December 2022

HAVING A PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN SHOULD ALWAYS BE IN ‘ season ’ ‘T is the season where families and friends come together to celebrate the holidays and prepare for the significantly better healthcare compared to others without a primary care physician. The survey also mentioned that patients have better access to resources and a better patient experience.

“They are there to listen to you and help you achieve your goals. Some goals are achieved quickly, and some take time. I recommend building a good relationship with your primary care physician, built on trust, kindness and respect,” she says.

new year. As we all look toward the new year, it is important to keep loved ones safe and healthy, by choosing a primary care physician that will be a part of your medical journey every step of the way. As one of the largest healthcare systems in Southern California, Palomar Health Medical Group has 300 primary care physicians offering world-class care. Whether patients need a yearly checkup, a health screening, or extensive care, Palomar Health Medical Group’s physicians strive to fulfill their mission of providing every patient with extraordinary care and an unparalleled patient experience. According to Dr. Camille Santos, a primary care physician with Palomar Health Medical Group, visiting your primary care physician at least once a year significantly improves one’s health and well-being. She shares a recent study published in JAMA Internal Medicine (2019), which shows adult patients with a primary care physician received

Dr. Santos shares that understanding symptoms can be quite complex and sometimes scary. Too often, when patients don’t have a primary care physician, they go to the E.R. or Urgent Care multiple times to receive care that can be treated by the primary care doctor. Having a primary care physician can help navigate additional testing and referrals to appropriate specialists when needed and prevent potential delays in diagnosis. “Your primary care physician is your advocate and your ally when it comes to your health.” - Camille Santos, M.D., Primary Care

Choose extraordinary care when it comes to keeping loved ones safe not only during the holiday season, but throughout the entire year. For more information, please visit

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