lieve in the Ecumenical Move ment? Is it of God?" A. We declare at Biola categorical ly, emphatically, and enthusiastic ally that we do not believe in the ecumenical movement. This has been our position since our found ing in 1908. The advocates of this unscriptural movement would like to be the only spokesmen for all Christians throughout the country as well as the world, but they aren’t. Such programs are not of God in any sense of the word. In Revelation 17 and 18 we see that there is to be a great ecumenical movement at the end of this age. This points to one world church. The antichrist will court and covet this group to gain world-wide con trol. He then demands the wor ship of himself, and will finally repudiate and a n n i h i l a t e the church. This is seen in the tribu lation period. Now the true Church of Jesus Christ will not be here during that time. Q. Camas, Wash. — "I’ve often won dered what Adam and Eve saw before they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge. Until then they hadn’t known they were naked." A. Some theologians believe they were enveloped in a special bodily light. After the fall they became naked. Another view is that the human body is perfectly all right to gaze upon except in the evil mind of the viewer. Before sin entered the world, all was pure. Keep, in mind that they were also husband and wife so that their desire for one another would be perfectly normal. Q. Tacoma, Wash. — “Can people today blaspheme the Holy Spirit? I f they can, I think I know a few like that here in Tacoma." A. Notice Matthew 12:22-32 in
the entire setting of the context. The same is true with Mark 3 and Luke 11. The Lord Jesus had healed the man who was demon- possessed. Once blind and dumb, he now spoke and saw. People felt that Christ was the son of David, the Messiah. The Pharisees, how ever, wouldn’t admit that. They claimed that He was casting out demons by the authority of Satan. Christ knew their thoughts. It showed His omniscience. What an evil accusation. Blasphemy then against the Holy Spirit is attribut ing to the devil the wonderful works on earth of our blessed Saviour. In this strict sense, it is not a sin which can be com mitted today since our Lord is not physically on the earth in a bodily form. Incidentally, page 1012 of the New Scofield Bible has an ex cellent footnote on this subject. A TOAST TO MOTHER Who went to the door of death for me, Who held me long upon her knee, Who sat for hours beside my bed, Who soothed my pain and stroked my head? 'Twas Mother. Who listened to my childish woe, Who with my troubles could I go, Who sympathized and understood, As no one else but Mother could? 'Twas Mother. Who worked from early morn till night, Who always taught me wrong from right. Who pointed me to Christ the Lord, Who led me to His Holy Word? 'Twas Mother. And so we come in deep respect, Nor could we ever dare forget. Our love and honor give to her. Like sweetest frankincense and myrrh. Our Mother. — -William J. Kerr
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