[ ByMARIAN DOUGLAS]»-

/ ^ L A D robins singing in the boughs, ' —* Low murmur of the bees, A hilhside burying'ground closed round with wilding apple trees; The snowy flowers drift softly down Upon the quiet graves, And in the south wind over one, A small flag gently waves. Those floating colors make for me That grassy mound a shrine. W ha t though the one who sleeps beneath Knew naught of me or mine? Yet that brave life, quenched long ago, Seems of my own a part; For he who dies for freedom, lives In every freeman’s heart. .


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it dawned upon the disciples that His kingdom was a heavenly and spiritual one, designed for all mankind. Had He remained in visible presence, men would have continued to clamor for Jesus to push Him to,a temporal throne. Human nature is prone to want visible and material results. The Church, through Him, would ever have been seeking temporal power. A visible reign He shall have in due time, but then His blood-washed Church shall appear with Him, a glorious Queen, to “reign with Him.” “Jesus knew,” says Dr. Merriam, “that the unseen and spiritual is the real life, and He went away to compel His disciples to fix their eyes on Him in the unseen world, and to find their inspiration for the toils and trials of life, and for their hopes and victories and eternal future, in a Leader, who, though invisible, yet is universal, immortal, eternally t r i u m p h a n t .' While He has not for 1900 years been within the range of mortal sight, we know that Jesus has been consciously and powerfully present for the comfort and inspiration of believers. In spite of some disagreements between those who accept Him as Saviour and Lord, so clearly has His spiritual power been manifested to those who truly love Him, that millions have been able to testify in the words of Peter: “Whom having not seen, we love; in whom, though now we see Him not, yet believing, we rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory” (1 Pet. 1 : 8 ). Honoring Our Grand Army Men T HIS month we shall especially remember our soldier dead, and honor a few remaining heroes of the days when the great principles of our American Constitution^ were at stake. We have known some of these venerable men of the Grand Army who have rued the fact that they have been spared to see a day in which many of our rising

The Invisible Christ “It is worth while for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart 1 will send Him unto you” (John 16:7).

{OR those who had left all to follow Him and who had none to go to but Himself (Jn. 6 : 68 )—for those whose hopes were all centered in Him—these must have been difficult words. Yet our Lord says: “I, tell you the truth; it is expedient that I should go.” We may not be able to fathom all the deep counsels of God in this plan,

but the divine order was that the Son of man should com­ plete His work on earth by dying as the Lamb of God, then rise from the dead, ascend to heaven to become the High Priest of His people, then send forth the Holy Spirit to give wings to His Gospel and to abide in believers of all times and places. Humanity must ascend to heaven before the Spirit could descend to humanity on earth. What if Christ had not died and ascended ? God might have endowed Him with continuous human life and let Him remain on earth as the personal Teacher and Guide of the Church. Would it not have been better to have kept Him here to speak His wonderful words and work His wonderful miracles among the various races of mankind ? How wonderful would it be to be able to appeal to Him as Head of the Church at Jerusalem to settle some reli­ gious dispute! We foolishly reason that had He remained as the vis­ ible Leader, the Church would have been more united and successful. Yet He who was “the wisdom of God” declared: “It is expedient that I should go.” In human form, His labors would have been limited. Though He might speak all tongues and have affinity with all races, He could still be in but one place at a time. But few people could have His direct labors in their midst. There would always be discontent in various quarters because He was not where it was considered He was most needed. Considering the immense population, how many of one generation would ever enjoy His per­ sonal and visible presence ? In our day He might broad­ cast by radio His wonderful messages, but even this could not satisfy the deepest needs of human hearts. Our Lord knew that, by His going to the throne of Majesty on high, He could, as the Mediator between God and man, manifest His power in the lives of men every­ where through His Representative, the Holy Spirit, mak­ ing His spiritual presence and power available to all, and leading all into the truth who should yield to Him. At the same time, His teachings have been left to us in the Inspired Word. Not until the Saviour died and passed out of their sight did the disciples fully realize that He was something more than man. It was the impulse of the resurrection and the gift of the Spirit which brought the marvelous progress of the Gospel. The triumphant career of the Church did not begin until Jesus ascended to the glory. Then it was that

generation should be carried away by Bolshevistic propaganda—a day in which reflections are openly cast upon the characters and motives of the fathers of our constitution, and even when vilification is heaped upon the names of such men as Washington and Lincoln. What could make a deeper cut into the hearts of these aged heroes- whose love for country led them to make such tremendous sacrifices!

