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communautaire community link Le lien The Bingo Au profit de la paroisse St-Benoît- Labre deWendover , par les Chevaliers de Colomb, l e vendredi 4 novembre à 19, au centre Lucien Delorme. U.A.P. de Clarence Creek Dégustation de vins et fromages à la salle communautaire de Clarence Creek, le samedi 5 novembre à 20 h 30. Réservations : 613-488-2464. Scouts food bank drive First Clarence Scouts will do both a food drive in support of the Bourget Food Bank, and a bottle drive to support its own summer camp program. These drives will take place November 5, in and around Hammond and Bourget, from10 a.m. to 1 p.m. If you wish to help out but won’t be home, donations can be left outside, with a note please, for collection. For more information, call or text Francis 613-316-3321, or Nick 613-324-3262. Vente de pâtisseries Le Club Fil d’Argent organise son bazar annuel avec vente de pâtisseries, les 5 & 6 novembre prochain. Samedi de 9h à 18h et dimanche de 9h à 15h. Le 13 novembre, à la sacristie de l’église de Wendover, de midi à deux heures, aura lieu une vente de pâtis- series organisé par les Artisanes de Wendover. Whist Militaire Les C de C de Wendover orga- nisent un Whist Militaire au profit de l’église, le dimanche 6 novembre à 13 h 30. SVP réservez avant le 3 novembre. Réservation : Thérèse 613- 866-2191 ou Michel 613-673-4166. Organisé par le Club d’âge d’or de Plantagenet, le 13 novembre à 13 h 30, au centre communautaire de Plantagenet. Réservation avant le 10 novembre au 613-673-517 ou au 613- 673-1986. Club l’Amicale Belle Rive Le Club l’Amicale Belle Rive organise la sortie, Noël en automne au Manoir du Lac William, les 6, 7 et 8 novembre. Réservation : Laurent au 613-296-4685. Toastmasters Toastmasters vous offre une excel- lente opportunité d’améliorer vos habi- lités de communication et de leadership le mardi 8 novembre de 19 h à 21 h à la bibliothèque du Rockland District High School, 1004 rue St-Joseph à Rockland. Filles d’Isabelle Rockland – La réunion aura lieu le 8 novembre à 19 h au centre Chevaliers de Colomb, 954, Giroux à Rockland à 19 h. Contacter le 613-446-7090. Foire artisanale / Craft Show Samedi 12 novembre, 2016 au Centre communautaire de Wendover 10h à 17h. INFO 613-673-3394 Banque alimentaire de Bourget La Banque alimentaire de Bourget tiendra son assemblée annuelle, le 14 novembre, 10h, au 3779B, rue Cham- plain.
Don Boudria goes “back to the kitchen”
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Don Boudria always smiles, it seems, when he talks about the unlikely and unpromi- sing beginning of his career on The Hill. Now a retired and respected politician, Boudria did not get his start as either one of the parliamentary pages or even as an assistant to a backbencherMP. His first job on The Hill was as a busboy in the Parlia- ment Hill cafeteria. “I was a high school dropout,” Boudria said smiling, during an interview at the Embrun Tim Horton’s. “I later went back to school and got a university degree.” In late October 1966, a 17-year old Don Boudria showed up for an interview for a busboy job at the Parliament Hill restaurant. His aunt Alice worked in the restaurant and she called in a favour with the maître d’ for the interview, then she called her nephew. Not to scold him for dropping out of high school but to tell him to show up for the interview. “If you’re going to work anywhere, you’re going to work on Parliament Hill,” she told me, chuckled Boudria. “If you work hard, maybe you can work your way up,” she added. “Boy, that was an understatement.” Boudria didn’t get the restaurant busboy position like his aunt wanted. That would havemeant a chance at some nice tips from the senior staff or ministers who dined there. Instead, he got assigned to the cafeteria. Same hours andmore-or-less the same pay. Just not much chance of any tips. It was while he was bussing tables that Boudria started to think he could aspire to greater things. He admits his fellow cafeteria workers were less than optimistic about the chances of his dreams coming true. “Some day I’ll be one of them, I would say, and I’d point at the MPs,” Boudria recalled. “They (cafeteria staff) would smile or maybe just shrug. But it says something about this great country we live in, that you can have those kind of dreams and a hope to achieve them. To this day I am still the only House of Commons employee ever to be elected to office.” Fifty years later, including about two de-
Il y a une cinquantaine d’années, Don Boudria, qui avait abandonné ses études secondaires, a obtenu son premier emploi à temps plein en tant qu’aide-serveur à la cafétéria du Parlement. Devenu l’une des éminences grises du Parti libéral après une vingtaine d’années en tant que député, l’ancien ministre dans le cabinet Chrétien est retourné à son ancien lieu de travail pour souligner dignement cet anniversaire avec famille et amis.
cades as MP for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell and a former minister in the Chrétien Liberal cabinet, Boudria is a respected ex-politician, with his political and personal memoirs published, and focused now on doing a bit of consulting work and enjoying his retire- ment. He went back to Parliament Hill on Oct. 24, the anniversary of his busboy job interview, for a special anniversary cocktail gathering with family and friends and also
Geoff Regan, current Speaker of the House of Commons, followed by supper in the Par- liament Hill Restaurant. If he could go back in time just long enough for a quick visit the day before his younger self began working on The Hill, Boudria knows what advice he would give himself then. “I’ve given this advice already to my children and grandchildren,” he added. “I don’t regret the career path that I had. But I wouldn’t want anyone to have to do it the way I did it. In other words: Stay in school! Do not defy the odds that way. It worked for me, but that was thanks to lots of luck.” BLANCHETTE Déneigement Snow Removal G207964_TS ROCKLAND et /& CLARENCE POINT Entrée résidentielle / Residential driveway 24/7 SERVICE 24/7 Francis Blanchette: 613-882-2984 Deneigementblanchette@hotmail.com
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