However, it is not a day of rest as was the Jewish sabbath. On this first day of the week Chris tians are busiest for Him of any day in the week. Christ is our rest; He is our sabbath; upon His atoning work we rely for our salvation. Q. Saugus, Calif. — “Please explain I Corinthians 15:5 te llin g of Christ who was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve.” A. In Corinth, the background in Greek philosophy was a rejection of a resurrection of the human body. Paul, through the Holy Spir it, deals with this tremendous mat ter. First of all, Christ died for our sins according to the Scrip tures. But that’s not all of it. He was buried and He rose again the third day according to the Scrip tures. Cephas refers to Peter. The others mentioned are, of course, the other apostles. The difficulty here may be the inference of a total of 13 with Cephas and twelve others. That’s not the meaning of the word. It suggests that Peter saw Him in a special way. Note Luke 24:44, as well as Mark 16: 14, which is directed to him. The entire group was known as “the twelve.” In actuality, there weren’t this many at the end since Judas had already departed and hanged himself, going to his place. The reference is to the entire apos tolic band. Q. Worley, Idaho — “What are your thoughts on funeral services, and what about cremation?” A. The first thought is a blessed truth. There will be a whole gen eration of Christians who won’t have to face death, for they will be translated or raptured by the Lord. While the Bible does not offer any pronouncement on cre mation, we do know the very high 22
level in which esteem it holds the body. Generally speaking, burial has a much better connotation for the believer. Sociologists and eco nomists warn that because of the population explosion we may have no choice since space will be at a premium. Cremation may be the only feasible mode to consider. It is true that there have been many pagan influences in connec t ion with funerals. The im p o r t a n t thing, however, is the heart of the believer who remains. If the individual has died in the Lord, his spirit goes immediately to be with Christ; really what happens to his body is of relatively insig nificant concern. Christ will raise the body at His coming. Q. Seattle, Wash. — “Please explain the words of our Lord Jesm in Luke 22:31.” A. The Saviour is prophesying the denial by Peter. “And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” This shows Christ’s omniscience; He knows all things, even the plans of Satan. It reveals the Lord’s omnipotence; Satan had to ask His permission to lay his hand on Peter. Recall the experience of Job about whom God put a hedge. Peter was so full of self-confi dence. We know that Peter did backslide, although certainly his faith didn’t fail. While he lied and did deny our Lord, he was restored to fellowship. At Pente cost and in later Epistles his ulti mate destiny is revealed. Peter was like wheat; his self-confidence the chaff. This is true of us as well. The Lord may sometimes allow Satan to harass us, that these un seemly things may be cleared out from our true confidence in Christ. Q. Fresno, Calif. — “Do you be
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