A program of misrepresentation is being widely carried on by dis­ loyal agitators and enemies of America, and in harmony with the class hatred for which they stand. It is being spread among our school children, and, sad to say, some preachers have handed over their pulpits to perverters of the Constitution. It is high time for the church people of our land to awake to what is going on. Those, at least, who cherish our, .constitutional purposes, principles and ideals—who


May 1927

T h e :. .K i n g .’ k : : B if s i n e s s

feel that the wisdom of the Framers has been justified and that we have a right to- demand an undivided loyalty to the integrity of our Republic, are confronted by a danger which seeks to bring about the tragedy of National dis­ ruption. During the formative period and at stages riri bur progress, statesmen had to decide between compromising basic principles or demanding unconditional surrender to the aims of the Union. In a different form,-blit with the same ultimate 'question involved, our problem- is whether we shall yield to the insidious demand: of ‘‘scientific har­ monization,” of “mass-alien proposals,” which would grad­ ually weaken and finally disintegrate the Constitution; Or whether we shall re-affirm and -steadily, strengthen our allegiance fo those policies which have .never failed and which represent the fundamental attitude and thought of our foremost statesmen and always loyal citizenship. We need to realize that we have too long been asleep to what is going on, for there'are powerful influences at Work in-our land, already receiving' the support of mal­ content Americans or those who regard speciously ’pre­ F ish Stories T HE father of lies is by no means on a Vacation. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is not the only Christian institu­ tion that has been bombarded with falsehoods calculated to injure the work and disturb contributors. Many King’s Business subscribers have been anxiously in­ quiring concerning the truth or falsity of some of these absurd tales, Sbme have pictured to themselves the entire collapse of the Bible Institute. Most of these stories are traceable to two or three individuals whom we do not believe to be accountable,

sented claims as being in the interests of a “wider free­ dom’’ than experience can sanction. All talk about the Constitution being outgrown, no longer adequate to meet modern conditions, “made by capitalists for the sake of capitalism,” -is 'false, dangerous and intended by those fomenting it to wreck our National well-being. Wc could give no finer bouquets to our soldier dead, and could perform no .acts more cheering to our Grand Army men than :tó see. to it that the minds of our young .people,are disabused of Athe ideas many are gathering from literature their hands, and that'they, are not permitted to join any of the disloyal organizations, being formed among, the. youth of. our schools. Let its .teach them that the America that was and is today is- the great foundation for the America that is to be. Let us see to it that, np more iiifection of thè virus of Communism; .Socialism or any un-American influence is permitted through fear of not being;“tolerant” of sedi­ tious purposes, whether cloaked undqr the pleas for “a .broader .education,” “a wider Lumanitarianism,” “eco­ nomic-, necessity,” or “industrial relations.” - and -who ’. seem to"?have -a, mania for. writing. ■:One has': ¡even gotten out a- small newspaper ■entitledWThe "Unpopular Bible Institute,’*:;:? .One writes: “I understand your Institute has had Removed from its library all .books on the' second coming of Christ.” ABSOLUTELY FALSE. The Bible Institute stands tight where it has always stood as to this truth. Says another: “I hear that one of your teachers -was dismissed for teaching dispensational truth.” ABSOLUTELY FALSE. These truths are still taught. Says one: “No wonder your Institute is said to be modern­ istic if you have that Modernist, John McNeill, with you.” This party has confused the Scotch Presbyterian John 1 McNeill with another John MacNeill, who was recently attacked by Dr. W. B. Riley. “Is it true,” asks one, “that the Dean of the Bible Institute is a Modernist?” ABSOLUTELY FALSE. The Dean, as -well as every officer and teacher of the Institute, is compelled by the. trustees of the property to Sign a rigid statement of docirine and take his oath before God that he accepts every detail. This is done every year. A Minneapolis man writes .that prominent Fundamentalists of Los Angeles have informed him that the Institute would be in the hands of the Modernists within three years'. This may come true should the Lord come soon and leave the world in the throes of the Great Tribulation, but no Modernist can participate in any class or service of the Bible Institute prior to that time. The trustees of the property are under, full legal protection on this point. Another points’out that Dr. iStuart Holden, ’who has been lecturing at the Institute, is now classified as a; Modernist. ABSO­ LUTELY FALSE. The Word of God.has no more loyal ex­ ponent in all the world. Sad to say, a Fundamentalist editor recently took up and heralded certain rumors regarding Dr. Holden. These rumors have been proven groundless, We have found it difficult in many cases to run down these stories. Correspondents seem loath to impart the names of informants. When the welfare of God’s work is at stake, it would seem perfectly proper that Christians should cooperate in every way in tracing .down falsehoods. We will greatly ap­ preciate any assistance along this line from any of our sub- scribersS-Managing Editor,

