Fitness Lab. Dry Needling



Dry needling is a technique physical therapists use to treat soft tissue pain. The technique uses a “dry” needle, one without medication or injection, inserted through the skin into areas of the muscle or tissue that is being treated. DRY NEEDLING VS. ACUPUNCTURE Both use thin needles, but the underlying theory and philosophy can be very different. The application of dry needling is targeted to affect certain structures within the neuro-muscular-skeletal systems. Acupuncture can work to affect different systems in the body and uses a more holistic approach. Some clinicians are trained in both acupuncture and dry needling and appreciate the differences and utilize both techniques to help their clients. HOW DOES IT WORK? Dry needling works to eliminate pain by affecting the neurological and chemical properties in a tissue, typically muscle. This creates a neurological reset of the muscle or tissue which can enable your body and muscles to move more freely with less tension. Some dry needling techniques treat a broader landscape of the central nervous system. Instead of inserting needles only in the area of pain, the practitioner may instead insert needles in areas around but not directly on the point of pain. This technique relies on the idea that pain is the result of a greater nerve or muscular issue, not a focused one only in the main area of pain. Physical therapists use dry needling with the goal of releasing trigger points to relieve pain or improve range of motion. Preliminary research supports that dry needling improves pain levels, reduces muscle

tension, and normalizes dysfunctions of the motor end plates, the sites at which nerve impulses are transmitted to muscles. This can help speed up the patient’s return to active rehabilitation. Dry needling may provide relief for some muscular pain and stiffness. In addition, easing the trigger points may improve flexibility and increase range of motion. That’s why this method is often used to treat sports injuries, muscle pain, and even fibromyalgia pain. DOES IT HURT? Most patients don’t even feel the needle go in! Some patients report a slight sting or a deep “cramp,” both of which are signs that the treatment is working, usually followed by relief once the treatment is done. HOW MANY TREATMENTS DOES IT TAKE? You may feel relief after your first dry needling treatment but it can take multiple applications to help reduce pain and get you back to normal. IS DRY NEEDLING FOR YOU? DryNeedling isaveryvaluable treatmentoption for thosesuffering from: • Muscle Strains • Tendonitis • Osteoarthritis • Bursitis • Decrease Mobility/Range of Motion • Headaches • Chronic Pain

If you’re struggling with any of the listed conditions, call Fitness Lab today to see if Dry Needling is right for you!

A R E Y O U L E T T I N G Y O U R PA I N H O L D Y O U B A C K ? C A L L T O S C H E D U L E Y O U R A P P O I N T M E N T T O D AY !

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