King's Business - 1927-05


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

May 1927

Christ did not depart from Peter; He never does from a sinner who trembles at His presence. He leads them on to that day when, by the gift of the Holy Spirit, they realize that the awful distance between themselves and Him has been bridged by the efficacy of His sacrifice; until, without losing aught of the con­ sciousness of either His purity or their own unworthiness, they can stand unshrinking in the presence of His glory because they recognize that, clothed in the garment of His righteousness, they are faultless in His eyes. ܧ M ay 12. "One thing thou lackest.”-—Mark 10:21. THE final and supreme conflict in spiritual matters is usually over “one thmg.’! Often mefi are willing to give up all things for Christ, to risk all things, to do all things—save one. One sin, with which they do not wish to part; one evil habit, which they have not the energy to overcome; one friend, whose desertion they dare not risk; one possibility of loss or danger, which they can­ not face—and that one thing intervenes, an insurmountable bar­ rier, between themselves and salvation, or holiness and peace. This, we say, is’the final battlefield; here, or nowhere, the victory is to be won. For all sacrifice, all faith, all effort, is vain while that one surrender has not been made. It is a cloud, impene­ trable, between us and the smile of the Divine face; it is a miasma, poisoning the very springs of spiritual life; it is a barrier across the path to heaven: until it be conquered the man is in danger of everlasting destruction—he is nursing a viper in| his bosom, which may yet strike with fatal fangs. The only remedy for this unhappy condition is to lay it before Christ; to confess at once our willingness and our unwillingness to be wholly His, He who conquered for. us, and only He, is able to make us “more than conquerors” over the one thing which en­ slaves our souls. , M M ay . 13. “Ye have need of patience.’’¿—Heb. 10:36. IN many directions we have need of patience, but perhaps in none more than in our dealings with our fellow men. Their obtuseness, their unbelief, their faultfinding, their complaining, their unreasonableness, their perpetual misunderstanding and mis­ representation of our motives and our deeds—all these things try us sorely ): and we are apt to grow hasty and impatient with them and with their shortcomings. There are three things, .how­ ever, that we should remember when thus tempted. First of all, God’s patience (so longsuffering and so tender) not only with them, but with us, who have tried Him more sorely than we have ever been tried. Secondly, the fact that we are to be “Christians,” i.e., Christ-like persons—and nothing save hypocrisy appears ever to have moved Him to impatience. And thirdly, that what we attribute to sheer perversity of character may be due to inherited disposition, to imperfect health, or to some secret trouble—some spectre in the cupboard, which we have never seen. Did we know all, we should probably pity, rather tha'n blame; we should yearn to help, rather than desire to retaliate. At any rate, retaliation does not mend matters ; there is no balm in impatience; and if Christ can bear long with these unhappy characters, we, with our own many imperfections, should learn to do the same. .aa . M ay 14. “/ have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nought.’ Isa. 49:4. SUCH has been the plaint of God’s workers in all ages. Bur­ dened and cast down by apparent failure; discouraged because they Have not be.en permitted to see the results of their toil-; they have counted all their efforts as “love’s labor lost.” Into

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