May 192 /


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Let us remind them that back of all this disloyal propaganda is the denial of the Word of God, which was the Rock on which the fathers of this land laid its deep foundations. George Washington’s words in his farewell address form the climax of the priceless legacy he gave to his fellow countrymen. One of its many imperishable admo­ nitions especially applies to present conditions— “Toward the preservation of your Government and the permanency of your present happy estate, it is requisite that you not only steadily discountenance irregular opposi­ tion to its acknowledged authority, but also that you resist with care the spirit of innovation upon its principles, how­ ever specious the pretext.’’ : These words of wisdom, with over a century in the background, still point the way wherein our present course of action may be most safely assured. Hell Not A ltogether Abolished I T was said at the conclusion vof a famous ecclesiastical trial that hell had. been dismissed with costs.- The editor of Colliers, however, does not:seem to be convinced that the case is altogether dismissed. We find these words in the issue of Dec. 4, 1926: “Like so many good old-fashioned institutions, the conception of a literal hell.has gone out of style. “So much so that only a few professional pro­ tests were heard when the other day a famous bishop announced his disbelief in any such place. “Yet most of us now adult grew up with a lively picture of the horrors awaiting sinners beyond this vale of tears. “Most creeds provided a hell in order to square the score of justice and injustice experienced in life. Since the rain fell almost too equally on the just and the unjust, something was necessary to balance ac- , cpunts, “The preachers got very little guidance from the Bible, but they did a thorough job. The punishment arranged for sinners was too severe to be convincing. “But even though the brimstone furnace: no longer terrifies evildoers, we have gotten rid of one hell only to find another. “We have learned that conscience needs no sear­ ing flames to provide adequate punishment. “So far as hell is concerned, we are able, all of, us, to roll our own.” It is true, as an Edinburgh minister says : “An ef­ feminate sensationalism, an unconscious yielding to popu­ lar taste, have all but excluded the doctrine of eternal, conscious punishment from pulpit ministrations.” . Our rosewater views of modern life, and our habit of getting rid of any disagreeable features of our Lord’s teachings, have given to Modernists a message that the Lord would never recognize. It may be true that the hell of mediaeval Christianity is as .fond a creation as the purgatory that mitigated its torture, but does this do away with hell? What honest person can read the New Testament and miss the empha­ sis placed upon the fate of the impenitent wicked? A friend once wrote these words to Voltaire: “I have succeeded in getting rid of the idea of hell.” Voltaire replied: “Allow me to congratulate you. I am very far from that.” Did Jesus die to save us from nothing? Our concep­ tions of the value of His atonement depend largely on our thoughts of that which made the atonement necessary. The abolishing .of hell undoubtedly has its root in the defective modern views of sin. Without the Bible conception of the holiness of God,

