King's Business - 1927-05

May 1927


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

if you please, St. Peter, I’m the husband of Mrs. Smith, who went regularly to church, and taught in the Sunday School and was kind to the poor.” “Why did you not do likewise?” “Oh, St. Peter, ,1 was in business all the week, and very tired on Sunday, and I thought if Mrs. Smith went to church regularly it would do for both of us.” “Your wife,’' said St. Peter, “was a true, faithful Christian. She came to these gates three years ago, and she has gone in—for both of you!”

Reported from Paradise Dean Hole used to tell of a North Country clergyman’s rebuke of certain of his parishioners who rarely if ever at­ tended church, thinking they made up for it by the regular- attendance of their wives. He related how one of these hus­ bands came to the gates of Paradise, and St. Peter, who stood there with the keys, rather roughly inquired, “Who are you?” “Oh, St. Peter, I’m Mr. Smith, from New- castle-on-Tyne.” “I don’t know you,” “Oh,

“Revival Gems Number Two” A New Hymn Book for general use Being used by m any of the largest Churches and Sunday Schools in Am erica O n ly T E N C EN T S p e r c o p y . Best Hymns by E xcell , M rs . C rosby , D r . L owry , B eazley , B liss , G abriel ,

and a score of other noted writers. F u lly Orchestrated fo r 14 instruments Contains the old favorites, commonly known as the “ Moody and SankeyHymns.”

56 Draw Nigh Unto God. Written on Suez Canal, Egypt, 1915, whilst on active service with the Anzac's. G. E. H. James 4:8. Gordon E. Hooker —Q —^------ J i - - — «1— m ü m

Many old invitation hymns not found else­ where. Here is a high class collection of hymns and gospel songs within the financial reach of any church or Sunday School. Nearly tw o million copies of Number One have been sold. Number Tw ois considered a better book. “ R evival Gem s Number Tw o” is a sensation. It is sweeping the country. Send in your order at once for this great book. PRINTED IN BOTH ROUND AND 8HAPED NOTES. Remember , only Ten Cents per copy and fully orchestrated for 14 instruments . SAM U E L W , B E A Z L E Y & SON., 5 3 W . JACKSON BLVD., CHICAGO. ILL. O btainable a t your ow n denom inational book store. Agents:$2anHour

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I want men and women to act as agentsforZanol PureFood Prod­ ucts, Toilet Preparations, Fla­ vors,Soaps, Perfumes. Over 350 fast sellers. Orders in every home. Dignified, pleasant work. No expertenceorcapitalrequired. $40 In 24 Honrs T hat’s Collander’s record. Myron made $13his firstaf­ ternoon. Pearl made $750 inonem onth. I willtake all of your tim eoronly spare time if you pre-' fer. Your profits will s ta r t im m e d ia te ly .1 Write now for details of this wonderfulproposition. AlbertMills 7343 American



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And cheer - less is thought of the To the Friend of all friends—-Je - SUS Draw nigh, and the God of sal- Oh, take to your heart in full

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EVOLUTION! What Is It? Can a Christian be an Evolutionist The dangers of Evolution exposed b y a form er Evolutionist. Printed in a neat 32- page booklet. For sale b y the author. R E V . FREEM AN ANKRUM , O ak H ill, W est V irginia Per cop y 15c. 8 for $1.00 Postpaid W A N T E D C u ltu red C h ristian F un d am en talist gen­ tlem an or lady to canvass fo r C h ristian College on a ttra c tiv e basis. MR. LOCKHART 101 W est E ightieth St., New Y ork C ity Ontario Bible Conference FA IR H AVEN , N EW Y O R K Sixth Annual Summer A ssem bly A u gu st 11-2!, 1927 T alent already booked includes: H enry O s­ trom , D.D., H arlow W . Parsons, Prof, and Mrs. A . H. Heinz, Edw ard L. Jam es, T . T. Shields, D.D. W rite R E V . C . D. REED, W atervliet, N. Y . T h is C l a s s P in 2 5 c . 13or more, Silver plate, Singlepins35cea. choice 3 colors en­ amel, 3letters, date. SterlingSilver, 13or more 45cea. Single pins65c.ea. Free Cat. showsPins,Rings,Emblems 30cto $8ea.

ess MetalArtsCodine,

7719 South Ave.,Rochester,N.Y.

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