December 2022


Living & Style 37 TRENDING This month’s list is all about green picks: deadstock yoga clothes, antimicrobial pencils, rain barrels, and modular furniture. 38 DESIGN Container homes have been touted in design circles as a possible solution for the environmental and cost-related challenges of building quick housing and infrastructure. Is it true, or is it really just an aesthetic preference? Escapes 108 WEEKENDER An itinerant travel writer sets out on a train journey throughout California hoping to answer some big life questions, as well as get around without the use of planes or cars. 113 PIT STOP Take a peek into one of California’s most exclusive—and environmentally sustainable—resorts, Big Sur’s Post Ranch Inn. Special Sections 61 CHARITABLE SD Our yearly guide detailing San Diego’s nonprofit landscape.

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ON THE COVER A humpback whale spyhops off the coast of San Diego. Photo by Domenic Biagini, owner of Gone Whale Watching SD. See more on Instagram @dolphindronedom. Story on p.50.


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