men will not see sin as high-handed rebellion against the Almighty and,a thing worthy of eternal punishment. It is not for'us to say what is the exact nature of hell— whether its fires be literal or figurative—but reason should teach us that some kind of a hell there must be. Those whose eyes are open to what is going on in the world must sur.ely see that if no hell existed, sin would build one and crowd it full. A reckoning there must be. Neither sin­ ners nor saints get their deserts in. this life. The writer of thè editorial in Colliers may not have realized the full import of his words, but a tremendous truth was stated in the sentence, "Conscience needs no searing flames to provide adequate punishment.” Our Lord represented Abraham as saying to'the rich man in hades, “Son, remember” (Luke 16:19-31). Memory is a part of the real life which exists after death. While men-are in the flesh, memory is often poor, but when they are free from the body, memory will be intensified a million fold. Every act imprints itself upon the brain. We forget nothing. We may cease for a time to have it in our thoughts, but sometime, somewhere, all will be revealed. After death, men will have a moEè accurate knowledge. The sinner will see how his'^rfM and grew. A con­ science that in life was hardened by sin will be restored to full power. Memory will be more rapid- able to take in the whole life in a flash. To go into a Christless eternity with a burden of un- ,-forgiven sin, and to go “remd'hif)¿ring”- —(if there should be no other fire)-yrwill be hell enough to terrify the boldest spirit the first second after it leaves the body. Who would not wish for literal fires to consume him away when he finds himself possessed of immortal memory? A Prodigious Failing I T is a prodigious failing, although not commonly so regarded among Christian people,: Many of us are tragically guilty. William Lavv in his “Serious Call” brings it into the light on this wise-: “Susurrus is a pious, temperate, good man, remarkable for abundance of excellent qualities. No one more con­ stant at the service of the Church, or whose heart is more affected with it. His charity is so great, that he almost starves himself, to be able "to give greater alms to the poor. “Yet Susurrus had a prodigious failing along' with these great virtues. “He had a mighty inclination to hear and discover all the defects and infirmities of all about him. You were welcome to tell him any thing of any body, provided that you did not do it in the style of an enemy. He never dis­ liked an evil-speakèr, but when his language was rough and passionate. If you would hut whisper any thing gently, though it were ever so bad in itself, Susurrus wa,s ready to receive it. “When he visits, you generally hear him relating how sorry he is for the defects and failings of such a neighbor. He is always letting you know how tender he is of the reputation of his neighbor ; how loath to say that which he is forced to say and how gladly he would conceal it, if it could be concealed. “Susurrus had such a tender, compassionate manner of relating things the most prejudicial to his neighbor that He even seemed, both to himself and others, to be exercising a Christian charity, at the same time that he was indulging a whispering, evil-speaking temper. “Susurrus once whispered tó a particular friend in great secrecy, something too bad to be spoken of publicly.


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He ended with saying how glad he was, that it had not yet taken wind, and that he had some hopes it might not be true, though the suspicions were very strong. His friend made him this reply: “ ‘You say, Susurrus, that you are glad it has not yet taken wind; and that you have some hopes it may not prove true. Go home therefore to your closet, and nray to God for this man, in such a manner, and with such earn­ estness, as you would pray for yourself on the like occasion. Beseech God to interpose in his favor, to save him from false accusers, and bring all those to shame, who by uncharitable whispers, and secret stories, wound him, like those that stab in the dark. And when you have made this prayer, then you may, if you please, go tell the same secret to some other friend, that you have told to me.’ ”

