King's Business - 1927-05

Wait! The Manaoihj Editor Wants a Wor & B f JL j OR five months our readers have sat at The V. _ y J King’s Business banquet table as spread by & t >

However, we seek at all times to be fair with our opponents, “if \ f / , God peradventure will give them repent- ence to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil.” . . This according


the new Editorial Caterers . . . Judging by hundreds of letters received, subscribers are more than pleased with the fare. & t > We have prayerfully and thoughtfully en­ deavored to lay out a spiritual menu each month which would build up believers in our most holy Faith . . We have sought to have plain and nourishing food and plenty of it . . The over-seasoned and indigestible products we have tried to leave off the table, for our great desire is to provide that wholesome, strength'building fare which will develop genuine red-blooded Christians for constructive, soul- winning wor\. < 20 > We have found just a few people who seem to have developed a chronic appetite for sour pickles and chili sauce . . They do not eat for strength, but for the “kick” they get out of it . . Let it be said right here that the editors have no sympathy whatever with compro­ mise and pussyfooting, and no thought of ceasing to warn of the subtleties of Modernism and every other insidious error of the day . . No fair-minded reader could possibly have any doubt as to where we stand on these issues.

to God’s word, can be accomplished only by the avoid­ ing of strife by the Lord’s servants and by their being “gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient.” » Tim. 1 : 23 - 26 ) Throwing red pepper wins no one to Christ. Let us make it clear th a t th is magazine stands for the absolute integrity of the Scriptures. The Editors consider the pages of The King’s Business a sacred trust from God to be used wholly in magnifying the Lord Jesus Christ and setting forth the vital truths of His word . . . We cannot but expose false teachers when we set forth the searching condemnation of error found within the pages of Holy Writ, but most certainly we intend to “speak the truth in love.”

We see\ to gather around this magazine those who have a real love for Jesus Christ and His service, and who want definite, constructive Bible teaching. Now . . all who are in favor, will you please Opposed by the same sign put up your hands! I T ’S P R A C T I C A L L Y U N A N I M O U S "I )

W E,would like to offer you a fountain pen, goldwatch or some other valuable souven- ir for this service, but this we cannot do. We must face the fact that this magazine has no profits, but a good sized deficit. We must remember that there is no other magazine of its size and quality that can be hadfor anywhere near our price. The Managing Editor, however, as- sures you of his personal ap- preciation of any service you may render, and t hat the heavenlyFather will not be un­ mindful of it, there can be no doubt .—Keith L. Broo\s

a. How many of you will show your copy of King’s Business to some one else who is not a subscriber and say a good word for it? Say I will - - - ( b. How many of you desire sample copies for the purpose of interesting others? State how many - - - - - ( ) c. To whom would you like to have us send a sample direct? (Give name and address)

d. How many of you will send a subscription as a gift to some missionary or worthy Christian worker who would appreciate it. (Give name and address)

How many feel it would be a real investment for eternity to enable us to maintain on our list missionaries who are unable to subscribe and whose names we have? (State amount you will give) - - - - - - - ( That will be all for this time!*’

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