King's Business - 1927-05


May 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

thoughtful reader, their arguments. will bear the close scrutiny of the careful thinker. The writer points out the importance of belief in the Christian life and shows how we may believe in God and in the Bible and the virgin birth and in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and, therefore, in miracles, in the light of the most searching thinking of our day. He also makes a good case for the atonement, for the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the future life, including a future punish­ ment. He has a wholesome, sane chapter upon the return of. our Lord in which he points out that the fact is certain but the day is uncertain and that an intelligent belief in this fact comforts and inspires and sustains that faith 'which is described in.his last chapter as almighty in its work­ ing power. The doctrines which' he advocates are doctrines which- can be; expressed in a wholesome Christian, life, a life that finds expression in the venturesomeness , -of faith, a faith to which nothing, reasonable is impossible.; He believes that a little company of Christian people banded to­ gether in this faith and who would not be daunted could redeem any community. He shows how we' may believe the things that make the Church of Jesus Christ irresistible. We commend the book. —J. M. M. —o— We wish that every member of the Christian Church could take a few hours of quiet and read Professor Charles R. Erdman’s new book, “The Spirit of Christ.” It is the work of a scholar of' mature experience who has given many years of study to the New Testament arid has grasped the great fundamentals of this particular subject in a very fine way. Dr. Erdman has avoided all extremes, fads and fallacies which have unfortun­ ately grown up about the subject of the Holy Spirit in our day. In a simple, clear but forceful style he presents the supreme need of the individual and the church in a way that ought to challenge our think- ing. ; His comments about Pentecost, the in­ spiration of the Scriptures and the work of the Spirit in the church are particular­ ly wise and helpful. He answers such questions as how the operation of the Holy Spirit before Pentecost differs from His operation since the day of Pentecost and how the doctrine of the Holy Spirit differs in the Old Testament and in the New. In speaking of the gift of tongues, he says: “The modern ‘gift of tongues’ has usually been sought, not for the purpose of edifying the Body of Christ, but for self-gratification, or as a proof that the recipient of the gift was ‘filled with the Holy Ghost.’ Such a test of spiritual life is ■arbitrary, and the alleged Pentecostal gifts have not proved to be of wide spir­ itual benefit, but usually have been1the occasion of misunderstanding, of divi­ sions, of fanaticism and dispute. Paul urged the Corinthians to greatly prefer the gift of ‘prophecy’ or the ability to .communicate the spiritual truth in a man­ ner •intelligent to all hearers and in com­ mon language; and he .insisted that both of these gifts, like the others which were “T he S pirit of C hrist ” - Prof. Chas. R. Erdman

the famous Oxford India paper Tilth eas­ ily-read black-faced type and bound in flexible and long wearing Persian Morocco leather, antique grain. The list price of The Identification Testament is $2.50 a copy.—K. L. B. —o— “ C a n W e B elieve ” Frank M. Goodchild, D.D. “Can We Believe?” is a popular discus­ sion of fundamental Christian truths by Dr. Goodchild and was preached as ser­ mons in the Central Baptist Church of New York City and also given as ad­ dresses at Winona and other Bible Con-, ferences. They are most carefully thought out studies and, although put in a popular way, in order to appeal to the average GOD’S JEWEL CASE Jam es H. M cC onkey’s new m essage. T ells of M an’s g re a te st n eed a n d God’s g re atest provision. A Salvation tra c t— run n in g -m ate to “ If W e N eglect.” Sent absolutely free, postpaid Address SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY D ept. M, Bessem er Bldg., P ittsbu rgh, Pa. E P S ¿gSfigMh | are used in thousand'sof.schools and churches;■'This line of projection f lanterns',—|for, glass slides, opaque I jaKs^ objects and “strip” film is the.largest l and most complete in the world. '. Saul for'Illustrated Lilera/iin-' '• BAUSCH &LOMB OPTICALCO„ 72«St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y. I B I G P R O F I T S For Your Church Organization GOTTSCHALK’S METAL SPONGE The Handy Household Helper Write for full information M ETAL SPONGE SALES CORP. Dept. A, Lehigh Ave. & Mascher St. Philadelphia SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH This is being done in A frica, China, India, by N ative E van gelists and Bible W om en w ho are being supported for from 80c to $2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. W rite R ev. H. A . Barton, Secy., Box B, 473 Greene A ve., Brooklyn, N. Y ., fo r free literature. Any church, school or class can publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church work,' Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Rapids, Mich.

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