The M ind of th e Master "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5). T HE mind of Christ is not something that can be imi­ tated. Without the indwelling Christ, there is no copying the mind of Christ. We become like those with whom we associate per­ petually and intimately. We become like Christ as we LET Him live IN us and as we saturate ourselves in His teachings. If we are like one in mind, we will resemble him in everything else. How shall we have the mind of Christ ? “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2). The only other occurrence of the word “renewing” in the New Testament is in Tit. 3 :5—“the re­ newing of the Holy Ghost.” The word means “renovat­ ing.” The Holy Spirit renovates the believer’s mind and insofar as we surrender our minds to Christ, the mind of the Master becomes the master of our minds. His thoughts begin to displace our own. We find ourselves thinking as He would think—thinking His thoughts after Him. Not only must we permit the Holy Spirit to think the thoughts of Christ and form His purposes in us, but we must seek the mind of Christ as it is mirrored in the New Testament Scriptures. The Apostle Paul tells us that we MUST give our consent to the wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to His doctrine, which is according to godliness (1 Tim. 6:3-5). Our Lord’s teachings, according to His own statements, are the foundations on which Christian character are to be built (Mt. 7 :24-26). They are to be taught to all believers until the consummation of the age (Mt. 28:19, 20). They are Spirit and life to the soul (Jn. 6:63). Love to Christ is demonstrated by acceptance of His teachings (Jn. 14:21), Abiding fellowship with Christ is made dependent upon constant practice of His teachings'^ Jn. 15:10). Not only the Gospels but the Epistles insist that only those who are obedient to His commands have the love of God perfected in them (1 Jno. 2 :2-5). We cannot pass, lightly over the words of Christ, or consign them wholesale to some other people or age, and hope to have the Master’s mind. Hang up the words of Christ upon the walls of the mind. Permit them to be Spirit and life to your soul, and you shall more and more become Epistles of Christ that shall be known and read of men. The Flood o f F ilth N EWSPAPERS, Reviews and Christian Journals have been stirred by reports of crime which one paper states have passed beyond all limits of decency. The Atlanta Constitution calls a halt. Many other papers have been led to hesitate and to change their policy, but announce it as an experiment which depends upon the public reaction to. their course. The Constitution, with a bravery which should command the praise of. every right minded citizen, states that they will print the news “only within sanitary limitations.” Another paper states that there is a section of the pub­ lic which enjoys questionable productions, and demands that the moral standard of this class be raised, without apparently realizing that the publisher raises or lowers this moral standard by the things he publishes. Still another states, “Public decency is determined and enforced by decent public opinion,” still ignoring the fact that it is log-

The M other’s G ift Lines Written by a Mother in Her Son’s Bible Remember, love, who gave thee this, When other days shall come; When she who had thy earliest kiss, Sleeps in her narrow home:

Remember ’twas a mother gave The gift to one she’d die to save.

That mother sought a pledge of love, The holiest, for her son; And from the gift of God above She chose a goodly one: She chose, for her beloved boy, The source of life and light and joy;

And bade him keep the gift, that when The parting hour should come, They might have hope to meet again In her eternal home: She said his faith in that should be Sweet incense to her memory.

And should the scoffer, in his pride, Laugh that fond gift to scorn, And bid him cast that gift aside, That he from youth had borne, She bade him pause, and ask his breast If he or she had loved him best.

A parent’s blessing on her son Goes with this holy thing; The love that would retain the one, Must to the other cling: Remember, 'tis no idle toy, A mother’s gift — remember, boy!

May 1927


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ically the printed page which makes public opinion. Is not all this a'challenge to every Christian individual, and particularly to every Christian Editor, to realize the responsibility which the right and opportunity of free speech lays upon every public spirited citizen? Does not the calling of God to serve, lay upon every Christian writer the duty to so mold public opinion that papers which pub­ lish evil only that they might get gain, should not be per­ mitted entrance to respectable homes, or be seen in the hands of men who have respect for themselves or care for their children and the public good ? If every reader of The King’s Business were to take a stand against the publishing of indecent details of crime and were to speak'an earnest word to his neighbor, what a mighty tide might be set moving for the overthrow of that which is soiling many lives and homes, and perhaps rendering powerless even many churches. In a recent heavy storm on the Pacific Coast a great tank was undermined, by the floods and some 70,000 or 80,000 barrels of oil were sent floating on the surface of the waters miles and miles from where they had been retained. The loss of oil to the great company that owned the tank was comparatively slight, but houses, gardens, orchards, lawns, flowers, shrubbery and everything beauti­ ful that lay within the widely spread path of this stream of oil was spoiled and smeared with oil that it will take a very long time to eradicate. A little while at its source at the right time would have saved it all. Is not every individual who can by word or influence create public sentiment, called upon to lift his voice and influence against those publications which, for mere lust of gain, are willing to soil for time and eternity the souls of our sons and daughters? ais Su icide—The Footprint of C ivilization "P \R . F. L. HOFFMAN, insurance statistician, is said to know more about suicide than any other living man. Suicide data has been his specialty for 33 years. In an article in the International Cosmopolitan, some very striking facts are set forth by him. Barbaric tribes, he shows, know nothing of suicide. The negroes of the south, despite their often depressing surroundings,, have a suicide rate of only 1.9 per 100 , 000 . The white population of the same district has a rate of 7.6. Strange to say, the suicide belt of the world :s the north temperate zone where climate is most favorable to

