decree positively asserts that without the shedding of blood there is no re mission for sins. Our sinless Saviour willingly gave His precious blood on Calvary that all those who believe in Him might have life eternal. Nothing less would do; nothing more is re quired. Whosoever believeth in Him shall receive forgiveness of sins. Let the whole world hear the glad news; peace, joy and life eternal are God’s free gift of love and grace.
sion so greatly as a consistent means of upholding those whose burdens you can share, and so fulfill the law of Christ. As students testify on the pro grams, write the name down and re member that dedicated life for Christ. Then one other thought, if you have young people in your church now at tending Biola, or some other Christian school, write to them regularly. You’ve no idea how many come here, deter mined to serve Christ, in spite of fami ly protests where parents are not in sympathy with their earnest purpose. Encouraging letters from former Sun day school teachers, church leaders, youth workers and others, mean so much. Support them financially, too. Student aid is a very vital part of such a ministry. I f we, in our churches, don’t care for these future spiritual leaders, who will? When the young people come home, encourage them with an oppor tunity to serve. Scripture reminds us that sometimes a prophet has honor everywhere except in his own home sur roundings. Let the young people reveal how they have matured and grown in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMERICA’S HERITAGE I f there is any one thing which has made our nation great, we would have to give proper credit to those mothers who have taught their children how to pray. While the New Testament doesn’t specifically mention Mother’s Day, yet because of the Gospel, womanhood has been elevated to her right place in so ciety. In lands today where Christianity is unknown, the female is merely the man’s chattel. The message of salvation by grace changed all that. Think of the example of our Lord who talked about worship with the woman at the well. The Bible mentions the presence of a woman at the empty tomb. The prin ciple the Apostle Paul, under the Holy Spirit, taught was that, in redemption’s plan, there is no difference between male or female. Women today, whether they realize it or not, have much for 25 Are you the man that your mother wished and prayed you would be?
In our relation* with others, if it's a long dispute this signifies both you and the other party are wrong.
THE TWO “ALL’S” A minister received a telegram from a former neighbor whom he hadn’t seen in many years. He had witnessed to him, but there was no definite response. The wire tersely declared,' “Am trou bled and confused. Need to know how to be saved. Wire instructions collect. Urgent.’’ In order to keep costs down, the pastor thoughtfully drafted his re ply, “Isaiah 53:6. Go in at first all; come out at last all.” And that was the message. No doubt you remember the verse, “All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him [Christ] the iniquity of us all." What a powerful testimony which was followed up by a later telephone call. Salvation begins with our willingness to confess that all of us, each of us, have gone astray. But Jesus paid it all. Our sins have been covered by His sac rificial atonement. By accepting Christ as our personal Saviour, we come out at the last all cleansed and purified for “the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.”
As far as your outlook on life is con cerned, don't forget that what we see de pends mainly on what we look for.
HELP FOR STUDENTS Do you keep a prayer list? Nothing will help you focus spiritual interces
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