King's Business - 1927-05


May 1927

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

no greater mistake is it possible for the Christian toiler to fall. There is no such thing as “failure” in the. service of the Lord. He who is a “laborer together with God” cannot but succeed. True, he may not achieve that upon which he has set his heart. Nay, more, he may not see that there is any fruit at all. But that which God. purposes as the outcome of his sanctified efforts is certain to be .accomplished. His own character, at least, will be strengthened, and the Divine “Well done” will be assured at the'close of his day of toil. Nor does it follow that success is lacking as regards those amongst whom we labor, because it does not delight our eyes. Spiritual processes, like natural, are not only secret, they are slow. We sow the seed, but another sees the harvest; we plant fhe acorn, the oak grows up after we have left the locality. take heart of grace! After all. respon­ sibility as to effects is not ours, but God’s : He is well able alike to bear the burden and to fulfil His own designs. THE Christian life is a race, and we are to run it with our eyes steadfastly fixed upon the goal. Alas! bur gaze is too frequently in any direction save that. We look at our feet to see what progress we are making; we cast anxious glances at the surrounding witnesses; eager to know what' their opinion-of our speed may be'; we fix our eyes with apprehension upon the dif­ ficulties;', or the enemies'Jthat beset our path; we compare our position with that of our companions on the track. All these things but hinder our advance. There is little comfort or stim­ ulus to be gained from the observation'of our critics or our fel­ lows, and none from that of our enemies or of ourselves. Our contemplation, our confidence, our expectations, should be cen­ tered upon Him Who is alike the Author and the Perfector of our faith; upon Him Who has passed over the course before,us, and Who now watches us with loving eyes, eager to afford all the help and strength- we need. Hope, encouragement, vigor, will come to us as-the result of this steadfast gaze at Christ. We shall forget alike, our own, infirmity and all the obstacles and op­ positions by-which we are surrounded; and with ever increasing speed we shall “run the race that is set before us,” till we reach the goal and win the amaranthine crown. ' . UPON whomsoever the oil of the Holy Ghost has been poured, that man is. a Priest unto God. But one of the highest duties, and the most signal privileges, of the Priesthood is that of intercession. “Nothing can .be more glorious -than to take the needs, the cares, the s.orrows, the hopes, the fears, the desires, thé petitions of others, and go into thé presence of our God, that we may offer them upon the golden altar of intercessory prayer.” Especially should we do this as regards the “brethren.” We are to love our neighbor as OUrselves, but we are to “love the brethren” with yet a dëeper and more tender affection ; we are to feel a keener anxiety as to their welfare; we are to be unceasing in our prayers for their prosperity and peace. This intercession many of us sadly neglect. We allow our prayers to become selfish, because self-centered. Thoughts of our own concerns are permitted to crowd out consideration of the necessities of others. The result is-disastrous to our own spiritual life. Depend upon it, it is while wé are striving that others may be watered, that the softest and most gracioüs rain will fall upon our own souls. When we are driven into the audience chamber of the King by M ay IS. “Looking unto Jesus.” — Heb.,12:2. . M ay 16. “Pray one for another.”—JaA 5:16.


If you are looking for teaching m aterial thgit has been thoroughly tested and approved b y leaders everyw here in the w ork, be sure to in vestigate the STAN D ARD V A C A TIO N B IB LE SCHOO L COURSES before buying. Every th ing n e ed ed fo r conducting an entire d a y ’s p ro g ram— B ible stories, music, games, handw ork, p lan s fo r expressional work, etc.— is righ t a t the te a ch e r’s finger-tips. T h e Standard Series is dis­ tinctive in th a t A ll book materials necessary for the teacher are to be found in the one manual provided for that teacher. This does not mean that the - manual is the work of one person. Instead, it is the product of several of the best spec­ ialists in their particular line. W ith this conven ien t arrang em en t, th e re is no n eed to consult or own a do zen or m o re books. It saves th e teacher tim e an d th e school m oney. It is this fe a tu re th a t m akes th e Standard Series so imm ensely popu lar, an d has caused authorities in th e work, alm ost to a unit, to p ronounce it the m o st com p lete in th e field. Wei can now supply com p le te equ ipm en t for First, Second an d T h ird Y ear in th e th re e d e p a rt­ m ents— K indergarten , P rim ary an d Jun io r— T he T h ird Y ear m aterial being av a ilab le fo r the first tim e this season. It has be en p re p a re d w ith the sam e tho roughness an d attractiveness, regardless of expense, th a t characterize th e F irst an d Second Y ear equipm ent. B efore you decide on your m aterial fo r this season, exam ine th e Standard Series. Send for our free tw en ty-page booklet, givin g full description of our courses, together with a typ ical d ay’s program . E Q U I P M E N T Kindergarten Course pu pil)—-20c; outfit— com plete, $4.00. FIR ST Y E A R — Text-book, price, $3.00; pictures (set of 24)— $1.25; outfit, consisting of text-book and pictures— com plete, $4.00. SECOND Y E A R — Text-book, price, $3.00; pictures (set of 20)— $1.00; outfit— com plete, $3.75. TH IRD Y E A R— Text-book, price, $3.00; pictures (set of 16)— 7 5 c; o u t f i t— com plete, $3.50. Primary Course FIR ST Y E A R— Text-book, price, $3.00; p ictu res (set of 24)— $1.25; poster and sand- table cu t-ou ts (set of 22)— $1.75; Prim ary m ounting-book (for p u pil)— 25c; outfit, con ­ sistin g of text-book, picture set, cu t-outs and one m ount­ ing-book— com plete, $5.00 SECOND Y E A R — Text-book, price, $3.00; pictures (set of 20)— $ 1.0 .; poster and sand- table cu t-ou ts (set of 6)— 50c Prim ary m ounting-book ( f o r SECOND Y E A R — Text-book, price, $3.00; pictures (set of 20)— $1.00; sand-table c u t ­ outs (set of 6)— 50c; pictures for pupils’ note-book— per set, 10c; outfit— com plete, $4.00. TH IRD Y E A R— Text-book, price, $3.00; pictures (set of 20)— $1.00; pupils’ note-book (loose-leaf)— each, 18c; $1.83 per dozen; Bible diction ary for Juniors— each, 20c; $2.25 per dozen; outfit— com plete, $4.00. I m n n r f a n f W hen ordering be sure to specify FIRST, SEC- i m p u r i d m OND or t h ir d y e a r m a t e r i a l w a n t e d If money does n ot accom pany order, goods w ill be sen t C. O. D. If goods are to com e by m ail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. TH IRD Y E A R— Text-book, price, $3.00; pictures (set of 20)— $1.00; Prim ary m ount­ ing-book (for p u p i l ) — 20c; outfit com plete, $4.00. Junior Course FIR ST Y E A R— Text-book, price, $3.00; pictures (set of 24)— $1.25; sand-table c u t ­ outs (set of 26)— $2.00; p ic­ tures (sm all) for pupils’ note­ book— per set, 10c; outfit, con ­ sistin g of text-book, picture set, cu touts and one set sm all pictures— $5.00.

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