human happiness. An educated and cultured, yet Godless and Christless man, is of all men most miserable. “The more cultivated, prosperous and intellectual a peo­ ple become, the higher becomes their suicide rate,” Mr. Hoffman declares. Suicides are greatly on the increase among the rich and college educated. Mr. Hoffman reasons that most people who are well off do not know what to do with their money, and most people who are educated “in the modern sense” do not know how to apply their knowl­ edge to proper or useful purposes. There is an alarming increase among boys and girls, especially those who go adventuring to the big cities after careers. The intensity of city life, its alluring opportuni­ ties for excitement, and its subtle temptations, produce nervous diseases, moral and spiritual discontent and men­ tal unbalance. “In the last analysis,” says Mr. Hoffman, “every suicide constitutes a form of mental breakdown.” The very significant statement is made that there is today “less willingness to submit to the hardships of life—a re­ luctance to endure physical suffering. We whimper today if the water in the bathroom runs cold. If our feelings get hurt, we think we ought to protest by committing suicide.”' Mr. Hoffman comes close to the real root of the dif­ ficulty when he sayS: “Suicide is obvious evidence of fail­ ure on the part of the individual to adjust himself success­ fully to his environment.” The Christian thinker will go beyond this, however, knowing that fallen man has a “capacity limit ” and therefore must, have a Saviour to bear the heavy end of the yoke of life with him. “Great peace have they whose minds are stayed on Him, because they trust in Him.” Man is not at present constituted so that- he can successfully drag his load in a single collar. A yoke is a collar for two, and the Christ of God says to all the heavy laden, “Come unto me and I will rest you,” and again, “Ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matt. 11: 28-29). Those who share the yoke with Him never take their own lives. Another striking observation of Mr, Hoffman’s is: “The person who is interested in others is less likely to commit suicide. The present day tendency is toward exag­ gerated interest in self.” How firmly our Lord sought to stress this very truth—that we must be directly and se­ riously concerned with the welfare of others to be truly happy! How beautifully it is put in Isa. 58:10, 11: “I f thou draw out thy soul to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity. and thy darkness be as the noonday!”

2 he Sw ee tes t L ives

The sweetest lives are those to duty wed, Whose deeds, both great and small, Are close-knit strands of an unbroken thread Where love ennobles all. The world may sound no trumpets, ring no bells,. The Book of Life the shining record tells.

Thy love shall chant its own beautitudes After its own life-working. A child’s kiss Set on thy sighing lips shall make thee glad; A poor man served by thee shall make thee rich; A sick man helped by thee shall make thee strong; Thou shalt be served thyself by every sense Of service which thou renderest.— Mrs. Browning.


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Men may misjudge thy aim, Think they have;cause for blame; Say thou art wrong!

