King's Business - 1927-05

May 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

do not enunciate the ecclesiastical doc­ trine of baptismal regeneration, they at any rate approximate very closely to it.” The whole argument of this section of the book turns on the fact that the author as­ sumes that Paul, in the sixth chapter of Romans and like passages, is writing about water baptism. This, of course, begs the whole question and. for that reason this whole section of the book is very far from convincing. However, this is controver­ sial ground and we have no disposition to enter upon it or linger in its lights and shadows. The book is a strong book from its particular point of view . —J. M. M. —o— R adio T alks T o Y oung P eople W ith Q uestions and A nswers Daniel A. Poling, Liit.D., LL.D. This volume by the highly gifted presi­ dent of the International Society of Chris­ tian Endeavor and Co-Minister of the Marble Collegiate Church, New York City, is of special interest to young people and their sympathetic friends. It records the addresses given Sunday afternoons in Marble Collegiate Church at the Young People’s Conference which has, since De­ cember, 1925, been conducted under the G r e a t e r New York Federation of Churches. At the close of each address listeners were permitted to ask questions which Dr. Poling answered. Both ques­ tions and answers are included in this book. The twenty addresses carry at­ tractive titles, such as MReady! Go!” “What is Success ?” “A Religion of Risk,” “The Devil’s Riddle,” and “Crown the True” and 'others. They are brief, pointed, eloquent, interesting and always honoring to the Lord Christ. They deal sympathetically with the problems with which youth wrestles. Dr. Poling draws upon his personality, experience and train­ ing to answer the many and quite varied questions put to him. Considering the limitations imposed by the radio, the oc­ casion and the audience, the speaker re­ veals remarkable ability to answer briefly and satisfactorily. The volume is bound to be helpful, especially to thoughtful, in­ quiring youth. —J. M. M. —o— “T he L etters to the S even C hurches ” Jnd. Gibson Inkster, B.A., D.D. It is interesting to find the number of people that are turning to the letters to the Seven Churches of Asia in these days. Dr. Inkster of Toronto, Canada, has added another interesting little book to the great list of books that have been given to the exposition of these letters. It contains nothing new in the way of exposition. The author holds the idea that these are a review of Church History and, while he does not allow, that to wholly dominate his exposition of the letters, it, in the very nature of things, has a vital bearing upon his expositions. However, his practical applications of the letters are very simple and helpful. We can understand how these lectures, when given from the plat­ form, might be very inspiring, hearts searching, gripping. Dr. Inkster has a sympathetic, simple and beautiful style that holds the interest throughout his expositions. He is truly evangelical in his interpretation of these letters from the practical point of view and in perfect harmony with the great evangelical truths of the Bible. —J. M. M.

granted in the early day, must be exer­ cised in love.” In speaking of the Spirit and the Church, he says: “It may be true that the tides of faith and of spiritual power have ebbed and are running low. We do see too distinctly the reefs which separate us into narrowing channels of life and ef­ fort. We hear the voices of many proph­ ets who .speak only words of bitterness and despair, who re-echo the note of eter­ nal sadness and the cheerless moaning of the bar, and who point to great Christian enterprises which, like ships aground, are listing helplessly in the shallows; but our faces are turned with confidence toward our divine and exalted Lord. We believe that ‘all power’ has been given to Him ‘in heaven and in earth.’ We look expectant­ ly for ‘His appearing and His kingdom,’ and with new resolution, we address our­ selves to the task in which His church should be united, believing that the spirit­ ual tides will turn and will carry us on resistlessly as we move forward on our glorious mission to proclaim His gracious Gospel in all the world and unto every creature.” In this way the author, all of the way through- the book, tries to make a frank, sane application of the truth of the Spirit to the immediate problems and he is pre­ eminently true to the Scriptures. We hope that the book may have a. very wide reading among Christian people. Published by Geo. H. Doran Company, $1.50 net. —J. M. M. —o— “S tudies in the F orgiveness of S ins " Jesse R. Kellems, D.D. This book is something more than a study in the forgiveness of sins. The first part, which is given exclusively to the consideration of this subject, is a clear, concise and thought-compelling statement of the doctrine of forgiveness, which follows largely the general posi­ tion taken by the late Professor Denny of Glasgow. This position is indicated by the following words quoted from this noted thinker and theologian, “There is in truth only one religious problem in the world—the existence of sin—and one re­ ligious solution to it—the Atonement, in which the love of God bears the sin, tak­ ing it, in all its terrible reality for us, upon Himself. And nothing can be cen­ tral or foundational, either in Christian preaching or in Christian thinking, which is not in direct and immediate relation to this problem and its solution.” These are weighty and important words and the most of evangelical Christians would heartily agree with them. When we come to the second part of the book, beginning with the fourth chap­ ter, we are in a different atmosphere and we fear the writer will not carry as many of his evangelical friends with him as in the first part of the book. Those who are confirmed immersionists and sacramental- ists will, of course, be delighted with the author’s presentation of the place of bap­ tism in the forgiveness of sins. The po­ sition of the author is expressed in a quo­ tation which he makes from Professor Andrews, who, after citing a number of German scholars regarding Paul’s con­ ception of baptism, says, “With this evi­ dence before us, it seems very hard to re­ sist the conclusion (however little we may like it), that if the Epistles of St. Paul

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