APAT: Helping Aches and Pains


There are a lot of different reasons as to why you may start feeling aches and pains. Muscle pain will occur whenever your muscles start to grow. To build more muscle mass, your muscles have to stretch, and lactic acid can pour into the lining of your muscles to cause a burning sensation. More movement will push that acid out, helping you to experience relief, and in time your muscles will develop increased elasticity, and the burning won’t be so severe. Build-up of tension fromstress oroveruse,andmusclepainfrompoorposturecan alsocontribute to regularpain.Aphysical therapist can take a comprehensive assessment to help determine what may be the primary cause behind your aches and pains. Working with a physical therapist can help you develop a new approach to managing your aches andpains.Yourphysical therapyprogramwill likely take intoaccountstrategies likehydrotherapy,deep tissue massage, guided stretching and targeted movements to help you experience ongoing relief from regular discomfort. Give us a call so we can help you say goodbye to your aches and pains.

Call us today to schedule a pain relief evaluation.

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Try this movement if you are experiencing pain Exercise Essential

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Core Strength

9 8 7

5 2

4 8 1 9 2 4 3 5 3 6 6 9 1 7 7 5 4 6 www.simpleset.net PLANK Lie flat on the floor. Rise up on hands and feet, holding your body flat as a plank. Try to hold for one minute. If you cannot hold for one minute, hold for 20 seconds up with good form and then relax down for 5 seconds, repeating 5 times. As an easier alternative, rise up on elbows and knees. Gradually progress to elbows and feet, and then to hands and feet.

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1 6 8 7

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n° 22744 - Level Medium


n° 25825 - Level Medium

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