circulation among Christians and 'others who are really troubled by seeming difficulties in the matter of Christ’s use of the Old Testament. “Radio has been called the Fifth »lístate in 'récognition of the place it has assumed as à maker of opinión. It has become a giant overnight arid is still almost unaware of its power. Cer­ tainly it has not yet begun to use its power With a coristructive purpose. . The time has- coiné to ask fof a broader, braver policy that will permit radio to treat more freely arid firmly ori the battlefields of modern thought.” (H, V, Kalterborn—“Century- Magazine”). This also is the time to make the radio Christian to the fullest extent of our opportunity and power. * * * H¿ Herè is a very striking statement gleaned from Charles H. Spurgebri;j!|the great Baptist pastor of London: “It has been my unhappy duty to expel a good mariy people from the membership of the church, but I have never expelled any who were converted in childhood.” Coming from one with such a long and wide experience, these words carry tremendous Weight. It has often been urged against efforts to bring the children early to a knowl­ edge of Christ that childhood religion dóes not last. But the evidence is strongly against such a theory. As a matter of com­ parison, childhood religion lasts better than ariy other kind. * * * * Something like a mass movement of Jews to Christ is taking place in parts of Eastern Europe. Since 1918, 40,000 Hungarian Jews have entered the churches; in Budapest alone 2,500 Jews have been added to .the Presbyterian Church; and in-Ukrainia- whole congregations

Hold on thy quiet way-; Christ is the judges—not they; . Fear not! Be strong! p * * * j The World today is looking' for super-men. God is looking for men with the child-heart. * * * * A Missouri editor ,hits it right wiien he says: “Man is the only animal that caff be stuffed more than onceili^: H« p * * A Los Angeles paper declares that “it is better to keep silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” * sjs. * "The reason some people hold their chins when thinking,” suggests the Wall Street Journal, “is to stop themselves from interrupting.” * * * * “President Coolidge is not a member of any fraternal organ­ ization,” the White House executive secretary wrote the Dover, ■N. J., lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose in declining an invita­ tion for Mr. Coolidge to join that organization. * * 9|e * There are approximately 750,000 young men and women at- tending the colleges' and universities of the United States. Higher education, according to a recent survey, is centered largely in state and city institutions, some forty per cent of the whole being found in the twenty-five largest •universities. * * * * Sir Edward Sharp, an English baronet, in speaking recently of the service rendered by Sunday schools in the training of youth for Christian manhood and womanhood, emphasized the .value of a Christly personality in the teaching of the Scriptures. He believes that the supreme need in the churches of the present day is the presence of vital and vigorous Christian teachers in the Sunday schools. To that we’ll say “Amen,” and may church members in general be infected with the idea. * * * * We ve just heard of a man who came home from church wringing wet. “America,” he informed his wife, “will be a nobler land to live in when not every American thinks he can keep his religion and somebody else’s umbrella.” The brother has "said something. He might have widened the statement to include the church hymn books—and a few other things. * * * * General Chang Chih-kiang has sent the China Agency of the American Bible Society his second big order for Bibles and Tes­ taments. This was for 4,500 Bibles and 6,000 New Testaments. This is, undoubtedly, the biggest single purchase of Scriptures on record in China. * * * * The October number of the “Princeton Theological Review” contains a very able and convincing article by Dr. R. D. Wilson on Jesus and the Old Testament.” By a detailed examination of every reference made by Jesus to the Old Testament, Dr. Wilson shows there is not a single statement in them that can reasonably be challenged as untrue. This bit of work is so ably done that we wish it could be put into tract form and given, a very wide


May 1927

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The League of Clean Speech started in the First Christian Church, Fresno, California, but the originators of the idea are more than glad to have the idea passed along. There is certainly a need for an organized protest against the use of vile and filthy language altogether too prevalent. The pledge of the organiza­ tion is: “Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ for strength, I promise that I will not listen to, laugh at, or tell an unclean story, and at all times my conversation shall be such as will be an honor to the Master.” The Scriptural basis for the League is : “Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but such as is good for edifying as the need may be, that it may give grace to them that hear” (Eph. 4:23). * * * * It is refreshing to have a man like Chauncey M. Depew rise up to answer Thomas A. Edison, who on his eightieth birthday reiterated some of his ,doubts concerning the Bible. “I am more firmly anchored on the Bible than ever before, and believe implic­ itly in its teachings and the God it portrays,” said Mr. Depew. “I have always felf a real dependence on God,” Mr. Depew con­ tinued, “My idea of God is a person rather than one of force, Not a personality such as we are, of Course, but a glorified, divine and : infinite heart, brain and spirit—all comprehending, all povOerful, never failing. I think of God as being interested in­ mortals and mortal affairs. Christ was. His earthly manifestation.”: There are many people who are easily influenced by the ex­ pressions of great men on the subject of religion, regardless of their qualifications to speak, but by no means all of the great men- are on the side of skepticism. * * * * The Archbishop of York is reported to have said, ‘There, are only half a dozen hymns I can sing with any kind of reality at all.” “We could name him a score in the old hymns, ancient- and modern, that if he.cannot sing with his whole soul he ought, to -;,resign his bishopric” says the Evangelical Christian. The hymnology of . the Church is more and more getting to be a, problem for Modernists. The terms of redemption are distaste­ ful to begin with, and how can they help but loathe such hymns- a s: “There is. a fountain filled with blood, Drawn from Immanuel’s veins, And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains”. On the other hand, we would like to inquire if skepticism, has ever produced a hymn that bids fair to live, as have the great hymns of the Church?

