King's Business - 1927-05

WITHOUT CHRIST The above striking picture represents many millions in North East India who have never once heard of the love of Christ, andof the way-of Salvation by His shed Blood. The burden of these millions lies heavily upon ourhearts. There are heathen villages even now clamouring for Christian Teachers. We believe that it is not the will of our Heavenly Father that they should perish. And yet, we can only send the Message of Eternal Life to them as His stewards will co-operate.

An Evangelist costs $ 60.00 upwards yearly. A Teacher costs - - 50.00 upwards yearly. A Day School Student costs $ 25.00 yearly. A Bible School Student costs 25.00 yearly.

In some instances as little as a Dollar a m on th will provide tuition and food for a student! ((We are asking the Lord to raise up men and women who will thus share this burden with us. ({Does the Holy Sp irit p rom p t you to share th is fellowship? Address all Communications and all Gifts, whether large or small, to

T he N o rth E a s t In d ia G en eral M ission, In c., 1213 P en n sy lv a n ia B uilding, P h ila d elp h ia, P a . D ept. K-B. I b eliev e th e H oly S p irit is p ro m p tin g m e to h av e fellow ship w ith y o u in sen d in g th e G ospel to th e h e a th e n trib e s in N o rth E a st In d ia, a n d h av e p le a su re in en clo sin g th e su m o f $................. fo r th a t p u rp o se.

The North East India General Mission, Inc. 1213 Pennsylvania Building Philadelphia, Pa.



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