while I travel throughout Sweden, my native land, forming local Atheist groups in the larger towns and cities. The younger gen­ eration in Sweden is becoming incréasingly Atheistic, and I anticipate no serious difficulty.” * * * * We have been hearing much about the “missing link skull which was found in Java last fall. Says the Wichita Eagle. “That skull of an ape man found in Java turns out to be the knee-cap of an elephant.” The Pathfinder further comments: “Doubt has been thrown on the alleged ‘missing link skull’ which Dr. C. J. Heberlein, a Dutch professor, found in Trinil, Java, last fall. The man who in ’ 1892 unearthed part -of an ape-man’s skull • ini’ thei'Tfrmil district: of Java— Prof." Eugene" Dtfbois—says that photographs of the Heberlein find indicate that it is no more: thap part of;the Jeg bone of a prehistoric animal resembling the elephant. He points out the fact that remains of these creatures are frequently found in Java.” So it goes with all the missing links. Why should it be necessary to search in the far corners of the earth for missing links if evolution has been made the Creator’s general method?. The whole surface of the earth, should be strewn with the proofs. * a(c sfc Ernest Gordon tells us of a representative Unitarian who was asked whether American Unitarians have any national foreign mission society. He said they have not. Are they as a denom­ ination now supporting any foreign missions? No. How many missionaries have'they in the field? None,, Have théÿ any women’s foreign mission society? No. Have thèy any foreign mission society for young people? No. Are they training chil­ dren in Sunday schools to become interested in foreign missions ? No. Have they any students in college and theological seminaries preparing to go as missionaries to the foreign field? As far as he knew not one. Remember that Unitarianism is Modernism in its most consistent character. * * * * According to advices received by Bishop Nuelsen, of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States, the Soviet Government is to use its printing press for the publication of an edition of the Bible in Russian for the Russian Church. In addi­ tion, a permit has been received for the, issue of an edition of 25,000 Bibles for the Russian Evangelical groups, under the initiative of the All-Russian Evangelical Union. As the plates from which former editions of the Bible had been printed were destroyed during the War, funds to cover the cost of making new plates have been provided by the American Bible Society. This is indeed a great victory, and there should be a great com­ pany of intercessors to pray it through. * * * * " Dr.'Shailer Mathews is quoted as saying that “the man who expects to see Christ Goming again in the sky, and expects every­ body else to see Christ at the same time, obviously had not thought of the difficulty of'all the people around the earth seeing the same spot in the sky at the same time.” This is an excellent example of the method frequently employed by Liberalists of setting up: straw men to demolish. It was our Lord Himself who said: “'Every eye shall see Him" (Rev. 1:7), but who ever thought that all people around the earth were to “see the same' spot in the sky at the same time” ? Who knows how long a time will be taken for the resurrection and translation of saints? No doubt He who created the universe by His Word and re­ deemed it in a day will find some way to take care of the details of the coming judgment.




Legal Form of Bequest I give and bequeath to Bible Institute of Los Angeles, incorporated under the laws of the State of California_________________ ,-------------- .---- ------------------------ Dollars, and I direct the release of the President of the Board of Directors of said Bible Institute of Los Angeles shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors in the premises. [Seal]—____________ ________ '

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